Bill Parker shifted the controls of the 'copter and the big craft swung in the direction Retch was pointing.
There was no proof that the wrecking of the 'copter had been anything but an accident.
Insurance will take care of the 'copter but not of my neck.
Such as--" "Such as how it happened that my 'copter threw a vane just after we sighted the place?
We've captured the Chief, the peculiar-looking individual who escaped by driving his copter through the city dome.
But the copter was on his tail at once as he swerved out of the tight curve.
But they have a visitor who arrived by copterseveral days ago.
If he could only achieve top speed, 350 kilometers-an-hour, the copter couldn't match it.
That little airlock's too small for a copter to go through it.
The appearance of the copter threw the men outside into confused excitement.
As the big blades slowed in their rotation, the copter sank, slowly at first, then ever more swiftly, to the surface of the desert.
As soon as the copter grounded, he could accelerate and escape.
I don't know how long I was unconscious, but it was evidently long enough for the copter to look me over, decide I was dead, and move on out of sight.
I wasn't wearing the marsuit when the copter broke my dome.
Nuwell sealed the copter door, and released oxygen from the tanks into the interior.
They emerged from the copteras the group from the building approached.
The entire body of the copter crumpled in on itself, and it came to rest, a collapsed wreck, with the two of them sitting in its midst, miraculously uninjured.
As the 'copter lifted into the air, Camba spoke with a more friendly note in his voice, as if he humored a child.
Running, Alcala went down the long half-lit stairs, out the back door and along the dark path toward the place where Johnny's 'copter had been parked.
Disconcerted, Alcala watched the 'copter lift away into the night, then, turning, saw that the lights were still on in the laboratory.
If it's sighted, a 'copter might risk coming in after us.
He said that the member of the 'copter crew had given some other information before he was arbitrarily cut off.
On our way to the 'copter parking field, Dean Dawson passed us.
They were content with a home that was cool on this warm summer night, with a 'copter and a tri-dimensional video, and a handsome automatic home that needed no servants or housework.
Finally, leaving his guards with the 'copter at a public landing stage, he made his way, by devious routes, to William R.
He motioned to Olaf, setting the 'copter down again.
Thought it would be a joke to send me a Literate instruction book along with a 'copter with a Literate instrument board.
He went out, and down to the 'copter repair shop, where he found that a big four-ton air truck that the senior class had been working on for several weeks was finished.
He pushed another button, and the propeller began swinging in a lazy circle; he pressed down with his right foot, and the 'copter lifted a foot or so.
The howling of the 'copter propeller overhead effectively blocked out any sounds that might be coming from the building, at least until the ambulance landed.
He climbed into his own 'copter and started the motor.
You and Ray and Claire get in this other 'copter and go straight to Literates' Hall.
Ray Pelton and Doug Yetsko had their heads out an open window on the right side of the cab of the 'copter truck; Ray was pointing down.
We ordered a new crew of Literates to the store, and we exiled Bayne to Brooklyn, to something called Stillman's Used Copter and Junk Bazaar.
And a full company, uniformed and armed with heavy weapons, alerted and ready for immediate 'copter movement.
Olaf Olafsson, the 'copter driver, was standing at the entrance to the breakfast nook, a smudge of oil on his cheek and his straw-colored hair in disorder.
He frowned; he glanced at his watch; he leaned forward to speak to thecopter pilot and then changed his mind.
The pilot's voice jarred him to reality as the copter berthed.
He didn't answer until the copter had lifted itself into the air, away from the factory landing lots and the bright overhead lights and the home-bound workers.
Alice spotted his copter right away, even though he had the lights turned way down.
A siren whirred briefly, and then another copter pulled up beside them and a loudspeaker blared tinnily.
He landed the copter, stepped out of it, walked back to the other copter that was just dropping down behind him.
He locked the automatic pilot on the copter and held out his arms.
And don't forget, honey, we'll get enough out of this to get a new copter together.
My 'copter had barely settled to the pavement when she came running from the doorway to the stairs and hopped into the bubble with me.
She didn't answer that until the 'copter had grounded in front of the Fig.
I waved to a cab standing at the rank up the block a way and watched the skim-copter rise a couple inches off the ground as the hacker skimmed on the ground-cushion toward me.
They'll take you by 'copter to the field, then by jet to New Mex.
Apparently the Secretary of Space was bothered enough about this last one to pay me a 'copter call within twenty minutes of this morning's meeting at the Foundation.
They brought to bear on the silent and unknowing form of Glenn Tropile every instrument that the copter carried.
There was a fluttering of vanes and the copter with the instruments mounted on it came down in the middle of the street, between Haendl and the Eye.
A dark blue police 'copter nestled on the valley floor next to the sleek gray one.
And soon he saw the police 'copter which rested near the entrance, and the uniformed men with their rifles, alert.
I want you to round up Jerry and Mike and take the 'copter out to the summer place on Nantucket.
Fran wriggled with excitement as the 'copter rose once more.
And the 'copter touched solidity and a great silvery cylinder touched very delicately close by, and the children ran, squealing, to be with people they'd feared they would never see again.
The 'copter settled to ground with a whistling noise.
He made a report which sounded as if there were some minor trouble with the 'copter and he'd landed.
Then the motors really thundered and the 'copter climbed for the sky.
The 'copter went up the long, sloping, bulldozed snow-ramp.
The copter had automatic controls, but Raynor Three kept it on manual, and Bart wondered if the Mentorian just didn't want to talk.
Raynor Three set the copter neatly down on a platform that slid shut after them, unfastened their seat belts and gave Bart a hand to climb out.
He'd been told that only a few of the Lhari understood it, just as the man who flew a copter didn't need to understand Newton's Three Laws of Motion in order to get himself back and forth to work.
Bart waved the copter away, getting a dirty look from the pilot, and punched a button at the stand for one of the unmanned robotcabs.
The platform had buckled slightly, the 'copter was tilted over, one of the rotors twisted, its end buried in sand.
Steve said, "I should have taken something out of the 'copter every night, so it couldn't start.
The 'copter settled on the roof of a low building across a large courtyard from the glittering Palace.
The 'copter settled silently down into the heart of the city, glowing red from the flames and bombing.
The 'copter swung high over the blazing inferno of a city far below.
The Tatars say the Reds dare not bring the 'copter into the mountains.
If you do speak the truth, then the 'copter will circle about the foothills where they entered.
We put on zippered windbreaks and the 'copter soared noiselessly into the pale crimson sky.
Children ran out to stare at the 'copter as we landed near the city; few planes ever flew low enough to be seen, this near the Hellers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "copter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.