We may look upon it that if the first wave of the series is sufficiently powerful to affect the kumascope, the conductive change takes place whether or not the first wave is followed by others.
Hence it is clear that after one impact, the metallic filings tube has to be brought back to its non-conductive condition, and this may be achieved in several ways.
The coherer, or Branly filings tube, has the peculiarity that its passage from a non-conductive to a conductive condition follows immediately when the difference of potential between its ends is made sufficiently great.
Hence, if the soil is dry, or badly conductive in the neighbourhood, we have to go down to a level at which we get a good moist earth.
C, males must have utilized modes of heat transfer other than evaporative cooling (convective and conductive heat transfer) to a greater extent than females.
Thus, even in winter, convective and conductive heat transfers were still the most important modes of heat loss at this temperature.
This material is non-conductive when cold, but when slightly heated it becomes conductive and then falls considerably in resistance.
The functional difference between the old conductive circuit and the new can at present hardly indeed be stated even in outline.
But from certain limited regions of the cortex such stimulation does evoke muscular acts, and one of these regions is that to which the neurones forming the third link of the conductive chain from the retina pass.
That is, the neurones are laid in conductive series, the far end of one apposed to the near end of its precursor.
The process there, it is natural to think, must be physiologically different from that conductive process that serves for transmission merely within the neurone itself.
Many actions apt to procure fame are not conductive to this ourultimate happiness.
For nearly the whole of the time current will be flowing; but whenever the stylus is crossing one of the lines of non-conductive ink there will be a momentary cessation.
In like manner are the wireless waves "sucked up" by the partially conductive atmosphere.
The trouble with a coherer is that when once it becomes conductive it remains so unless the filings be shaken apart.
Lying loosely together the filings would not conduct the current of a small battery from one plug to the other, but when a spark occurred not far away they suddenly became conductive and allowed it to pass.
When the line of non-conductive ink interposed itself, the tap was off and the flow ceased.
And so partially conductive air forms a partial barrier to the waves.
It has energetic chemical powers, and it has the ability to make the air more conductive than it is ordinarily.
But if, with it, we touch one of the non-conductive lines, there will be no current.
Although the conductive method of neutralization is employed in nearly all machines, it is possible merely to short circuit the neutralizing winding upon itself, instead of connecting it in series with the armature circuit.
This phenomenon of passing quite suddenly from a non-conductive to a conductive state is, as we shall duly see, also to be noted when air or other gases are exposed to the X ray.
A current conveyed by a conductor induces a counter-current in all surrounding bodies, and in a degree proportioned to their conductive power.
Such undulations pass readily through brick or stone walls, through common roofs and floors--indeed, through all substances which are non-conductive to electric waves of ordinary length.
Moving-camera photographs of the sparks produced by electric machines show that such sparks begin with small brush discharges which gradually ionize the air and thus build up a conductive path for the complete discharge.
Many actions apt to procure fame are not conductive to this our ultimate happiness.
Making the face of the molded case electrically conductive by applying graphite.
On the other hand, it prefers to all other lines the axis of a conductive bar, such as may be formed of [undecipherable] in an antapergic sheath.
Hence the deflection produced by these metals is due to their diamagnetic, and not to their conductive capacity.
In all cases of conductive discharge the contiguous polarized particles of the body are able to effect a neutralization of their forces with greater or less facility, as the silk does also in a very slight degree.
Suppose then we remove the negative point-charge, and let the sphere be supposed to becomeconductive and be connected to earth.
Most of the transmitters in use, however, depend solely upon carbon as the conductive material of the variable-resistance element.
A condenser is therefore made of conductive material formed into such shape as to present the maximum surface for a given amount of material.
Hence, a condenser is constructed of conductive material so arranged as to present the greatest surface for a given amount of material.
It is suggested that outlet boxes and fittings having conductivecoatings be used in order to secure better electrical contact at all points throughout the conduit system.
A damp, dirty room is conductive to grounds and surface leakage, and there is danger of impurities getting into the cells.
As soon as the filament becomes conductive the current then passes through the automatic cut-out H, and the armature D is attracted, thus breaking the heater circuit.