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Example sentences for "human character"

  • In both the piercing observation of human character, which Lesage possessed in a greater degree perhaps than any other French writer, appears, and so does his remarkable power of making the results of this observation live and move.

  • His virtuous characters are usually virtuous in the theatrical sense only; his scheme of human character is altogether low and mean.

  • The principles which regulate these diversities, and consequently form one of the great differences in human character, belong to a subsequent part of our inquiry.

  • The former, compared with the means of the individual, may present a mere mockery of mercy; while the latter, even in the lowest walks of life, often exhibit the brightest displays of active usefulness that can adorn the human character.

  • This is a principle of most extensive influence, and is in many instances the source of worthy and useful displays of human character.

  • With Sophocles, the tragic situation was brought more directly into the field of human character, although the conception of destiny and the limitations marked thereby were still the dominant note.

  • In more directly ethical lines, we find increasing recognition of the self in the motives which are set up for human action, and in the view which is formed of human character.

  • Aeschylus set man over against the gods, subject to their divine laws, but gave little play to human character or conscious self-direction.

  • In the former passage, which is brimful of humorous suggestion, the writer is exclusively intent upon setting out points of human character in an effective light.

  • The book is a particular enlargement upon Mill's general view that it is a pestilent error to regard such marked distinctions of human character as sex or race as innate and in the main indelible.

  • Guard's armory interested the people of Atlanta in the study of human character.

  • Between these two extremes we may find every conceivable modification and form of human character according to the various combinations of normal and abnormal conditions.

  • Illustration] Prosperity is the great test of human character.

  • As the pence make the pound and the minutes the hour, so it is the repetition of little things, severally insignificant, that make up human character.

  • Proceeding to the sixth chapter, he applies himself to setting to rest the scruples of those who find something cynical in the idea that the desire for Inequality is compatible with a respectable form of human character.

  • Remember there is no element of human character so potential for weal or woe as firmness.

  • From silver-chasing he went on to teach himself engraving on copper, principally griffins and monsters of heraldry, in the course of which practice he became ambitious to delineate the varieties of human character.

  • It is the repetition of little acts which constitutes not only the sum of human character, but which determines the character of nations.

  • In such places he will be delighted--perhaps surprised--to find in uncorrupted strength all the primary elements of human character.

  • What is the main test of human character?

  • The fool who handled every case alike, as if he were an animal trainer instead of a builder of human character .

  • From the warmth of friendship, my prejudice melted like mist before the morning sun and I found in General Green Clay Smith a combination of the noblest traits in human character.

  • What are these little traits in human character?

  • Whatever criticism I choose to make on human character, I hope to soften the criticism with the "milk of human kindness.

  • And on this score also we may venture to tone down the strong expressions used by Jefferies in his estimate of the anti- or ultra-human character of the strange creatures in the sea.

  • In other words, the non-human character of external nature was acknowledged, while at the same time the human type of will was preserved.

  • Use has not habituated it to them, so that their anti-human character is at once apparent, and stares at us with glassy eye.

  • Next, he did not see that virtue, justice, and the other great words of moral science denote qualities that are directly related to the fundamental constitution of human character.

  • It was not till some years after the appearance of The Parish Register and The Borough that the pleasant paths of inland Suffolk and of the Vale of Belvoir formed the background to his studies in human character.

  • The analysis of human character, with its strength and weakness (but specially the latter), finds fuller exercise as the poet has to trace its effects upon the earthly fortunes of the persons portrayed.

  • This would certainly be too sweeping an inference, for in many of his sketches of human character he gives unmistakable proof to the contrary.

  • If the subject is horrible, we have to blame the composition of human character, or the mischievousness of a human institution.

  • We need not here discuss the philosophical truth or adequateness of these ways of considering the origin and nature of knowledge, or the composition of human character.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "human character" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cavalry were; day beacon near the; human actions; human association; human behavior; human bein; human being; human beings; human existence; human experience; human faith; human food; human happiness; human institutions; human kind; human language; human laws; human milk; human need; human reason; human representative; human skeleton; human things; human virtue; physiological units; this country