The negative interrogative is formed like the simple negative by me or mi preceding the verb.
The future interrogativereplies to the question, "Can I.
The vocative alone often takes a final a as in the interrogative form.
The interrogative in the past simply changes the e of the positive indicative to a in both forms.
In the expression of Case, Interrogativeand Demonstrative forms they are the same as Nouns.
These are similar to the Interrogative Nouns and are formed by the addition of the syllables -aua, -ana, or -ala instead of a.
The last syllable besides is rarely heard except in questions, and refers then to the interrogative form.
The interrogative is only employed with reference to the verb itself, not to the complements.
When I began trying it, I was astonished to see how many thoughts which seemed to me quite promising and bright could not be approached by the interrogative mood.
If the interrogative word is an adjective, tell what noun it limits.
Tell, in each sentence, whether who or whom is an interrogative or a relative pronoun.
Parse the interrogative pronouns, mentioning gender, number, person, and case.
Whose is an interrogative pronoun in the masculine or feminine gender, singular number, and possessive case, modifying the noun birthday.
Which and what are used as +interrogative adjectives+.
The interrogative adjective what may be used in a peculiar form of exclamatory sentence.
An indirect question is sometimes expressed by means of an interrogative pronoun or adverb followed by an infinitive.
So the next day Blake moved inland, working his interrogative way along the Big Ditch to Panama.
And over Rio he once more cast and pursed up his gently interrogative net, gathering in the discomforting information that Binhart had already relayed, from that city to a Lloyd-Brazileiro steamer.
And over Rio he once more cast and pursed up his gently interrogative net, gathering in the discomforting information that Binhart had already relayed from that city to a Lloyd-Brazileiro steamer.
These interrogative reflections the Maroon made to himself.
Such was his interrogative reflection, as he glanced inquiringly from one to the other.
His glance betrayed that interrogative scrutiny characteristic of one who, not being furnished with a watch, endeavours to ascertain the time.
I The animal paused on the threshold, interrogative alert, ready for flight if necessary.
Other missing headers include Affinities, Inducing, Interrogative (by that name) and Quotations, as well as Section 126.
A nominative plural interrogative and indefinite #quēs# is rare (Pacuv.
It may be mentioned here, that the interrogativesubjunctive is often used in subordinate sentences: see 1731.
In the simplest form of the alternative sentence, neither question is introduced by an interrogative particle: as, #quid agō?
Next day I enquired of Enderby if the word for lightning could ever be employed as an interrogative particle or a pronoun.
Two interrogative particles, for example, without which the lower classes, when excited, could hardly ask a question, were quite ignored both by Boyton and the Woordenboek.
What other great advantage does the method of Interrogative Analysis give?
Now, if the reader has gained a clear conception of the Analytic-Synthetic and Interrogative Analysis methods, he is sure to be convinced of their undoubted superiority to the rote method.
The student of Interrogative Analysis can apply this method to the examples given under the Analytic-Synthetic Method.
Now the practice of Interrogative Analysis compels such persons to interrogate--to propose questions--to think.
Had they been thoroughly drilled in Interrogative Analysis as I teach it, they would quickly have questions to ask on all subjects.
I deal with it by the Analytic-Synthetic, and also by the Interrogative Analysis methods.
What does the practice of Interrogative Analysis compel such persons to do?
The interrogative pronoun, however, has the fuller declension, who?
Indirect questions are introduced by the same interrogative words as introduce direct questions, excepting thatyes-or-no direct questions (cf.
Interrogative words usually stand first, the same as in English.
An interrogativepronoun is a pronoun that asks a question.
He glanced with an interrogative frown at the peons asleep in the shade of the adobe.
Mr. Magnet and Toupee had gone to stare at the monoplane; they were presently joined by the odd-job man in an interrogative mood.
Then in answer to an interrogative movement of Newman's he continued, "She was driven to the wall, but you would never have thought it.
Gordon Wright, in spite of Bernard's interrogative glances, indulged in no optical confidences.
Miss J’mima Ivins’s friend’s young man eyed the man behind the waistcoat from head to foot, and cast a look of interrogative contempt towards Mr. Samuel Wilkins.
Exercise 9 In the following poem find all of the assertive, interrogative and imperative sentences.
These noun clauses may be introduced by either relative pronouns, interrogative pronouns or by conjunctions.
If you find it difficult to determine the subject and the verb or verb phrase in an interrogative sentence, rewrite the sentence in the assertive form, and you will find it easier to analyze.
In interrogative sentences, the subject comes after the helping verb or after the interrogative used to introduce the sentence.
Write sentences using the interrogative adverb how to modify an adjective and an adverb and to introduce a question.
In using interrogative adverbs in asking a question, the same inverted order is used.
This interrogative sentence is introduced by the interrogative adverb why.
In interrogative sentences, the verb phrase is inverted and a part of the verb phrase is placed first and the subject after.
How may also be used as an interrogative adverb modifying an adjective or another adverb.
When an interrogative clause is repeated in the body of another sentence, use the interrogation point after the clause, and begin the clause with a capital letter.
They are sometimes used to modify nouns when a direct question is not asked, and they are then used, not as interrogative adjectives, but as indefinite adjectives.
Which and what are the interrogative adjectives in these sentences.
You is the subject of this interrogative sentence and will go is the verb phrase; but in order to ask the question, the order is inverted and part of the verb phrase placed first.
Throughout the Indo-European tribe the interrogativeor relative idea is expressed by k, or by a modification of k; e.
All difficulties about the cases of the interrogative pronoun may be determined by framing an answer, and observing the case of the word with which the interrogative coincides.