Amongst the principal observers of certain phenomena of copulation in cells formed in the earliest stages of the Discomycetes are Professor de Bary,[J] Dr.
Although Tulasne could not satisfy himself of the presence of any act of copulation in Ascobolus furfuraceus, or Peziza melanoloma, he was more successful with Peziza omphalodes.
A painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often renderingcopulation impossible.
This makes us suspect that in copulation the male mounts on the back of the female, but we are far from asserting it positively.
It is undoubted, therefore, that when the copulation of queens is retarded beyond the twentieth day, only an imperfect impregnation is operated: instead of laying the eggs of workers and males equally, they will lay none but those of males.
On the same account, it was impossible to retard the copulation of a queen without keeping her in confinement.
I may repeat, however, that there was not the least variation in the principle, and that whenever the copulation of queens was postponed beyond the twenty-first day, the eggs of males only were produced.
The queen bee is not impregnated of herself, but is fecundated by copulation with the male.
I have even reason to think, that a single copulation will impregnate all the eggs that she will lay during her whole life: but I want absolute proof for more than two years.
A single copulation is sufficient to impregnate all the eggs she will lay for at least two years.
However, it is very rare that the first copulation is inefficient; we have only seen two that required it twice; all the rest were impregnated by the first.
Though neither my assistant nor myself have witnessed the copulation of a queen and a drone, we think that, after the detail which has just been commenced, no doubt of it can remain, or of the necessity of copulation to effect impregnation.
It is not rigorously true, therefore, that the term of forty-six hours elapses between the copulation of the female and her laying; the interval may be much longer, if the weather grows cold.
Among children, both boys and girls, it is common to find that the copulation of animals is a mysteriously fascinating spectacle.
My patient, who was also drunk, readily assented, and to his surprise was enabled to perform the act of copulation without any difficulty at all.
On January 6, the 22nd day, the male's colors had reached their maximum, and when the female was placed with him, pursuit and copulation occurred promptly.
Copulation takes place in early May before the ova have grown to their full size.
The male pursues the female and grasps in his jaws loose skin at or behind her shoulder region, and maintains this hold duringcopulation which lasts about five minutes.
They are, however, capable of copulationat temperatures down to 21 deg.
This method of copulationis by no means peculiar to the Lower Californians, but is practiced almost universally by the wild tribes of the Pacific States.
These yung men may not haue carnall copulation with any woman: but all the yung men of the countrey which are to marrie, may company with them.
Copulation chamber: a chamber or cell excavated by certain Scolytid beetles in their burrows, in which copulation takes place: = rammel-kammer.
Fertilization: takes place when a spermatozoön enters through the micropyle of an ovum and unites with the cell nucleus: loosely applied like copulation or to its completion.
Do the children arise from this copulation more uniformly, than does the parents care for their safety and preservation?
None of the females trapped with males in October was found to be inseminated, and it seems doubtful whether copulation ever occurs at that time of year, although males have motile sperm and seem to be in breeding condition then.
Probably copulation was in its final stages when the disturbance occurred.
When the female turned upon him, such a male might lunge against her, throwing her off balance, and causing her to attempt to escape, and then continuing the pursuit until it ended in copulation or in more severe fighting.
Such a female has been seen to turn on a pursuing male and attack him viciously, several times within a few minutes, before copulation occurred.
In the other examples the secretion may be imperfect in kind and amount, but as copulation is prevented it can not reach and impregnate the ovum.
The act of copulation results in the death of the male.
The act of copulation occurs but once in seventy years between them, for God has so ordered it that the male and female reem are at opposite ends of the earth, the one in the east, the other in the west.
Immediately the male flew down and copulation took place.
Sutton noted copulation twice on May 1 in the Chisos, and the gonads of specimens collected that day were much enlarged; there was no indication that the females had begun incubating.
On the 26th copulation was seen to take place and on that date the nest was completed.
But when the average Christian, while denouncing adultery as a sin, insists on copulation in marriage as its consummation, a difficulty arises which must not be ignored.
In the ideal marriage, so this school of thought affirms, copulation is strictly regulated and occurs only when the moment is favourable for generation.
If this be the result of the mind's purpose, it destroys virginity, whethercopulation takes place or not.
Secondly, by copulation with a thing of undue species, and this is called "bestiality.
Lastly comes the sin of not observing the right manner of copulation, which is more grievous if the abuse regards the "vas" than if it affects the manner of copulation in respect of other circumstances.
Wherefore among sins against nature, the lowest place belongs to the sin of uncleanness, which consists in the mere omission of copulation with another.
One copulation may result in the begetting of a man, wherefore inordinate copulation, which hinders the good of the future child, is a mortal sin as to the very genus of the act, and not only as to the inordinateness of concupiscence.
Thirdly, by copulation with an undue sex, male with male, or female with female, as the Apostle states (Rom.
Nor should such a copulation be strictly called fornication, though it be so called in reference to the general course of things.
We must copy the example of those who regulate the copulation of horses, dogs, and other animals: we must bring together those who will give existence to the best offspring.
Distinguished warriors must be rewarded with a larger licence of copulation with different women, which will produce the farther advantage of having as many children as possible born from their procreation.
We do not intend, however, that the copulation between them shall take place in a promiscuous and arbitrary manner: we shall establish laws to regulate the intermarriages and breeding.
While this may occur in bulls from infection during copulation and from bruises, blows, and other mechanical injuries, the condition is more common in the ox in connection with the comparative inactivity of the parts.
Thou shalt not take her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter, to discover her shame: because they are her flesh, and such copulation is incest.
The man from whom the seed of copulation goeth out, shall wash all his body with water: and he shall be unclean until the evening.
With her all forms of copulation were wholesome and natural, so that I had enough variety.
My vigor was great, my pleasure in copulation almost maddening, a cunt was a cunt, and I got my pleasure and relief up it, whatever its owner might have been.
Copulation is the highest pleasure, both to the body and mind, and is worth all other human pleasures put together.
When I left her I doubt whether her dear John could have told her half what she could have told him about fucking, and the two articles that copulation is done with.
Defn: A painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.
Moses teacheth us, openly professing that these genii can beget and have carnal copulation with woman' (Anatomy of Melancholy, part i.
These are they which Cardan thinks desire so much carnal copulation with witches (Incubi and Succubi), transform bodies, and are so very cold if they be touched, and that serve magicians.
It is doubtful that any attempts at copulation are successful up to this time.
Copulation occurs frequently from about the third day of nestbuilding through the first day of egglaying, a period of four to six days.
No sperm were found in the oviducts of immature females but one female of nearly adult size was observed in copulation with a mature male.
Copulation was observed under natural conditions on several occasions but only once at the Damm Farm.
Further, the males of this succeeding generation develop thumbs and forearms of a character which enables them to perform the difficult task of holding the females during copulationin the water.