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Example sentences for "saves"

Lexicographically close words:
saved; savee; savent; saver; savers; savest; saveth; savey; savez; savi
  1. Of all the tools in a workshop, nothing saves more time and worry than two or three sizes of good blowpipes and an efficient blower.

  2. His shirts and sheets pass through an India-rubber clothes-wringer, which saves the strength of the washerwoman and the fibre of the fabric.

  3. The mere notion that government, being a necessary evil, is to be reduced to the minimum that will answer the purposes of government, saves from many false steps.

  4. We are informed, however, by competent authority, that a steamer of two thousand tons saves ten thousand dollars a year by its use.

  5. It saves the labour of guarding the cattle, which feed better, too, when they are not liable to be disturbed by their keeper or his dog.

  6. As a contract of this kind saves the farmer the expense and trouble of marketing, the contract price is generally lower than what is supposed to be the average market price.

  7. It saves the milk, which their price would not pay for.

  8. He saves himself the risk and trouble of exportation, when, so far as he can, he thus converts his foreign trade of consumption into a home trade.

  9. By this miserable policy, he does not, perhaps, always consult his own interest in the most effectual manner; and he probably loses more by the diminution of his produce, than he saves by that of his tax.

  10. TIS FAITH WHICH SAVES The Story of a Maid Who Was Betrothed to One She Trusted There was once upon a time a fair maid who lived in the island of Fayal.

  11. Tis faith which saves and not parings," said her betrothed.

  12. It is not only the pilot who deserts the ship and swims ashore who saves his life.

  13. The one who keeps his hand on the wheel, and his eye on the lighthouse, he, too, sometimes saves his own life, as well as saves the ship.

  14. The clever assistance of a young detective saves the boys from the clutches of Chinese smugglers, of whose nefarious trade they know too much.

  15. Our life was once in the first, but he lost himself and us both; but the second, by losing himself, saves both.

  16. Yea, he is so fully qualified for this that he is called Jesus the Saviour, he is such an Advocate that he saves all he pleads for.

  17. Unbelief of the law of God did first destroy man, now the belief of the gospel saves him.

  18. He himself held fast to the belief in revelation, miracles, and prophecy, but he also regarded it as proved that God saves men by the revelation of nature; the revelation of Scripture is only a more sure and perfect means.

  19. The jealous passion of national independence and glory doubles the strength of a people in prosperity, and saves their pride under reverses.

  20. It is not always the number of executions that saves empires," said M.

  21. It saves footnotes; it is intended as a real help to comprehension; and it is an eminently Hindu device.

  22. That is a case of really unjustifiable compounding; because it not only saves no time or trouble, but confers a title on Mrs. Johnson which she has no right to.

  23. This saves neither time nor ink, and has an awkward sound besides.

  24. This saves fatigue, and does not injure the narrative.

  25. He pictures to himself a home of his own, he economizes and saves money to send to his friends and family, or to return to his beloved land a person of importance.

  26. The Chinaman, or Italian, or Jewish immigrant works six days and saves the wages of three because the future is vivid to his imagination.

  27. He sees the many representations of Jizo, the loving divinity who cares for the souls of little children, who comforts them, and saves them from the demons.

  28. Once with an extraordinary heroism Youma saves Mayotte from a serpent which has slipped into their room.

  29. This saves time as otherwise the hammer resting on the exploded cartridge would have to be raised by the thumb to half-cock before the exploded cartridge could be extracted and a fresh one put in.

  30. Be that as it may, playing a variety of notes saves his ears as he does not have the constant hit on the one note and with the same intensity.

  31. It saves the pupil from much unprofitable blundering.

  32. One certainly saves a lot of bother when one discards it from one's repertoire.

  33. Those who get the loans are fairly dealt with, and are helped at the right time in a way that saves them from becoming applicants for charity.

  34. A charitable superstition that we should outgrow is the notion that it saves us from pauperizing the poor to call our gifts loans.

  35. But the mercifulness of a thorough investigation is that, once well done, it need not be repeated, and by saving endless blundering it also saves a family from much charitable meddling.

  36. Comes Albanais" the hero saves a serpent's life and gets in return a wishing-stone and so on.

  37. It generally has the desired effect, and saves a punitive little war.

  38. He recognized her faith as an element of strength, which saves her when properly exercised.

  39. As woman's faith blesses as well as saves her; it is essential that her work be linked in some way to the exercise of faith, and to the unfolding of love.

  40. The middling sort of man saves for the sake of wife and child; our State not only fails to protect him from the adventures of the manipulating financier, but it deliberately avoids competition with banker, insurance agent and promoter.

  41. It becomes more and more true that the small man saves his money for the rich man's pocket.

  42. After years of privation he saves enough money to buy one, and on the first day he wears it, it is stolen.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "saves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.