As remuneration for all these services, the Chattan demands nothing but food, but that on a large scale.
As remuneration for this service, and for their other function as protectors, another share of the produce of the soil seems to have been reserved specially for them.
The purifier receives a fixed remunerationfor his offices on this occasion, as well as when there is a birth in the taravad.
We gather with some certainty the amount of remuneration which was usually given to a chantry priest for his services.
The small remuneration which these workwomen receive keeps them living from hand to mouth, so that, in case of sickness, or scarcity of work, they are sometimes left literally without a crust.
The last receive no salary, but depend upon the remuneration derived from their classes.
Their remuneration is of course ruled by the rate of ordinary wages in the country; and as ordinary wages are higher in the States than with us, such men are paid accordingly.
In the States the remuneration is often much lower.
The members of the Executive Council shall receive such remuneration as may from time to time be prescribed by law, but the remuneration of any Minister shall not be diminished during his term of office.
The age of retirement, the remuneration and the pension of such judges on retirement and the declarations to be taken by them on appointment shall be prescribed by law.
Perhaps, as with the Irish, a want of fairremuneration may be at the root of their idleness.
It has already been mentioned that the rate of remuneration exacted by the prostitutes was fixed by themselves, though apparently announced to the aedile.
The tariff of prices will range from two horses to a handful of awls: such is the remuneration for which an Indian chief will prostitute his daughter.
The ordinary police fee for registration is two marks, the physician's fee is one mark, and the agent's usualremuneration four marks.
In the following tables of the rates of remuneration in 1850 this difficulty will scarcely exist, so far as New York is concerned at least.
This was not a badremuneration for a faithless woman.
Mr. Weber: I move that the additional remuneration be granted, 50 cents per member, to the Secretary.
This pay was a ridiculously small remuneration for the large amount of work which the men executed.
While Colet acquiesced in the view expressed by Erasmus as to the high qualities required in a schoolmaster, he gave practical proof of his sense of the dignity of the calling by the liberal remuneration he offered to secure one.
While there are both male and female blians, the service of women is regarded as more valuable, therefore commands higher remuneration than that received by men.
The blian's remuneration is usually one parang and a handful of rice.
The father of a young man must arrange the payment for the bride, and probably receives remuneration himself for the service rendered.
The trifling remuneration and wasted health of most needlewomen is a bitter reflection on those who employ them.
The remuneration of actors comes next into consideration, and the scale has a wide range, from $3 a week up to $200 a night.
The comfort and remuneration are as good as any branch of female industry.
The remuneration is better than women often receive for their handiwork.
The comfort and remunerationof the part done by women is very good.
There may be salaries, in a few instances, over those mentioned, but very seldom; and on the other hand, some young men are placed in business sometimes without any remuneration for the first year.
Their duties are more severe and their remuneration less than in any other country.
The usual price paid to girls as polishers, when they are employed by the week, is $6--a better remuneration for mechanical labor than most women receive.
The comfort and remunerationof the employment is satisfactory among working classes.
If women can attain to excellence as artists, they can command the same remuneration as men receive.
When the situation is obtained, and the remuneration is under $1,000, three per cent.
Although the girls are preferred in some places, and do make most excellent waitresses, their remuneration is not as high as that paid to men.
Either of the branches is light and pleasant, and soon learned, after which the remunerationdepends upon the abilities of the learner.
Few persons are willing to board working girls, because the remuneration is small, and the girls are expected to be furnished with nearly the same advantages as higher-priced boarders.
The comparative comfort and remuneration of the work are good.
This sum was to go by way of remuneration to the owners of the vessels, and to be in addition to a gratuity of 2d.
But neither the loss of their horses nor the inadequacy of their remuneration was so galling to the postmasters as the liability to which they now became subject, of having soldiers quartered upon them.
The officers whom the postmasters-general proposed to appoint were to receive for remunerationand travelling expenses together L1 a day, and the Treasury declined to sanction the expense.
In this case the deputy received as remuneration one-third part of the law charges incurred--a form of payment calculated more perhaps than any other to promote litigation.
In the country there were thirty-four postmasters, of whom only twelve were paid by salary, the remaining twenty-two receiving as their remuneration a certain proportion of the postage on inland letters.
Some postmasters, as remuneration for their services, were authorised to withhold a certain proportion of the postage; and numerous were the complaints that in this particular the liberty accorded to some was not extended to others.
Yet hard as he laboured, the Duke's repugnance to receive remuneration for his services could not be overcome.
Provision is made for fixing the remuneration of labor by governmental authority.
The proletarian principles must still further be compromised and the payment of time wages on the basis of equal remuneration for all workers must give place to payment according to performance; piece-work must be adopted.
Paragraph 60 provides that “the remuneration of each wage-earner shall be determined by his classification in a definite group and category.
Note: It is particularly necessary to take care that the general state rate of pay is to be observed in the remuneration of peasants for the delivery of food, for the preparation of wood or other fuel.
As a rule, remuneration was ordained for every description of labour, whether it was mental or manual, and might take a pecuniary or honorary form.
Justice as well as policy requires that we should make some remuneration for the damages these Indians sustain in consequence of the destruction of their game, timber, etc.
The party was large, the beavers were scarce, and after the lapse of a month Mr. Carson decided that the prospect of a richremuneration in the distribution of their furs, was not encouraging.
The property was at once restored to the Mexicans without any remuneration whatever being received by either of these men for their exploit.