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Example sentences for "chafing"

Lexicographically close words:
chaffering; chaffinch; chaffinches; chaffing; chaffy; chafts; chagan; chagrin; chagrined; chagrins
  1. He will need a good deal of companionship to keep him from chafing at his helplessness.

  2. Desmond, closely followed by his trumpeter, rode ahead of the troopers, chafing at their leaden-footed progress.

  3. So spake the Captain of Plymouth, and strode about in the chamber, Chafing and choking with rage, like cords were the veins on his temples.

  4. When I came to myself I was seated in his chair, trembling and shaken as if by some great convulsion, with Harry at my side, chafing my hands and kneeling down to look into my face.

  5. And I, who had intended to denounce his paltry views, and to pour out the full tide of my indignation upon him for thwarting and chafing my father--I was ready to cry with vexation and mortified pride.

  6. Without any fuss or commotion she broiled a piece of steak over those glowing coals, while over her big lamp she made a cup of coffee, and in her chafing dish prepared some creamed potatoes.

  7. In some indistinct way he realized how impotent is the chafing of the waters of Mortality against the iron- bound coasts of Death.

  8. But since the Folly Bay cannery never opened until the fish ran to greater size and number, the fishermen, chafing against inaction after an idle winter, took a chance and trolled for Jack MacRae.

  9. Thereafter he spent days lying on his bed, resting in a big chair before the fireplace while his wounds healed and his strength came back to him, thinking, planning, chafing at inaction.

  10. Since the telegram she had not received a word from her father or any one, and was inwardly chafing at the dead calm that had followed her exciting experiences.

  11. The thought burst in a furious tide over his face, clenched his fists, and set him chafing and pacing to and fro; but when he came back to his place intending to make a scene, a single look from the Duchess was enough.

  12. He was on his knees by her, chafing her hands.

  13. There was not a woman in it whom he had not read from preface to "Finis"--and his energies were chafing for lack of exercise in his noble vocation.

  14. The truth was, that this wild girl of the woods was secretly chafing against the stiffly starched prison in which she found herself helplessly immured.

  15. This point is generally overlooked in the machine-made product, and the toe cords are also frequently roughly formed, thus chafing the feet and making them sore.

  16. Leather shoes are cold and stiff, and the heavy soles and heels, chafing against the snowshoes, will soon ruin the filling.

  17. Moreover, Mrs. Brownlow, though often chafing secretly, had the power of reticence, and would not set the minds of her children against one who was always doing them kindnesses.

  18. A lining on the after-part of sails, to prevent their chafing against the top-rim.

  19. Also, a contrivance to avoid the necessity of having copper nailed on the mast to prevent a gaff from chafing it.

  20. Boats are fitted with permanent fenders, to prevent chafing and fretting.

  21. The lining sewed up the fore-part of the sail in the direction of the buntline to prevent that rope from chafing the sail.

  22. A cable properly served to prevent chafing under particular use.

  23. To house a topgallant-mast, is to lower it so as to prevent the rigging resting or chafing on the cap, and securing its heel to the mast below it.

  24. Chafing geer put on a hemp cable for a short range.

  25. Also, small lines for keeping the lee backstays from chafing against the yards.

  26. The reef-bands, leech and top linings, buntline cloths, and other applied pieces, to prevent the chafing of the sails.

  27. Also, pieces of old cable, or other materials, hung over the side to prevent it from chafing against a wharf; as also to preserve a small vessel from being damaged by a large one.

  28. Portable pieces of plank used to prevent chafing when a boat is hoisted or lowered.

  29. All the hemp that ever was spun into cordage would not hold a ship an hour, chafing on these rocks, with a northeaster pouring its fury on her.

  30. Outside he knelt beside her, chafing her hands, when she wakened.

  31. The heavy bell-rope would be ready next week; but Humility must first contrive a woollen binding for it, to prevent its chafing the ringer's hands.

  32. In a strong gale the foundations begin to work, and in the chafing the rock gets the worst of it.

  33. He was sick at heart, chafing at Napoleon's contemptuous words, and despondent at the utter failure of his mission.

  34. Beside her was Phyllis, tenderly chafing her thin, almost transparent hands.

  35. He was listening--listening acutely, but so still, so indifferent was his attitude that the chafing Tug scarcely realized his presence.

  36. Yet, albeit perpetually irritating and chafing the impetuous spirit of the earl, the earl, strange to say, loved the king more and more.

  37. Though, as the others, chafing at the delay, he still had confidence in the carriage coming, as he had in the directing head of one he expected to see inside it.

  38. Meanwhile those left inside the room were chafing to learn the particulars of the treason, though they were not all there now.

  39. Whatever you take, be sure it has broad straps to go over your shoulders: otherwise you will be constantly annoyed from their cutting and chafing you.

  40. The same rule applies to chafing upon any part of the body.

  41. Celeste lay without life or motion on the sofa, and Louis bent over her, chafing her cold hands, and calling her by every tender and endearing name.

  42. Kneeling down, she began chafing the old woman's hands and temples with an energy that soon restored her to consciousness.

  43. A French chafing dish supported on an iron tripod had been overturned, and was lying across the floor, while the charcoal, still warm, was scattered around in various directions.

  44. I scarcely heard her as I knelt beside the lifeless body of the woman I loved, chafing the wet white temples and gazing wildly into the wide-staring eyes.

  45. She had stepped across to that side, and held the hand between her own two, chafing it.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chafing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ablation; abrasion; abrasive; annoying; anxiety; anxious; attrition; bothersome; breathless; burning; chafe; disquieting; distressing; disturbing; dressing; eager; eagerness; erasure; erosion; excited; excitement; filing; fretful; fretfulness; fretting; friction; galling; gnawing; grating; grazing; grinding; harassing; haste; hasty; heating; impatient; impetuous; inflamed; irksome; irritating; lather; plaguing; rasping; restive; restless; restlessness; sanding; scouring; scrape; scratch; scratchy; scrub; squirmy; stew; stinging; sweat; tormenting; troublesome; uneasiness; uneasy; unquiet; upsetting; warming; wear; worrying