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Example sentences for "each cell"

  • The base of each cell is not an exact plane, but is usually composed of three rhomboidal or lozenge-shaped pieces, placed so as to form a pyramidal concavity.

  • But as walls of this thinness at the entrance would be perpetually injured by the ingress and egress of the workers, they prudently make the margin at the opening of each cell three or four times thicker than the walls.

  • But little of interest occurred, in fact I never saw a more barren country.

  • The evening now became so misty that it was impossible to discern any thing; in addition, it was snowing: these circumstances added to fatigue made me press on for the halting place, before coming to which I passed through heavy snow.

  • We then ascended slightly, and subsequently descended to the valley, in which the village Jaisa is situated.

  • Each cell should be tested with a low reading voltmeter and hydrometer about once a week.

  • Occasional voltage and cadmium readings of each cell should be taken for the purpose of ascertaining their condition and the behavior of the separate plates.

  • At this stage the density of the electrolyte as shown by the hydrometer placed in each cell should be at least 1.

  • It had been arranged that, just after the twelve o'clock visit from the guard, Captain Taylor should descend into the air-chamber and give the signal underneath the floor of each cell.

  • This guard went the rounds at the expiration of every two hours during the night, and he would place his lantern close to each cell door, in order that the light should fill the cell and show the occupant.

  • The iron bedsteads, which stood in each cell, could be lifted up or let down at pleasure.

  • Reaumur further remarks, that the base of each cell, instead of forming a plane, is usually composed of three pieces in the shape of the diamonds on playing cards, and placed in such a manner as to form a hollow pyramid.

  • The interior surface of each cell consists of three pieces of leaf, of equal size, narrow at one end, but gradually widening at the other, where the width equals half the length.

  • But, we find that all the cells are boldly angular, and that the angles are just as sharp on the exterior of each cell as on the sides which cement the cells together.

  • A paralleled or multiple connection adds the amperage of each cell; that is, the amperage of the battery will equal the sum of the amperage of each cell.

  • The terminals of each cell should be thoroughly cleansed and scraped bright so as to get good contact of the connecting wires and thus avoid extra resistance in the circuit.

  • The amount of chemical action is equal in each cell of a battery connected in series.

  • On the other hand, each cell or cell-group in the body, that is independently variable, must have its special determinant in the germplasm.

  • Each cell, however, was a perfect hexagon; nor did it contain a single crooked line, a single curved figure or angle.

  • The angle at the base of each cell, the apex of the pyramidal cavity, is buttressed by the ridge formed by two faces of the hexagon of another cell.

  • Every advantage that could be desired with regard to the solidity of each cell is procured by its own formation and its position with reference to the others.

  • From two threads lying parallel to one another, we shall see swellings arise on the adjacent cell walls; the beautiful spiral bands will begin to break up at the same time and to collect in a mass towards the centre of each cell.

  • In each cell we shall see signs of activity, the little round grains of chlorophyll are there, but instead of being stationary, as in the cabbage leaf, they are slowly moving round the walls of each cell.

  • On the other hand the chlorophyll fills the whole of each cell and is not arranged in the form of a cup.

  • Fruit a circumscissile 2-celled capsule, with one or more peltate seeds in each cell, or an achene.

  • Capsule usually 3-celled, loculicidal; seeds 1--many in each cell on the stout placental axis.

  • Ovules (mostly 1 or 2 in each cell) pendulous, with the rhaphe toward the axis of the ovary; disk often reduced to glands alternate with the petals or none; ovary often lobed or the carpels nearly distinct.

  • A), with two star-shaped chloroplasts in each cell, and Mesocarpus (Fig.

  • By killing with iodine, and using a strong lens, each cell is seen to be somewhat pear-shaped (Fig.

  • J, a small portion of one of these more magnified, showing a spermatozoid in each cell.

  • Each cell or hut, according to Sozomen (H.

  • Make a periodic examination of each cell, determining its E.

  • That is to say, each cell is endowed with an instinctive, or intuitive, knowledge of all that is essential to the preservation of its own life, the conservation of its energies, and the perpetuation of its species.

  • Each cell is born, reproduces itself, dies and is absorbed.

  • Second, overcrowding, under conditions which make it practically impossible to enlarge the present plant, with the result of confining two or three men in each cell.

  • Each cell is well lighted by an exterior window.

  • The interior wall of each cell is of glass and a central tower enables the guard to keep every prisoner under observation every moment, day and night.

  • Toilets and lavatories are provided for each cell.

  • Each cell is a little laboratory, which concocts out of the material brought to it or near it by the blood a certain potent, biting fluid, and is hence called a peptic or digestive cell.

  • Each cell is born at the bottom of the tube, and in process of time travels upward toward the mouth.

  • Each cell is a little world by itself, too small to be seen by the naked eye, but open to the microscope.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each cell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    each army; each battalion; each board; each case; each city; each cylinder; each direction; each extremity; each grade; each group; each instant; each joint; each kind; each machine; each number; each pair; each planet; each post; each session; each sheet; each sign; each single; each soul; each stitch; each will; highly interesting