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Example sentences for "magically"

Lexicographically close words:
maght; magic; magica; magical; magicall; magician; magicians; magicien; magick; magicke
  1. His work went on magically and added the glow of successful creation to the glow of satisfied desire.

  2. But sketches that might be mere hack-work became under his fingers magically lovely.

  3. From the realm of the mythical, this takes us back to the class of scenes of which the 'Fighting Temeraire' is one, actually beheld by Turner, but magically transfigured by his brush.

  4. He did not see the hills, all rose and purple, develop magically against the sky.

  5. But there was more in Barbara's Desert now than pictures woven magically in the air.

  6. He smiled humorously at the other young man, a frank, likeable smile that softened magically the bluntness of his young mouth.

  7. The girl, who for two winged days had been so magically his gypsy comrade, was returning to her own world, the world in which he played so infinitesimal a part.

  8. At the desk he flung some gold pieces at the clerk, cried something about being called out of the city, and asked to have his room kept; then he was down the steps and into the carriage that the Imp had magically summoned.

  9. Mark Twain was lightly accepted as an international comedian magically evoking the laughter of a world.

  10. The gray dots and shiny spots leaped up magically and appallingly into men.

  11. There are other words and phrases which the art of their users in the same way has magically endowed: 'Totem' is one of these.

  12. Matthews fell to wiping at his stained lips, which had magically puffed to proportions suggesting those of the colonel's black cook.

  13. The air, crystal-clear and exhilarating, brought far things magically near to the eye.

  14. He did not look up exactly at the instant of my entering, but when he did look up, when he saw me, he stared for an instant, and then sprang from his chair as though magically startled into activity.

  15. And then we came to a circular clearing, with an iron cross in the middle, where roads met, a place such as occurs magically in some ballade of Chopin's.

  16. Magically obtaining things by reaching out for them is a frequent incident in Mohave and other Yuman tradition.

  17. In spite of this queer make-up, the Patchwork Girl was magically alive and had proved herself not the least jolly and agreeable of the many quaint characters who inhabit the astonishing Fairyland of Oz.

  18. And, when all had passed through the ranks of the girl army, the army itself magically disappeared from view.

  19. And the police, who had mysteriously disappeared from the streets at the height of the demonstrations, now magically reappeared and began asserting their authority somewhat truculently.

  20. He dug into the ground before him and revealed the crystal ball that had magically appeared before.

  21. One sits as in a cockle shell on the enchanted sea, gliding along magically amid scenes of unequalled splendour; but, alas!

  22. Illustration: ON THE TARN "One sits as in a cockle shell on the Enchanted Sea, gliding along magically amid scenes of unequalled splendour.

  23. The ill humor which had been hanging over him for so long seemed magically to have vanished.

  24. It may be remembered that the ill-fated Lobengula refused to have his portrait taken because he believed that by means of the image of himself he could be magically infected with a dread disease.

  25. Mrs. Harrigan fell asleep against Celeste's shoulder, and the musician never deviated her gaze from the silver ripples which flowed out diagonally and magically from the prow of the boat.

  26. A Burmese gong: briefly and magically the stage, the audience, the amazing gleam and scintillation of the Opera, faded.

  27. Under this light they looked at one another for the first time after the first words of love; and the sky gleamed magically down on the disordered features with which the first rapture of love was still standing written on their faces.

  28. By daily contact Karlson had at last penetrated the thickly-woven veil, magically colored by betrothed love, thrown over the strong, firm, and kindred mind of Gione.

  29. Merely to take up the pen was to pass magically through marble portals into the great world itself.

  30. Honora magically found herself within them, and without a siege.

  31. This seemed to act magically upon him, for soon after he began to smoke the wild expression vanished from his face.

  32. My heart exulted with each onward spring, and I seemed light as air, so magically did my joy act upon me.

  33. She watched him as one in a dream--a dream from which all nightmare horror had been magically banished.

  34. Bunny querulously; and then magically his face changed, and he smiled.

  35. And then magically they softened, grew pitiful, grew tender.

  36. The burden of her anxiety grew magically lighter.

  37. Her anxiety was magically lifted from her; a sensation of pure gladness, of warmth of soul and body began to possess her.

  38. All the more exasperating, therefore, was a propinquity creating an intimacy without substance, or without the substance he craved for she had magically become for him a sort of enveloping, protecting atmosphere.

  39. The atmosphere of this tawdry resort, formerly frequented by shop girls and travelling salesmen, was magically transformed by the presence of this company, made bohemian, cosmopolitan, exhilarating.

  40. She had had an adventure, at last, an adventure that magically had transformed her life!

  41. That is exactly it: there is nothing offered or bestowed, but one is at once magically bound to serve it for love and delight.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "magically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.