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Example sentences for "coriaceous"

Lexicographically close words:
core; cored; coreligionists; corer; cores; coriander; corium; cork; corked; corking
  1. A small-growing tree, with coriaceous leaves, and greenish-yellow flowers.

  2. It is a prostrate plant, with coriaceous glossy leaves with small pellucid dots, and of great value for planting in the shade.

  3. A neat little shrubby plant, with small ovate, coriaceous leaves, and fragrant yellow and cream flowers.

  4. The genus, or rather family of Epeira, is here characterized by many singular forms; some species have pointed coriaceous shells, others enlarged and spiny tibiæ.

  5. The females of the specially protected group are characterized by the following attributes: Their inedibility, which they owe to a more or less coriaceous epidermis and an armature of strong sharp spines (Fig.

  6. All these collections contain coriaceous species of Polyporus, Favolus, and allied genera, with Auricularini, together with such Ascomycetes as Xylaria, and such forms of Peziza as P.

  7. In an allied genus, that of Irpex, the texture assumes a coriaceous consistence, and we find its species to be more especially inhabitants of warm climates.

  8. The name was first used by Linnaeus (1735), who derived it from the half-coriaceous and half-membranous condition of the forewing in many members of the order.

  9. It is most closely allied to Marasmius, which is characterized by its tough coriaceous substance, which when dried fully revives and expands on being moistened.

  10. Tubes as in Polyporus, not stratose, generally developing from the center to the margin, at first shallow and punctiform, coriaceous or membranaceous.

  11. Somewhat gregarious, even cespitose, thinner and more coriaceous and regular than L.

  12. Fleshy, coriaceous or woody fungi, most abundant and luxuriant in warm countries.

  13. Hymenophore continuous with the stem, descending into the trama which is homogeneous with the coriaceous pileus.

  14. Most of them are small, but their coriaceous build prevents their shrinking in cooking.

  15. Distinguished from other coriaceous genera by its serrated and torn gills.

  16. It is the bark (meaning the coriaceous covering) of the putrefied cayman that is the cause," say the natives.

  17. On the barren flank of a rock grows a tree with coriaceous and dry leaves.

  18. At sunrise the thick vegetation with which these mountains are clothed is tinged with that dark green inclining to brown, which is peculiar to a region where trees with coriaceous leaves prevail.

  19. He brought us the branch of a shrub, called uzao, with small leaves like those of cassia, very coriaceous and glossy.

  20. The tongue is indeed mostly fleshy and soft; yet in many species it is provided with horny points, in others invested by a dense coriaceous tegument, so that it appears to represent an instrument for deglutition rather than gustation.

  21. The leaves are seldom spathe-like, but frequently coriaceous and aciculate, as in their predecessors the Heaths; many are pinnated.

  22. Thus they are Vorticellæ surrounded by a shell, and may be compared to ova, in whose coriaceous or leathery shell calcareous granules are blended, as in the eggs of the Crocodiles and Tortoises.

  23. With the last attainable antagonism the layers finally separate; two bladders or cysts, disunited from each other, originate; of these the internal is the mucous, the external the coriaceous cyst.

  24. These seeds are of a horny or cartilaginous nature; they are glued together, each being surrounded with a peculiar coriaceous membrane.

  25. In travelling over the coffee, it bursts and detaches the coriaceous or parchment-like skin which surrounds each hemispherical bean.

  26. They have fleshy or coriaceous opposite leaves, and large white waxy flowers in cymes.

  27. The eggs are round, slightly depressed at both ends, and furnished with a coriaceous shell.

  28. Nuts sharply 3-sided, usually 2 in each urn-shaped and soft-prickly coriaceous involucre, which divides to below the middle into 4 valves.

  29. Seeds ascending, with a close coriaceous coat, and some albumen.

  30. Spikelets 1-flowered, diffusely panicled, not jointed with their pedicels, consisting of 2 equal membranaceous convex and awnless persistent glumes, with a coriaceous awnless flowering glume and narrow palet.

  31. Shrubs, with brownish bark, rounded or wedge-shaped crenate and mostly small leaves of thickish or coriaceous texture, and oblong or cylindrical glabrous and mostly erect catkins, on short peduncles.

  32. Flowers developed in earliest spring, before the leaves, from mostly clustered catkins which (of both sorts) were formed the foregoing summer and have remained naked over winter; fruit wingless or with a narrow coriaceous margin.

  33. A small depressed shrubby evergreen, much branched and tufted, smooth, with coriaceous opposite elliptical leaves, on short petioles, with revolute margins.

  34. The first glume is coriaceous dorsally flattened, obtuse, margins narrowly incurved.

  35. The spikelet nearly always consists of four glumes, the first or the first and the second being firmer and coriaceous or chartaceous.

  36. The first glume is coriaceous or chartaceous, dorsally compressed, with incurved margins, usually 2-keeled.

  37. The second glume is as long as the first, many-nerved, lanceolate-oblong, coriaceous and glabrous.

  38. The fourth glume is membranous when young, but later on it becomes thick, coriaceous and rugose at the surface.

  39. The first glume is thick, coriaceous and closely embraces the rachis of the spike by its involute margin and the other glumes are within.

  40. The flowering glumes are coriaceous, ovate, acute as long as the second or slightly longer, paleate, palea is sub-coriaceous and shorter than the glume.

  41. The first and the second glumes are narrow, membranous, glistening, empty and persistent and the others are coriaceous with membranous margins.

  42. To this section belong the Coriaceous Cereus, Actinia crassicornis (Johnston), and A.

  43. In order to trace the ameliorative process by which the coriaceous flesh of the mussel was rendered tender, fat, and even savoury, we must conduct the reader back into the middle ages.

  44. The eggs are contained in the tubes, and are coriaceous and smooth.

  45. From this coriaceous envelope issue tentacular feet analogous to those described in the sea-urchin and sea-star.

  46. The poorer inhabitants of the coast eat limpets when they have nothing else, but their flesh is singularly coriaceous and indigestible.

  47. We may note as a type, altogether different from any yet touched upon, the Nephtys, in which the polypidom is a coriaceous tissue bristling with spiculæ over its whole surface.

  48. This genus is very closely related to Panus in the dry, coriaceous nature of the pileus and the gills, but it can be readily recognized by the toothed margin of the gills.

  49. Leaves unequally pinnate, with numerous small or few and ample thin or coriaceous leaflets; stipules minute, deciduous; stipels often 0.

  50. Fruit composed of 2 samaras separable from a small persistent axis, the nut-like carpels compressed laterally, produced on the back into a large chartaceous or coriaceous reticulated obovate wing thickened on the lower margin.

  51. Trees or shrubs, with coriaceous lustrous leaves, slightly angled branchlets, without a terminal bud, and with minute axillary buds.

  52. Glabrous trees or shrubs, with terete branchlets, and usually opposite coriaceous entire persistent leaves, with interpetiolar stipules.

  53. Trees or shrubs, with astringent juice, naked buds, and alternate or opposite simple entire coriaceous persistent leaves, without stipules.

  54. Trees, with alternate coriaceous stalked leaves, their stipules sheathing the stem.

  55. Fruit dark orange-color or yellow, with thin semitranslucent coriaceous flesh; ovules 1 in each cell of the ovary; leaflets subcoriaceous to coriaceous.

  56. Some of its genera consist almost wholly of coriaceous or woody plants.

  57. In addition to the above there were also represented a number of coriaceous or woody species which grow upon trees, old stumps, etc.

  58. They are almost coriaceous in texture, smooth and dark-bluish-green above, paler, and sometimes slightly chaffy beneath.

  59. The fronds are deep-green in color, and sub-coriaceous in texture.

  60. On the Continent this species has long been considered edible, but on account of its coriaceous texture it is dried and employed in the form of powder, to season various made-dishes.

  61. The coriaceous part of the hemelytra is of a purple tint, but the membranous part is brown.

  62. Those whose food is succulent grow more rapidly than those which have for their food dry gramineous plants and coriaceous lichens.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coriaceous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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