A metallic filament prepared by a secret chemical process and suspended in the bulb in an S-shape is used instead of the old straight span.
The brilliancy of the filament excels anything of its length in any voltage.
However, the filament is composed of certain metals from which radium is extracted.
Remove the carbon filament in the lamp and bend the two small platinum wires so they will point at each other as in Fig.
Of course, the filament is not made of the precious metal, radium; that simply being the trade name.
Shake the globe until all the filament is broken away, leaving only the ends of the platinum wire exposed.
It appears that the inner surface of the globe becomes charged, probably by induction, and will sometimes hold the filament as shown in the sketch.
Homemade Electric Bed Warmer [338] The heat developed by a carbon-filament lamp is sufficiently high to allow its use as a heating element of, for instance, a bed warmer.
Defn: That part of a torsion balance from which the wire or filament is suspended.
Defn: A woolly filament sometimes occuring with the sporules of certain fungi.
Defn: A minute jointed filament growing among the archegonia and antheridia of mosses, or with the spore cases, etc.
Defn: To be formed into rope; to draw out or extend into a filament or thread, as by means of any glutinous or adhesive quality.
A secondary spore, or a filament produced from a spore, in certain kinds of minute fungi.
Defn: A rootlikefilament or hair growing from the stems of mosses or on lichens; a rhizoid.
Defn: Any protoplasmic filamentor irregular process projecting from any unicellular organism, or from any animal or plant call.
In this state of things, the filament of organization would begin to exert itself in those independent masses which, in proportion to their bulk, exposed the greatest surface to the action of light and heat.
The hairlike filament left after the soft outer tissue of southern moss has been removed; used as a stuffer.
The hair of the horse's mane and tail is used as a single filament without spinning in the production of upholstery chair cloths, and for floor coverings.
It involved three controls, the wave-length tuning, the regenerative coil, and the filament rheostat.
You can save money in reducing the filament brightness by increasing the regeneration, which will make up for the loss of brilliancy.
Something has been previously said of the difficulties attending the making of the filament for the incandescent light.
The other is by heating to a white heat a filament of carbon, or some substance of high resistance, in a glass bulb from which the air has been exhausted.
By means of currents alternating with very high frequency, he has succeeded in passing by induction, through the glass of 1 lamp, energy sufficient to keep a filament in a state of incandescence without the use of any connecting wires.
The lamps were of the incandescent variety, and what we now know as the filament was platinum wire.
Edison is said to have once worked for several weeks in the making of a single loop-shaped carbon filament that would bear the most delicate handling.
This filament does not contain any muscles, and apparently cannot be of any direct use to the fish.
B, has the filaments long, reflected, and connected (each filament to its adjacent ones) by means of surface cilia.
The adjacent filaments are connected, not by cilia, but by vascular channels, and the depending and recurved portions of each filament are also connected in a manner presumed to admit of the passage of blood.
By this time the glass filament had become so highly inclined that its movements could no longer be traced with accuracy; and by 1.
It should be noted that the leaf would have sunk each evening a little lower down than it did, had not the glass filament rested between 5 and 6 P.
The filament rose at first, which shows that the hook was straightening itself; it then zigzagged, moving a little to the left between 9.
A young plant, bearing only 8 leaves, had a filament attached to the youngest leaf but one, which was 3 inches in length, including the petiole.
A glass filament with a bead at its end was affixed to the basal half or leg, just above the hypogean cotyledons, which were again almost surrounded by loose earth.
A rather old, horizontally extended leaf, with a filament attached along the under side of the midrib, was next observed during 7 h.
On a previous day which was uniformly cloudy, a hypocotyl was firmly secured to a little stick, and a filament was fixed to the larger of the two cotyledons, and its movement was traced on a vertical glass.
Canna Warscewiczii: circumnutation of plumule with filament affixed obliquely to outer sheath-like leaf, traced in darkness on horizontal glass from 8.
Pinus pinaster: circumnutation of hypocotyl, with filament fixed across its summit, traced on horizontal glass, from 10 A.
This lower part, to which the filament was attached, also straightened itself, and moved a little backwards from the upper part.
A filamentwas fixed to the third internode from the summit on one plant, and to the fourth internode of another.
A filament was fixed to the midrib of one of the longer leaflets, and the movement of the whole leaf was traced, as shown in Fig.
A rheostat is also useful in that it keeps the filament from burning out when the current from the battery first flows through it.
When you use an alternating current to heat the filamentkeep it at the same voltage rather than at the same amperage (current strength).
The current which flows between the filament and the plate of a vacuum tube.
The 6-volt storage battery used to heat the filament of a vacuum tube, detector or amplifier.
Don't switch on the A battery current all at once through the filament when you start to receive.
In his case the carbon filamentis formed of carbonized bamboo, and the glass bulb is of an elongated form.
Homemade Electric Bed Warmer The heat developed by a carbon-filament lamp is sufficiently high to allow its use as a heating element of, for instance, a bed warmer.
The lamp will apparently go out when the winding is in series with it, as the total resistance of the lamp and winding combined will not permit sufficient current to pass through the lamp to make its filament glow.
As an example, a soft, mellow light is sometimes desired similar to that given by the old carbon-filament lamp.
The place where the brass cap of the lamp touches the glass should be marked and a small hole drilled through to the wire connecting the tungsten filament to the plug on the top of the lamp.
An examination of this attractive ornament to the seat of whatever intellect a doll might be supposed to possess showed at once, that it was skilfully manufactured, doubtless by accomplished French artisans, of the filament of flax.
To the coarser filament of both, after the article is heckled, is still, we believe, applied the name of tow.
Consider a filament aa', the point a being so far back from the weir that the velocity of approach is negligible.
Boussinesq has shown that the central filament in a semicircular canal of 1 metre radius, and inclined at a slope of only 0.
In a steady current each stream line preserves its figure and position unchanged, and marks the track of a stream of particles forming a fluid filament or elementary stream.
In the application of the principle of work to a filament of compressible fluid, the internal work done by the expansion of the fluid, or absorbed in its compression, must be taken into account.
A chain of particles following each other along such a constant path may be termed a fluid filament or elementary stream.
The distance of the principal filament from the surface is generally less than one-fourth of the depth of the stream; W is a little less than V; and U lies between W and w.
Consider a small filament a0a1 which comes in [theta] seconds to c0c1.
If there were such a retarding action the position of the filament of maximum velocity below the surface would be explained.
If the motion is in a vertical plane, the action of gravity must be taken into the reckoning; if the motion is in a horizontal plane, the terms expressing variation of elevation of the filament will disappear.
They are also armed with minute oval, hollow cells, each of which has a slender filament coiled up into a spiral within its cavity.
Each filament is capable of being suddenly protruded, thus becoming a free whip-like appendage, and these are so numerous as to be very effectual in seizing and holding the living beings on which the animal feeds.
This strange creature habitually rests on the bottom of the sea, disguised by its filamentous appendages and adaptive colouring, dangling the expanded extremity of its first dorsal filament just over its upturned cavernous mouth.
Each rod is surrounded by a layer of pigment that prevents light from passing from one to another, and the optic nerve passing into the base of the compound structure sends a sensitive filament into each one.
Mazda (tungsten) lamp, showing rapid decrease to normal current as filament heats up.
With the dark lamp method, the breaking of a filament might cause the machines to be connected with a great phase difference, whereas, with the brilliant lamp it is difficult to determine the point of maximum brilliancy.
Carbon lamp, showing rapid increase to normal current as filament heats up.
The filament obtained from the plant, and the objects manufactured from it constitute the principal article of export; in fact the only source of wealth of the Yucatecans.
If a slowly varying alternating current be passed through an incandescent lamp, the filament will be seen to vary in brightness, following the change of current strength.
The voltage of the current and resistance of the coil are of such values that when a steady current is flowing, the lamp filament is just perceptibly red.
The case is rather interesting; but I must first remind you that the filament of Dionoea is not sensitive to very light prolonged pressure, or to nitrogenous matter, but is exquisitely sensitive to the slightest touch.
You know the membranous cup or clinandrum, in many orchids, behind the stigma and rostellum: it is formed of a membrane which unites the filament of the normal dorsal anther with the edges of the pistil.
Exactly in the middle of the filament of the normal anther, and exactly in the middle of the lateral membrane of the clinandrum, and running up to the same height, are quite similar bundles of spiral vessels; ending upwards almost suddenly.
On the other hand, the filament of Dionoea may be quietly loaded with a much greater weight, while a touch by a hair causes the lobes to close instantly.
At last he hit upon a filament made of carbonized Japanese bamboo that was very successful for a number of years, but this was later superseded by a cellulose mixture mechanically pressed out by dies.
He saw that he had to have a filament that would heat to incandescence with the electrical current, and yet one that would stand a certain amount of wear and tear, and which would not be consumed by the heat.
A number of persons conceived the idea of making a filament of tungsten on account of its peculiar characteristics, which seemed to be just about the ones needed for the ideal electric light globe.
When not in use, and when the filament is cold, it is apt to break with rough treatment, but when lighted the filament, being at a white heat, is more durable.
Edison saw that he must have a filament that would carry the current of electricity, but yet one which would be of such high resistance that it would not take up all the current fed to it.
For years they had no success because the metal was so very brittle that they could do nothing with it, but finally a filament of pressed tungsten was brought out.
This inventor was John Allen Heany, and his patents were rejected finally, the rights of the tungsten filament going to the General Electric Company.
To obtain the latter effect he put his filament in an air-tight glass globe from which the atmosphere was exhausted, leaving it in a vacuum.
The carbonized cotton thread filament had many drawbacks, and Edison continued carbonizing various fabrics and fibres, including, it is said, some of the red hairs out of the beard of one of his loyal staff!
You see in an incandescent light the higher the melting point of the filament the greater the quantity of light for the amount of electricity used.
The wire simply was strung on the spiders or cross pieces, and a filament of almost any length giving almost any desired candlepower light could be used.
In this type of lamp several filament loops would be fused or welded together to make one complete filament.
Then at frightful speed he raced to the top of his web and disappeared in the woodwork of the arbour, drawing the new filament tight round the victim, which continued its flutterings for a little time and then gave up the ghost.
By this time the spider had reached the fly and thrown a new filament round him.
It is also practically indestructible, there being no filament to burn out; and it requires no special wiring.
Of all the power used in producing the glowing filament in the Edison bulb, about ninety-seven per cent.
The incandescent light," said Mr. Fitzgerald, "is produced by the resistance of a platinum wire or a carbon filament to the passage of a current of electricity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "filament" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.