One has on it COH VIII, another has the word LVPI, probably to announce the fact, that the portion of the Wall in which it was originally inserted had been built by the troop under the command of the centurion Lupus; the third is illegible.
The frequency with which the thickness of the Wall varies, favours the idea that numerous gangs of labourers were simultaneously employed upon the work, and that each superintending centurion was allowed to use his discretion as to its width.
For the most part the centurions were promoted from the ranks: they were arranged in a complicated order of seniority; the senior centurion of the legion (primus pilus) was an officer of very high importance.
Of the Peticapitaines, twentie shall stand on the sides of the rankes, of the first Centurion, on the lefte hande, and twentie shall stande on the sides of the rankes, of the last Centurion on the right hande.
Sidenote: Neither Centurion nor Peticapitaine, ought not to ride; What carriages the Capitaines ought to have, and the nomber of carrages requisite to every bande of menne.
Peticapitaines placed betwene the Pikes, and the Targaettes: after these rankes, the fowerth Centurion must folowe.
Centurion muste move, with the fiftene rankes of Targaettes, that bee behinde hym, and to tourne on the right hande, and up by the right flancke of the xxv.
Intendying therefore, of these rankes thus ordered, to make a battaile with twoo hornes, the first Centurion must stand still, with the xxv.
And Ptolemæus, being a lover of the truth, and not of deceitful or false disposition, when he confessed himself to be a Christian, was thrown in chains by the centurion and for a long time was punished in prison.
Like the centurionof Scripture, he says Go, and he goeth.
To the same division of the army probably belonged a centurion of the first rank, Q.
Perhaps the centurion was quartered in this house; the soldier, waiting to have his shoes mended, scratched his name upon the wall.
An arrow, shot by Orpheus, had just glanced over the breastplate and into the throat of a centurion who had already set foot on the lowest step, when Karnis suddenly dropped the spear he was preparing to fling and fell without a cry.
Others are indignant with her, like the young man who picks up a stone to throw at her, or like the soldier behind the centurion who turns towards her a face full of astonishment and irritation.
And, dominating them all, the centurion on horseback gives the order to march to the place of execution.
The Centurion of all times has had much to be proud of, and he has not been blind to his blessings, nor ashamed to acquaint the world with his great good fortune.
No true Centurion ever assumed anything, each standing in his real place.
Thus meanly reflecting, the centurion dropped more of the gold pieces into his pocket, all the while eying the slave with keen scrutiny, as though calculating the market value of every hair upon his head.
The centurionreceived the purse with ill-dissembled joy.
As the centurion listened to the ring of the metal, his eyes sparkled, and he prepared to apply new arguments, when Cleotos himself sprang forward.
Poor and despised as he may be, no one can say that the centurion Porthenus is a beggar.
Then, the performance over, I followed home some simple old centurion was it?
Which the centurion hearing, went to the tribune and told him, saying: What art thou about to do?
And the centurion who stood over against him, seeing that crying out in this manner he had given up the ghost said: Indeed this man was the son of God.
And when they had bound him with thongs, Paul saith to thecenturion that stood by him: Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman and uncondemned?
But the centurion believed the pilot and the master of the ship, more than those things which were said by Paul.
Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers: Except these stay in the ship, you cannot be saved.
And there was a certain man in Caesarea, named Cornelius, a centurion of that which is called the Italian band: 10:2.
Now the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus, having seen the earthquake and the things that were done, were sore afraid, saying: Indeed this was the Son of God.
And when he was now not far from the house, the centurion sent his friends to him, saying: Lord, trouble not thyself; for I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof.
And the servant of a certain centurion who was dear to him, being sick, was ready to die.
And he commanded a centurion to keep him: and that he should be easy and that he should not prohibit any of his friends to minister unto him.
Unless my son Decimus, who is centurion with him, writes me false, he is a man!
The centurion Crastinus, who swore that he would win your gratitude living or dead, is slain after performing deeds worthy of his boast.
One day a frightened centurion reported to Cæsar that all the cisterns used by the troops were becoming flooded with sea-water.
She takes her place beside the Gentile centurion as the two recipients of commendation from Him for the greatness of their faith.
Unless you and I take upon our lips, though with far deeper meaning, the words with which the heathen centurion gazed upon the dying Christ, and say, 'Truly this was the Son of God!
Hort) invite us henceforth to read,--"Now when theCenturion saw that He so gave up the ghost.
The centurion fell heavily on his breast, clanging the pavement, and Ben-Hur had won.
But hardly were they out before the centurion in charge at the portico appeared, and in the gateway called to Ben-Hur, "Ho, insolent!
The crosses are ready," said the centurion to the pontiff, who received the report with a wave of the hand and the reply, "Let the blasphemer go first.
In the long and calm days of convalescence she found a devoted consoler in her most faithful adorer, Anatolius, a centurion of the Imperial cavalry, son of a rich merchant of Rhodes.
The centurion of the Imperial Guard, Anatolius, the admirer of Arsinoe, marched at the head of the palatine cohort.
The soldiers had nicknamed this hated centurion "Cedo Alteram," because he used to cry out gleefully every time he broke the rod with which he was striking a delinquent, Cedo alteram!
During this melancholy retreat Anatolius, the centurion of Imperial cavalry, had formed a close friendship with the historian, Ammianus Marcellinus.
Among the intimate friends stood also a young centurion of the Imperial horse, the future famous historian, Ammianus Marcellinus.
The mob rushed off, leaving in the courtyard the half-dead centurion weltering in blood.
He was thecenturion of the eighth centuria, Publius Aquila.
With these words, a centurion fell at Julian's feet, pale and trembling.
I know not more, but the centurion telleth it broadly.
But I may, perhaps, help you to understand it, by telling you what this centurion was.
But we have proof that what this centurion did, he did wisely and kindly.
Here we had remained not long, yet long enough for the Queen to exchange her disguise for her usual robes, when it was announced by the Centurion that we must proceed to the tent of the Emperor.
I learned from what I overheard of the conversation of the Centurion with his companion at his side, that the flight of the Queen had been betrayed.
The centurion or military tribune who considers war simply as a profession by which he is to make his fortune, goes to battle coolly, like a tiler ascending the roof of a house.
In the worst case the centurion and his men could retreat into the castle, and there defend themselves till the warriors of the nearest seaports--whither messengers were already on their way--should come to the rescue.
Hermas answered him as was becoming, and understood at once that it was not he that the centurion was seeking.
He knew where the main strength of the Blemmyes lay and communicated this knowledge to the Centurion Phoebicius and the captain of the Pharanites.
She was prepared for anything, and the thought that the centurion might have killed them both with the sword filled her with bitter-sweet satisfaction.
She is the wife of the centurion down in the oasis.
The centurion was nearly sixty years of age, and his frame, originally a powerful one, was now broken by every sort of dissipation, and could no longer resist the effects of the strain and excitement of this night.
That Roman centurion who had been at Calvary reviewed for Quintus the fateful happenings.
The company of Longinus or the centurion he does not seek.
She first appeared to leeward, and we all immediately gave her chase; but the Centurion so much out sailed the two prizes that we soon ran them out of sight, and gained considerably on the chase.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "centurion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: centenarian; centipede; centurion; century; corporal; gross; hundred; sergeant; tercentenary