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Example sentences for "chewinks"

Lexicographically close words:
chewer; chewers; cheweth; chewing; chewink; chews; chez; chi; chiama; chiamano
  1. As for fiddler crabs and chewinks and woodchucks—things,” she did not see them.

  2. But as for seeing fiddler crabs and chewinks and woodchucks—things!

  3. The young chewinks left their nests in the pasture on the third, and the chewink's feelings expressed themselves in song for two weeks after that.

  4. Young chewinks are being fed down among the ripening May-apples in the pasture.

  5. A gentleman in Massachusetts told me that when he was a boy he saw a small flock of chewinks who came about a house where food was put out for birds.

  6. As always, a few crows cawed above the deep woods, and the chewinks threshed about among the dry leaves.

  7. The chewinks flashed from the ground to the fences and trees, and back, crying "Che-wink?

  8. The lower limbs offered perches where doves might come to rest, finches to chatter, and chewinks to sing; while its hanging boughs and elm-like feathered sides attracted wandering warblers and songful wrens.

  9. At one time a jay's scream would jar on the ear and drown all other voices; when that had passed, the chewinks would fly up from the leaves and sing and answer each other till the air was quivering with their trills.

  10. Instead of scratching up the leaves and earth with her feet as chewinks and sparrows do, the thrasher used her bill almost exclusively.

  11. And when you hear the Chewinks scratching in the underbrush, remember they are putting leaves on the grave of the White Dawnsinger.

  12. The Chewinks scratched leaves over the two white bodies, and--I think--that Mother Carey dropped a tear on the place.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chewinks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.