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Example sentences for "cristiano"

Lexicographically close words:
cristatus; cristen; cristendom; cristene; cristiana; cristianos; crit; crite; criteria; criterion
  1. I am a Cristiano viejo; trust in me and fear no evil.

  2. I am a 'Cristiano viejo;' trust in me and fear no evil.

  3. Don exclaimed)--brother Sancho quite unembarrassed--was he not a cristiano viejo?

  4. Each knew himself a cristiano viejo[23] whose forebears had struck a blow for the Reconquista.

  5. Cristiano returned from the university in the society of a certain S.

  6. The building owed much of its splendour to a young man of Perugia, Cristiano Armanni, who, whilst studying at Bologna, had been converted to the faith by the preaching of S.

  7. You are wrong, caballero; Don Pedro is a cristiano Viejo" (an old Christian, i.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cristiano" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.