It has been a most strange fortnight; curiously unreal; extraordinarily dreamy and spectral-like.
For one thing it has been extraordinarily hot, so that we have been thankful for every breath of air that has travelled to us across the downs.
The road upward is a climb to the very top, and all men find it so, but Ian enjoyed the study and the practical work of his profession and became extraordinarily skillful in it.
It looks like kindness in Lady Cramer, but Donald is an extraordinarily handsome man, and women like her want such in their train.
To most women he would be an extraordinarilyattractive man.
The cuts to the former reach the average of early work; those to the Antichrist vary greatly, that of Antichrist preaching before a queen being extraordinarily successful as a presentation of a type of coarse spiritual effrontery.
Peter Schoeffer or the Printer of Henricus Ariminensis, are often extraordinarily handsome.
Augustine with an extraordinarily fine title-cut of the saint (the same picture did duty in 1493 for S.
He looked extraordinarily ill and strained, and was even more restless and jerky than usual.
She listens, and puts in from time to time some critical comment that often extraordinarily clears up any subject one is talking round.
It was known that Fontenoy's anxiety had been growing rapidly; and it was noticed that he and the young viscount who acted as the Whip of the party had kept an extraordinarily sharp watch on all their own men through the dinner-hour.
Since they have much leisure, they often possess by the time they are thirty an extraordinarily interesting amount of knowledge.
None of them could read English and they chose to regard the interlineation (one line of about ten words) as extraordinarily suspicious.
That the new proprietors will be extraordinarily sensitive to attacks on the rights of property goes without saying.
She was an extraordinarilypretty girl, and highly intelligent.
He found himself face to face with an extraordinarily pretty girl.
What an extraordinarily lonely place," the girl reflected, looking with a little shudder at the height of the wall, and at the dense woods which hemmed it in on every side.
A man with the most extraordinarily ragged garments got to his feet and began to speak in a pleasant and cultivated voice.
His bell mare was an ancient white animal with long shaggy hair, ewe neck, bulging joints, a placid wall eye, the full complement of ribs, and an extraordinarily long Roman nose ending in a pendulous lip.
She was a large woman, butextraordinarily light on her feet.
The air was very warm and grateful, and the sky extraordinarily blue.
In the last few years, however, this extraordinarily favorable picture has been clouded by inflation, growing unemployment, and a gradual loss of competitiveness in international markets.
This turn had possibilities that, somehow, by wondering about them, his imagination had extraordinarily filled out and refined.
The strange part of this was that it had been very easy, extraordinarily easy.
Kate's design was something so extraordinarily special to Kate that he felt himself shrink from the complications involved in judging it.
It is likewise so, of course, with many another genuine painter; but in Sargent's case the process by which the object seen resolves itself into the object pictured is extraordinarily immediate.
The night following the gloomy day became extraordinarily clear and the little courtyard was brightly illuminated by the rays of the moon which caused the snow to glisten with a yellowish tint.
Hlawa was amazed at the sight of the extraordinarily small shaggy chargers, with powerful necks, such strange brutes that the western knights took them to be quite another species of wild beast, more like a unicorn than a horse.
It is often possible, also, under extraordinarily favorable conditions, to select a company congenial and varied and harmonious enough to dine together successfully.
Harry was extraordinarily hospitable, kind, and agreeable to his guest.
To watch the man at his job gave positive pleasure, and it was extraordinarily reassuring--reassuring about everything.