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Example sentences for "cored"

Lexicographically close words:
corduroys; cordwainer; cordwainers; cordwood; core; coreligionists; corer; cores; coriaceous; coriander
  1. Windfall apples may be pared, cored and sliced, using water, and only a small quantity of that, instead of sirup, and canned for pies.

  2. Firm and tart apples may be cored and peeled first, then canned by the above recipe.

  3. APPLE SLUMP~--Fill a deep baking dish with apples, pared, cored and sliced.

  4. Double-ended cutter n is then fed through the hub of the pulley to true up the cored hole.

  5. The tool shown at B is a four-lipped drill which is used for drilling cored holes preparatory to finishing by a cutter or reamer.

  6. The cored hole is first rough bored with cutter n attached to the end of boring-bar m, and guided by the drill support d pivoted to the carriage.

  7. Another style of tool for enlarging cored holes is shown in Fig.

  8. The cored hole is beveled true at the end by flat drill A to form a true starting surface for the three-fluted drill B which follows.

  9. The form of drill that is used quite extensively for drilling cored holes in castings is shown in Fig.

  10. The tools at N and O are for boring or finishing drilled or cored holes.

  11. The casting should be set true by the rim instead of by the rough-cored hole in the hub; this can be done by the use of chalk as previously explained.

  12. The four-lipped shell-drill D is next used to drill the cored hole and then this hole is bored close to the finished size and concentric with the circumference of the blank by boring tool E, which is followed by the finishing reamer F.

  13. Ordinarily, small holes are cored in castings and it is simply necessary to finish the rough surface to the required diameter.

  14. Cored carbons are made by inserting a small rod in the center of the die and the carbons are formed with a hollow core.

  15. The positive carbon of the open arc is often cored and the negative is a smaller one of solid carbon.

  16. A close watch for loss of shape should also be kept on these rubber-cored balls.

  17. The sun has been shining and the atmosphere has sparkled when, flicked cleanly from the tee, the rubber-cored ball has been sent singing through the air.

  18. The life of a rubber-cored ball does not always last as long as its shell, and its best driving capacity has often disappeared when there is scarcely a scratch upon it.

  19. Those who made this course have mastered the undesirable eccentricities of the rubber-cored ball as few others have done.

  20. Mix to a stiff dough with milk, roll thin, cut into squares, and put in the centre of each a peeled and cored sour apple.

  21. Arrange upon the rice peeled and cored apples which have been cooked in syrup, reduce the syrup by rapid boiling, flavor to taste, add a little chopped candied fruit, pour over the rice and apples, and serve either hot or cold.

  22. Fill a baking-dish with peeled and cored apples, pour the sago over them, cover and bake until the apples are tender.

  23. Dissolve half a teaspoonful of soda in a cupful and a half of milk, stir in, and add three peeled and cored apples sliced very thin.

  24. Cut stale bread in circles, lay half of a peeled and cored apple on each piece.

  25. It's a' cored oer with tin; When thou hast saild it round about, Love Gregory is within.

  26. They studied the behaviour of the alternating-current arc when formed both with solid carbons, with cored carbons, and with carbon and metal rods.

  27. For continuous-current arcs a cored carbon is generally used as a positive, and a smaller solid carbon as a negative.

  28. How is the weight of a cored shot or plugged shell brought to standard weight?

  29. In the seven-cored cable there are no marked cores, the cores being numbered under the instructions of the casemate electrician.

  30. Cored shot have hollowed centers, as also have shell, but in the latter the hollow is much larger.

  31. What are shell and cored shot filled with?

  32. Owing to the recent manufacture of a suitable bursting-charge, cored shot can be filled with it and used the same as shell.

  33. What is the difference between cored shot and shell?

  34. Seven stars stop o'er thy balcony Cored in taunt heaven's canopy; No moon flows up the satin night In pearl-pierced raiment spun of light.

  35. Tart apples cored but not peeled sliced in rings and fried in hot fat, drained out and sprinkled lightly with sugar, add to the charm of even the finest ham.

  36. Guinea Hen in Casserole: Stick six cloves in a cored and pared apple, thrust a heart of celery in the core space, then fit it inside a guinea hen, buttered, salted and peppered inside.

  37. Put links of sausage or sausage cakes in greased bag, and surround with well flavored apples cored and cut in halves but not peeled.

  38. Have ready three large apples, peeled, cored and halved and lay each piece on a square of the paste.

  39. A simple dessert enjoyed by the children consists of apples, cored and each cavity filled with sugar, nutmeg, a bit of butter and two or three raisins.

  40. With no wind and a rubber-cored ball there is nothing very tremendous in the achievement, but nevertheless it is of the tremendous order of holes, and it takes a stout-hearted man to get a four there at all square and two to play.

  41. Some of these two-shot holes at Sheringham are really of extraordinary splendour, and give the lie to those who say that with a rubber-cored ball golf is no longer an athletic exercise.

  42. It is rather salutary for us sometimes to be reminded of how much we owe to the rubber-cored ball, and Muirfield is a course that is continually dinning the fact into our ears.

  43. Stew green or ripe apples, when you have pared and cored them.

  44. Stew the apples, when you have pared and cored them, as for apple-sauce.

  45. Apple Toddy II Prepare six cored apples by sticking a dozen cloves in each and baking slowly until soft.

  46. The cover of the guides is 8 inches deep at the middle, and about half the depth at the ends, and holes are cored through the central web for two oil cups on each guide.

  47. Fill a preserve kettle with peeled, cored and sliced apples.

  48. A climax in our wonderment has been reached, and though a volume could be written on the romance of the rubber-cored ball, the seventh of the wonders of the game and the most modern, the story after all is known.

  49. With the very first shot that was made with that first of rubber-cored balls a professional player to whom it had been given to try carried a bunker that had never been carried before!

  50. But it is because you can drive the rubber-cored balls so very much further with the iron clubs than you could the gutties.

  51. For the hard balls of those days you had to have a certain softness in the heads of the wooden clubs which is not wanted with the resilient rubber-cored balls.

  52. The point was to prove the Haskell patent good for their protection in a monopoly of making rubber-cored balls.

  53. It was not because you drive so much further off the tee with the rubber-cored balls than with the gutties--if both are hit dead true there is not a mighty difference in this.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.