This is preferred to grallatorial, as more comprehensively descriptive.
This opposition is most concretely and comprehensively expressed in Haacke's "Gestaltung und Vererbung.
If Mark Twain makes a more deeply, more comprehensively popular appeal, it is doubtless because he makes use of the universal solvent of humour.
Well, I know that is the general creed about niggers, as we comprehensively call all men a few shades darker than ourselves; but when we annex this kingdom of Raak I will certainly try the experiment.
Jack had not been conversant with the comprehensively carnivorous habits of Warroo pigs.
The Apostle Paul quite comprehensively sums up the results of Christ's death and resurrection: "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept.
Can it be from that tendency of what we call comprehensively the digamma to lapse into the υ, which Heyne has observed[853]?
Comprehensively and universally considered, then, the term lameness signifies any irregularity or derangement of the function of locomotion, irrespective of the cause which produced it or the degree of its manifestation.
It cannot be denied that nothing swifter exists, whether you consider hercomprehensively or part by part; for pleasure as a whole passes from us very soon, and even while it still abides with us each taste of it lasts but a moment.
No one could deal comprehensively with so great a genius.
Comprehensively speaking, he declares that if men do wrong it is because they want to do wrong, or because they are not disposed to make a creditable fight against it.
It is to insult our intelligence to deny that, comprehensively speaking, the basis of betting is cupidity, and cupidity of a particularly dangerous kind.
The outlines of the science of morality are thus comprehensively sketched by Sir James Mackintosh: the origin, value, and application of first principles are indicated with his usual felicity.
The provisions of the new measure are specifically treated and summarized comprehensively in later chapters and the full text is given in the appendix.
Their common fault is to be comprehensively jejune.
A ragged and filthy nursing mother, with her last addition to our Imperial People on her arm, comes out of a drinkshop, and stands a little unsteadily, and wipes mouth and nose comprehensively with the back of a red chapped hand.
Bulstrode looked at his guide comprehensively and smiled gently.
Gregory XV recognized that a general law was required, to cover all the lands of the Roman obedience, and not merely those possessed of an Inquisition and, at the same time, to define more comprehensively the nature of the offence.
He had also most comprehensively wrecked himself, and at the thought genuine panic seized him.
He noticed that the Chieftain seemed to have been comprehensively in the wars, for apart from the bandage on his jaw, he had numerous small cuts on his brow, and a great rent in one of his shirt sleeves.
He speaks in one place of "plainness and vigour, the ornaments of style," which is rather too paradoxical to be comprehensively true.
Knowledge of geology contributes to a truly liberal education= To subserve these broader purposes, geology is to be studied comprehensively as the evolution of the earth and its inhabitants.
A city as large as Alexandria at Yuma, and another as large as Cairo at Parker, are quite within reasonable expectations whenever the resources of the Colorado River country are comprehensively developed.