I was sometimes sent to read the daily lecture and catechism to the nuns employed there, but found it a very unpleasant task, as the smell rising from the melted wax gave me a sickness at the stomach.
The only book on geography which we studied, was a catechism of geography, from which we learnt by heart a few questions and answers.
The priests took turns in attending to confession and catechism in the Convent, usually three months at a time, though sometimes longer periods.
Some of the most striking stories told us at catechism by the priests, were designed for this end.
We were told of the wonders effected by their means, in the addresses made to us, by priests at catechism or lectures.
This father was so fervent and energetic that in three months he had learned the language; and, in six, composed in it a catechism and a treatise on confession.
The adults, in the presence of the father, recite the prayers and catechism with great devotion and satisfaction, spending in all about half an hour.
It is a general custom, in all the mission villages in the Filipinas, for all the people to repair on Sundays and days of obligation to the church for the mass and sermon, before which the doctrine and catechism are recited.
A goodly number studied theCatechism translated into their own Language.
I was pleased to hear the elder children read so well, and was especially delighted with their knowledge of the Catechism in both Cree and English.
The catechism was written for children, and contains all the seeds and principles of Christianity for men.
In the so-called Orthodox catechism it says: "By the one church of Christ is meant nothing but the Orthodox, which remains in complete agreement with the oecumenical church.
In the Catholic catechism it says: "Quels sont ceux, qui sont hors de l'eglise?
But the Lutheran catechism runs as follows: "Die wahre Kirche wird daran erkannt, dass in ihr das Wort Gottes lauter und rein ohne Menschenzusaetze gelehrt und die Sacramente treu nach Christi Einsetzung gewahrt werden.
The only exception, was one or two quotations from the Shorter Catechism in proof of their positions, which were of course rejected, as deficient of the required authority.
And those who have grown old, when their blood is as lead in their veins, and they can but gaze with beggars' eyes on their own youth--they would have us too slaves of the prayer book and catechism like themselves.
Wandering sadly with prayer, book andcatechism in hand, when love and spring are waiting for all who will.
It is obvious, from the preceding specimen, that a conventional catechism involving every object can be contrived by two persons, and adapted to every circumstance.
Such is the simple process; and the following is the conventional catechism adopted by all theoperators in double sight, with a few variations adapted to circumstances.
What is the use of putting me through a catechism about its doings?
This is singular, since throughout the Catechism Scripture references are profuse in confirmation of the answers.
The old Wilson Catechismpublished in Dundee in 1737 is perhaps the most familiar defense.
Fisher, also, we find from his catechism published in 1753, thought it necessary to make some excuse for the custom in his time.
Upon this, Barre dreading more questions from the bystanders, hastily resumed his own catechism by asking who was the sorcerer.
Just then one of the bystanders remarked that the mother superior was in the habit of interpreting the Catechism to her scholars.
I will do my best to shew you,' said Mr. Cope; 'but your Catechism tells you best.
Perhaps the words reminded Alfred of the part of the Catechism where they occur, for he said, 'Oh, I wish I was confirmed!
We saw the Crown Princess again in the evening at the theatre, as she sent for Lady Galloway and me into her box and put Mary through a searching catechism about Russia.
They were pretty sure to be above my reach, but as he was quite willing to explain them I always made it a point to get him to do it.
It is a railed tank, with stone stairways leading down to the water.
Mr. Hunt continued his discourse upon the 7th question of the catechism & finish'd what he had to say upon it.
Yesterday afternoon I visited Miss Polly Deming & took her with me to Mr Rogers' in the evening where Mr Hunt discours'd upon the 7th question of the catechism viz what are the decrees of God?
What is the argument at present going on about taking the Shorter Catechism out of the schools?
Furthermore, there was instruction in the Catechism each day, so that the children were well occupied, as were also their elders.
Though men deny that, they cannot deny the other, what our Catechism calls Actual Sin.
Those simple, yet stately prayers of our Catechism and hymn-book have been, and are still, the inspiration of thousands of the most devout of God's children.
The Presbyterian Church has never yet revoked the teaching of their catechism that God has elected certain persons to damnation, and insists upon its form of government as divine.
How often do parents inquire about the Catechism and Bible history lesson?
Correctly does ourCatechism define the office of the keys.
So our Lord spoke, so our Catechism speaks, and so we may speak.
A Catechism is a book in the form of questions and answers treating of any subject, especially of religion.
Our Catechism treats of religion; that is, of the truths we must believe and of the things we must do to serve God.
It is important for us to learn the Catechism because it teaches us how to serve God: and unless we serve God in this world we can not be saved in the next; therefore, our knowledge of the Catechism affects our whole existence.
These questions and answers are added to those of the Baltimore Catechism No.
Catechism prepared by the Council, but only a development of its meaning.
To indicate the questions prepared by the Council I have added in braces their corresponding numbers from Baltimore Catechism No.
For example, question 130 below is question 1 in Baltimore Catechism No.
Man" in the Catechism means all human beings, either men or women, boys, girls, or children.
The old style of election address was a very different thing from the political catechism which the unfortunate candidate has to put himself through in these days.
In one the First Consul is styled "the new Moses," and there is a list of his Ten Commandments; in another there is a Catechism as to who is Buonaparte, with not very flattering answers.