Wirt and Hay had charged his counsel "with declamation against the government.
It is in direct terms giving the lie to the violent party declamation which has elected him, but it is strongly characteristic of the general cast of this political theory.
The discussions were a blending of pedantic declamation and phosphoric denunciation.
This patriotic declamation was received with "tremendous applause.
Not an idea, not a happy turn of phrase, or a telling hit: a storm of declamation that leaves us bored.
The affirmation is never too violent, the declamation never too threatening.
Edgar Poe had none of the American ideas on progress, perfectibility, democratic institutions, and other subjects of declamation dear to the Philistines of the two worlds.
Where the philosopher could only find a text for declamation he found a proof of grandeur.
This session the line of policy followed by Lord Palmerston in reference to Spain afforded a subject for declamation against him and his coadjutors in the government.
The baronet's speech was one of the most eccentric pieces of vituperative declamation ever delivered within the walls of parliament.
Both houses adjourned to the 17th; but before the commons separated, a debate took place on the presentation of the London petition, which for boldness of invective and declamation was scarcely ever surpassed.
We may therefore test Mr. Mill's declamation by a parallel case.
In the latter case, the declamation may be splendid, but it will be cold and without expression; lulling the ear, and diverting the fancy, but leaving the feelings untouched.
How miserable a thing is to put forward a piece of vehement declamation and vague description, which might be uttered of any event, or by the man of any time, as a historical ballad.
In Wilson's so-called history you will get a number of addresses and 300 pages of irrelevant declamation for eight or ten shillings.
His declamation was as fluent and as massively graceful as his demeanour.
So in clauses connected by and: as, "But declamation is idle, and murmurs fruitless.
But where declamation for improvement in speech is the sole aim.
Every sort of declamation and public speaking was carried on by them.
But where declamation and improvement in speech is the sole aim"--Ib.
Or thus: "All sorts of declamation and public speaking, were carried on by them.
All sort ofdeclamation and public speaking, was carried on by them.
The commonplace, stale declamation of its revilers would be silenced.
Gounod is wrought up to an ecstasy by Mozart's declamation and harmonies.
I remember that my first declamation astonished him into some unwonted (for he was economical of such) and sudden compliments, before the declaimers at our first rehearsal.
He was thundering forth a lengthened declamation against his adversaries, when Vergniaud interfered: "Conclude this!
No rhetorician, he always took the true side of a question that concerned his party, and left declamation to Maury.
The style of declamation must never be confounded with the genuine sense which respectable enemies entertain of each other's merit, (Concil tom.
Footnote 64: The Bulgarian war, and the last victory of Belisarius, are imperfectly represented in the prolix declamation of Agathias.
There's no amount ofdeclamation that is ever going to stop them.
Hawthorne's rank in his class entitled him to a "part" at Commencement, but the fact that he had not cultivated declamation debarred him from that honor; and so he passed quietly away from the life of Bowdoin and settled down to his career.
But declamation was not essential to his success, which was to be achieved in anything but a declamatory fashion.
What they really did was to teach the chorus the proper declamation and stage action.
That declamation may often reach the power of music, it is hardly necessary to say.
It is declamation that suggests and paints at the same time.
They demanded merely that the music should always assist, but never interfere with either the declamation or dramatic action of the story.
Even the Ninth Symphony, hampered as it is by actual words for which declamation and a more or less well-defined form of musical speech are necessary, suffers from the same involved utterance that characterizes his last period.
The declamationat the end of Schubert's "Erlking" would have been absolutely false if the penultimate note had ascended to the tonic instead of descending a fifth.
Labor organizations are formed, not to employ combined effort for a common object, but to indulge indeclamation and denunciation, and especially to furnish an easy living to some officers who do not want to work.
The plan of electing men to represent us who systematically surrender public to private interests, and then trying to cure the mischief by newspaper and platform declamation against capital and corporations, is an entire failure.
Consequently, he gives us rather a verbose declamation against their philosophy than any clear view of its character.
I am aware that a tone of exaggerated declamation is at all times usual with those who lament the vices of their own time; and writers of the middle ages are in abundant need of allowance on this score.