This fluid, which now contains spermatozoa, serves to fertilize the eggs.
If, however, the solution is subsequently diluted with sea water or if the egg that was in this mixture is washed in sea water, the same sperm mixture in which the egg previously remained unfertilized will now fertilize the egg.
This result could not have been predicted, for if we fertilize the egg of the same Californian sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, with the sperm of a very closely related sea urchin, S.
It seems to the writer that if the substance extracted by Robertson were the real fertilizing agent contained in the spermatozoon it should fertilize the egg without a previous sensitization of the egg with SrCl{2} being required.
In the honey bee the male, which has been fortunate enough to fertilize the queen, pays for his honor by death within the hour.
These cells swim nearly to the top of the tubes in which they are placed, and there fertilize the descending eggs.
Man easily forgets moral truths when he is not constantly reminded of them; or if they remain in his mind, they are there like sterile seeds, and do not fertilize his heart.
The light and life which their holy abodes contained, labored to enlighten and fertilize the chaos of the world.
The fury of the elements avails nothing against the work of God, who has made the north wind His courser: the rock ceases to be barren when He pleases to fertilize it.
It is not until the autumn that males appear and fertilize the large "winter-ova"; in the following spring the first parthenogenetic generation issues from the winter eggs.
The vibratory movements of the sperm-cells serve for approaching the ovulum in order to fertilize it.
Its inundations had formed the alluvial lands of Upper and Lower Egypt, which they continued to raise higher and higher, and to fertilize by their deposits.
After the potatoes are dug in early October I immediately fertilize the area heavily and till, preparing the onion bed.
Spacing: Double dig and deeply fertilize the soil under each transplant.
Quality or quantity of spring harvest won't drop one bit if the plants become a little stunted and gnarly in summer, as long as you fertilize late in September to spur rapid growth during fall and winter.
Grow thickly, irrigate during May/June, and fertilize well so the competing seedlings get leggy.
The Kentucky seedling is a first-class staminate, but it should not be used to fertilizethe Crescent, since the latter would almost be out of bloom before the former began to blossom.
As the Colonel Cheney is my favorite, in order to fertilize it, I plant alternate beds of some good staminate variety, Charles Downing, Triomphe, or Wilson.
In the spring of 1876, being so well pleased with the appearance of our one acre manured with bone and ashes, we planned to fertilize all of our fruits in the same way.
Once a favorite in the vicinity of Boston, and largely used to fertilize Hovey's Seedling.
We fertilizewith fine horse manure, spreading it heavily and plowing it under.
It should be distinctly understood that while several perfect- flowering plants may be placed under the sash with a pistillate, the pollen of only one of these can fertilize a pistil.
Honey, for instance, though apparently of no direct use to flowers, is secreted by them because it attracts insects, and insects fertilize the flowers.
One of these drones might, it was suggested, now and then fertilize a genuine queen, and thus hand on the traits of the worker from which it sprang.
The process of fertilization in Viola is carried on by small flowers hidden under the leaves which never open, and which fertilize themselves.
I believe the secret of breaking that on-and-off cycle is to fertilize heavily the year of production not the year of non-production.
And the way to meet that situation is to fertilize heavily, especially with nitrogen, the season of the heavy crop so that you will have not only enough leaf growth to produce that crop, but to build up nutrients the following year.
It's just a question of inability of the pollen to fertilize the pistillate flowers on the same variety.
After they are well started, fertilize with (preferably) sheep manure, dug in around the roots, every two weeks.
Then when the early flowering bulbs have faded, you can turn their green tops under the ground, first to allow the sap to run back into the bulb (the storehouse for next year), and next to decay and fertilize the soil.
In our time, at least, the women are no longer killed off, and since the remaining males are able to fertilizethem a decade or two generally suffices to make good this loss which the body politic has sustained.
How and when to fertilize under prevailing conditions was also explained.
I'm going to make good somehow, or fertilize Wyoming as old Appel told me.
As these flowers are sterile with the pollen of the same plant, I was obliged to fertilize it with pollen from another plant bearing only pentamerous flowers, in order to obtain seeds from the former.
Its function is to fertilize the dormant germ in the egg produced by the female, and thus to start a new and independent life-form.
With the myriads of spermatozoa swarming about it, if the vital part of the ovum comes in contact with some one of them, any one of which, brought into such contact, will fertilize it, conception results.
Fertilize the field broadcast; there is little or no danger of the plants failing to get the food if it is in the soil.
Six streams of the first class, having courses exceeding a thousand miles in length, helped to fertilize the lands which owned the sway of the Great King.
It is not the whole soul which comes to fertilize the mother, but only an emanation from this soul.
Like those of the wasps and hive-bees, these minor queens produce only male eggs, which come out in time to fertilize the young females that found the vernal colonies.
Nejd, to reappear in the copious springs that fertilize El Hasa and the Bahrein littoral.