That it would probably be perfectly straight after such a process is an irrelevant physiological detail unworthy the attention of a poet or a proverbial philosopher.
Among animals of all kinds, from insects upward, this physiological action appears to exist, for among nearly all of them certain sounds are agreeable and attractive, and other sounds indifferent and disagreeable.
Mackenzie, "Physiological and Pathological Relations between the Nose and the Sexual Apparatus in Man.
When love is taken away there is no art; when art is taken away love is nothing but a physiological need.
Not only are the chief physiological functions of the body, like the circulation and the respiration, definitely rhythmical, but our senses insist on imparting a rhythmic grouping even to an absolutely uniform succession of sensations.
During the eighteenth century a great impetus was given to the physiological and psychological study of the senses by the philosophical doctrines of Locke and the English school generally which then prevailed in Europe.
The Physiological Influence of Music on Muscular Action, Circulation, Respiration, etc.
Elliot Smith, in Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of thePhysiological Series of Comparative Anatomy Contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, second edition, vol.
Primarily the voice, and secondarily instrumental music, exert a distinct effect in this direction, an effect representing a specialization of a generally stimulatingphysiological influence which all musical sounds exercise upon the organism.
But the general laws of habit are no wise altered thereby, and the physiological study of mental conditions still remains on the whole the most powerful ally of hortatory ethics.
The great memory for facts which a Darwin or a Spencer reveal in their books is not incompatible with the possession on their part of a mind with only a middling degree of physiological retentiveness.
But if we remember because of our associations, and if these are (as the physiological psychologists believe) due to our organized brain-paths, we easily see how the law of recency and repetition should prevail.
A brief reference to the physiological theory of the attentive process may serve still further to elucidate these practical remarks, and confirm them by showing them from a slightly different point of view.
One of the cases on which Mr. Romanes lays great stress in his paper on "Physiological Selection" (Journ.
Romanes has urged this difficulty in his paper on "Physiological Selection" (Journ.
This conclusion, as we shall hereafter see, is closely connected with various important physiological problems, such as the benefit derived from slight changes in the conditions of life.
Ogle has adduced some curious physiological facts bearing on the presence or absence of white colours in the higher animals.
The Commissioners for Lancashire, Cowell, Tufnell, and Hawkins, have almost wholly neglected this aspect of the physiological results of the factory system, though this district rivals Yorkshire in the number of cripples.
We have been met by the suggestion that we should interpret by means of the lower or less developed, and again that we should set up a purely physiological standard.
There can be little doubt that Sachs' classical proof, by directphysiological observation and experiment, first brought forward the truth of organic synthesis in the plant in a concrete and convincing form.
I think, to the influence of Liebig, the student should have his attention more concentrated on the living plant itself and on the physiological actions which make up its life.
Even the distinction into physiological diseases versus parasitic diseases cannot be maintained from the standpoint of the nature of the disease itself.
Physiological research has shown that the respiratory activity of cells may be increased by small doses of poisons, and even that growth may be accelerated by them--e.
The relations of the plant to the environment can only be understood by taking into account the results of modern physiological discoveries.
Whence it follows that we cannot measure the power for physiological work of a body by merely obtaining its heat of combustion, any more than we can infer its significance in metabolism from its chemical properties.
The higher we go in the scale of organic existence, the greater the division of labour, the more marked the specialisation of physiological function.
This is ostracism, and ostracism, so to speak, is a physiologicalorgan of democracy.
This alkaloid is very little used in therapeutics and its physiological action is said to be analogous to that of caffeine but weaker.
A forcible statement of the connection between mind and body, studying their subtile interworkings by the light of the most recent physiological investigations.
It is not a book for boys and girls; it is a physiological handbook, thoroughly well written, orderly, wholesome and practical.
The functions of Parenthood, both physiological and psychological, are always evolving to higher and more complex issues, therefore, as the species to be reproduced and nurtured becomes more complex.
Haldane summed up as follows the position of Physiological Science: "The point now reached is that the conceptions of Physics and Chemistry are insufficient to enable us to understand physiological phenomena.
It is important to notice this absence of necessity for Sex having been created--the absence of any known necessity, from the merely physiological standpoint.
The prospective mother has no choice but to submit to physiological exactions.
Designed to represent the existing State of Physiological Science, as applied to the Functions of the Human Body.
For this reason the essay has a great physiological importance, and, from the circumstance that the anatomy of the heart in the four vertebrate classes is fully explored by Dr.
If any physiological facts can be proven at all, then I feel quite sure of your verdict upon my side.
Notwithstanding, it found a few adherents, but only among my personal medical friends, with whom I had an opportunity to explain what I believed its physiological action, and the cases of success in my own practice.
Aside from my assertion and that of its friends, that the effects can be produced by air alone, you must have some light shed upon the causes of its physiological action, which will appeal to your medical reason.
In all the essentials of just-mindedness he was singularly well endowed; it was only in respect of physiological over-emphasis that he could ever be impeached.
It was contended at the trial that it was unlawful to publish such physiological details as were to be found in Dr Knowlton's pamphlet, even for a good purpose.
Mrs Besant's unwearying industry in working up the extra-legal side of the case, in hunting up in other works statements of physiological fact exactly similar to or stronger than those found in the prosecuted pamphlet, was invaluable.
Odious aspersions of this kind represent merely the fanaticism of ignorant custom, and take no heed of the enormous harm which physiological ignorance breeds.
The simpler physiological actions are not performed in the same way by any two individuals, and no social practice is ever performed in the same way by two members of a group, or by two different generations.
The curiosity which prompts the child to experiment with objects in a hit-or-miss fashion is little more than the physiological overflow of action which has been noted above.
The demand for rest is an imperative physiological demand.
The child first imitates sounds without any consciousness of their meaning, just as he imitates other actions in sheer "physiological sympathy.
Both physiological and psychological causes may be checked up by instruments.
Facial expressions, sounds, gestures, are made almost on any provocation; they are the expressions of an abundant "physiological uneasiness.
The conditions of nervous and mental fatigue have been less adequately studied than the types of purely physiological fatigue just discussed.
We cannot pause here to consider the physiological facts which make us admire symmetry, but it is fundamental in our appreciation of music, poetry, and the plastic arts.
The demand for solitude and privacy is thus fundamentally a physiological demand, like the demand for rest.
Some are clearly and unmistakably abnormal in some physiological or psychological respect.
The allusion is to my paper on Physiological Selection, in the Journal of the Linnaean Society, Zool.
The passage to which these remarks apply is likewise quoted, in the same connexion as above, in my paper on Physiological Selection.
Such parts of the Preface as more particularly refer to Isolation and Physiological Selection are reserved for publication in Part III.
The four questions above alluded to appertain respectively to Heredity, Utility, Isolation, and Physiological Selection.
Even though the physiological distinction be allowed to count for something in otherwise doubtful cases, no systematist would constitute a species on such grounds alone.
The first I will render in the words whereby it has already been stated in my own paper on Physiological Selection, because I should like to take this opportunity of answering Mr. Wallace's objection to it.
We must remember, however, that it was not until the appearance of my paper on Physiological Selection, four years after Darwin's death, that the question now in debate was raised.
In these strange and, from one point of view, more advanced occurrences, though lower in another sense, inert matter appears to be operated on without the direct intervention of physiological mechanism.
The whole is done so quickly and easily, by the perfect physiological mechanism provided, that the indirect and surprising nature of the process is usually overlooked; as most things are when they have become familiar.
I cannot say that the tone of voice or the handwriting is often thus reproduced--though it is, for a few moments, by special effort sometimes; but the unusual physiological mechanism accounts for outstanding or residual differences.
Then there is the 'Medium' or person whose normal consciousness is in abeyance but whose physiological mechanism is being used.
The hand is probably worked by its usual physiological mechanism, guided and controlled by nerve centres not in the most conscious and ordinarily employed region of the brain.
People who study mechanism of course find Mechanics, and if the mechanism is physiological they find Physics and Chemistry as well; but they are not thereby compelled to deny the existence of everything else.
We know that communication must be hampered, and its form largely determined, by the unconscious but inevitable influence of a transmitting mechanism, whether that be of a merely mechanical or of a physiological character.
Extract of meat, as I am assured by the highest physiological authors, is not a portable food but a portable savour.
By a curious association of ideas a physiologicalfact causes cosmic troubles!
That which shows a tendency to approach the subject of mental phenomena from the physiological side, in Drobisch, Waitz, and Volkmann, somewhat in the manner of the English writer Herbert Spencer.
Cabanis and Destutt de Tracy are the best exponents of its physiological and psychological aspects; and the well-known Volney of its moral and religious side.
The probability shown from consideration of the state of the various sciences, mechanical, physiological (p.
Spencer in England, are writers who have approached the psychological problem from the physiological side.
Mental science was approached from the physiological side, and so viewed that mind seemed to be made a property of brain.
If one reflects how multifarious are the merely physiological influences at the bottom of which these two factors lie, one will not interpret alterations in the number of the red corpuscles without bearing them in mind.
The physiological importance of the white blood corpuscles is so many sided that they form the most interesting chapter of the subject.
The physiologicalaverage of the diameter of the greater surface is, according to Laache, Hayem, Schumann and others, 8.
The physiological variations which the specific gravity undergoes under the influence of the taking in and excretion of fluid do not exceed 0.
Even in severe pathological conditions, in which the total blood has become much lighter, the serum preserves its physiological constitution, or undergoes but relatively slight variations in consistence.
Here it exercises a strong chemiotactic influence on the physiologicalstorage depĂ´t of the eosinophils, the bone-marrow; leading to an increase of the eosinophils of the blood to a greater or less degree.
Rindfleisch arrived at his theory by direct observation of the process described, as it occurred in physiological saline solution with the blood of foetal guinea-pigs and teased preparations of bone-marrow.
But what then are the physiological functions of the spleen, since that organ is unnecessary for the persistence of life?
Apart from the physiological improbability of such a rapid and comprehensive fresh production, one must further dissent from this interpretation, since the histological appearance of the blood gives it no support.
Mixtures of blood with physiologicalsaline solution in various proportions are made, in each the amount of nitrogen in the fluid which is left after the corpuscles have settled is estimated.
Koeppe sees in this process, borrowing Ehrlich's conception of poikilocytosis, a physiological adaptation to the lower atmospheric pressure, and the resulting greater difficulty of oxygen absorption.
All these physiological variations in the number of the blood corpuscles, are dependent, according to Cohnstein and Zuntz, on vasomotor influences.
Under these conditions the correspondingly lower physiological average is produced.
Rather is it due to the removal of physiological and psychological inhibitions and constraints which makes possible the release and the channeling of the primordial inner energies of man into full and divine expression.
From thephysiological and psychological point of view, the factory system has been nothing less than catastrophic.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "physiological" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: animate; living; organic; organized; vital