The midribs are prominent, and the veins conspicuous; the latter being copiously reticulated into areoles which enclose no free veinlets.
It is about the diameter of a goose-quill, is covered with minute ovate scales, roots copiously from beneath and along the sides, and produces fronds from the right and left sides alternately.
It contains lists of animals in Latin with a Norwegian translation, and it is copiously illustrated with drawings of scenes from agricultural and domestic life, executed in fine outline on the wax with a sharply pointed stilus.
This is a large folio, copiously illustrated with sacred subjects minutely painted on a ground of burnished gold enriched by tooling.
This is a magnificent copy of the Vulgate by a German scribe of the twelfth century, copiously illustrated with miniature pictures, many of which had backgrounds, either partially or wholly, covered with ultramarine.
In Egyptian manuscripts red ink is used much morecopiously than either in Greek or Latin manuscripts.
The one insisted upon facts; the other dealt no less copiously with ideas.
The next example is the one already so copiously dwelt upon by Sir John Herschel, Dr.
It is true that Dante availed himself freely of all that the previous Vision literature could give him, just as he drew copiously from every source at his command.
Their language and letters are copiouslytreated by Pocock, (Specimen, p.
Footnote 107: The ecclesiastical and literary character of Photius is copiously discussed by Hanckius (de Scriptoribus Byzant.
From the thirteenth century onwards, and formed by the fusion of the Christian and the Saracenic elements, we find Mudejar influence copiously distributed through every phase of Spanish life and art, and even literature.
An Englishman, in speaking or writing of public officials, avoids those long and clumsy combinations of title and name [Pg122] which figure so copiously in American newspapers.
But in the majority of cases, of course, the changes so copiously reported--/e.
There is surely no country in the world in which the marriage relation is discussed more copiously than in the United States, and yet there is no country in which its essentials are more diligently avoided.
During the late war, at a time of unusual suspicions and hence of unusual hazards, this eagerness to prove orthodoxy by choler was copiouslyon exhibition.
When they went back to the spot, for the carcass, they found the snow trampled down in a wide circle, and copiously sprinkled with blood, which gave it the appearance of a battle-field.
Both animals fled, but on reaching the spot where my mark had sat, blood was copiously found on the grass, and a pursuit was the consequence.
The why and the wherefore of these outrages was imperfectly understood at the time, though it has since been copiously expounded.
The imposing old tower that rises opposite San Michele in the Calimala is the Torrione of the Arte della Lana, copiouslyadorned with their arms--the Lamb bearing the Baptist's cross.
Religious services are then held, after which the screen is withdrawn and the elders proceed to bathe the young couple copiously with holy water.
The ceremony is very simple, consisting of asking the candidate a few questions as to his motives, shaving his head, and bathing him copiously with holy water, and clothing him with yellow robes.
The princess is copiouslybathed in pure water, in which the leaves of a certain kind of tree, supposed to possess purifying and healthful influences, are put.
The opinion took its rise from observing that they grew most copiously in rainy weather.
The history of aphides has also been very copiously treated upon by Dr.
But she, like Arethusa, was changed into a fountain of tears, which at the sound of my voice flowed still more copiously and at my approach burst forth in torrents.
The moon shone brilliantly through the tall, dark evergreens; a candle on the table before us flickered in the breeze and gleamed over the wine spilled copiously around it.
Ammonia, in combination with acids, is naturally found in the stomach, in the contents of the intestine; it is also a natural constituent of the blood in small traces, and in a corpse is copiously evolved from putrefactive changes.
I ate copiously at and between meals and gained not a whit.
I had joyed in the pleasures of the table, and I had written copiously of those joys, and I now declined to recant of my faith or to abate my indulgences.
The endless piling up of such non-essentials cripples and incommodes the story; its drama is too copiously swathed in words to achieve a sting; the Dreiser manner devours and defeats itself.
Comstock became a national celebrity; his doings were as copiously reported by the newspapers as those of P.
They all drank copiously until they were intoxicated.
The Four Kings held a festival to celebrate their triumph, and having drunk copiously gave themselves over to sleep.
But, as I fed them copiously every evening, there came a moment when they had no more cells available for the storage of provisions.
But after a few days the worker larvae are weaned, and put on a coarser diet of honey and pollen; whereas the future queen, until she be fully developed, is copiously fed on the precious milk known as "royal jelly.
Not indeed for the sake of the tract itself, which we admire little; but of the marginal Notes, evidently in Teufelsdrockh's hand, which rathercopiously fringe it.
When I probed her cunt with my finger it never seemed to have the soft buttery feel I had been accustomed to, but to be harsh; so I found it best to wet my prick copiously with spittle when I had her.
Turning my prick I shot my sperm copiously over her silk dress, and finished by flinging from my fingers what remained of it towards her face.