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Example sentences for "general debility"

  • It is a disorder whose intensity varies considerably, being sometimes attended with a high grade of fever, at other times quickly followed by general debility.

  • The infusion is a valuable remedy in general debility, and in cases of diseased urinary organs.

  • Some of the claims made for Alfatone are: “A reconstructive nutritive tonic indicated in general debility, neurasthenia, convalescence, etc.

  • A Standard Remedy in the treatment of Pulmonary Phthisis, Bronchitis, Scrofulous Taint, General Debility, etc.

  • A dull pain in the head indicates fullness of the blood-vessels from weakness, low blood, or general debility.

  • She was then seized with the colica saturnina, lost the use of her wrists, and gradually sunk under a general debility.

  • It is attended with cold extremities, want of appetite, and other marks of general debility.

  • He seems to have been treated for remittent fever, chronic diarrhea, general debility, and palpitation of the heart.

  • Gouty diathesis, rheumatic diathesis, disorders of the digestive tract, general debility or lack of tone, an exhausted state of the nervous system, dentition and struma.

  • General debility, anæmia, chlorosis, dyspepsia, and similar conditions are to be variously looked upon as predisposing.

  • If we attempt to force an appetite by their use, and to crowd upon the stomach more food than it has capacity to digest, we may intensify the trouble and thereby add to the patient's general debility.

  • There are also indications of the absence of the pancreatic secretion from the digestive tract--notably, emaciation, general debility, and the appearance of fat in the stools.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "general debility" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    enforce the; general account; general action; general agreement; general assembly; general conception; general discharge; general favourite; general knowledge; general manager; general movement; general name; general notion; general paralysis; general reasoning; general reserve; general rule; general society; general strike; general system; general tendency; general welfare; generally speaking; hard labour; him than; hippopotamus major