The father instructed and catechised her, and told her to have confidence, and that baptism would save her, soul and body.
One thousand six hundred, having been catechised satisfactorily, were baptized.
And when the rector came to dine and read to Mr. Carvel, my uncle catechised him so searchingly on my progress that he was pushed to the last source of his ingenuity for replies.
Twice a year I catechised the parish, and once a year I visited their families.
He catechised children, held assemblies of devotion in the hospital, and by his mild reprehensions converted many loose livers, and, among others, one of the richest prelates in Spain.
He recovered his health in a short time, and catechised and instructed the poor with incredible fruit.
Besides which, one day in the week, I assembled in the church the wives of the Portuguese, and catechised them on the articles of faith, on the sacraments of penance, and the eucharist.
He never thought her education deficient and neglected, he never catechised her, or expected her to take wearisome lessons, as did her guardian, who clearly did not know how young ladies of her age ought to be treated.
I was catechisedlike a little school-girl," she grumbled on.
It was hard for a youthful and spirited princess to be catechisedby a minister who had suddenly turned against her.
Nicholas, little accustomed to be catechised or to give reasons for his conduct, frowned and was silent.
She consulted her dear knight on the subject, and he catechised the lawyer, who pleaded guilty.
If a woman complained to him of being ill-treated by her husband, he first inquired into the foundation of the complaint, and, if he found it just, catechised the defendant.
He also catechised the lambs of the flock daily, and visited from house to house.
One of the young Wykehamists was shy and churlish, and sheered off from the brothers, but the other catechised them on their views of becoming scholars in the college.
When Dean Colet preached or catechised in Saint Paul's in the afternoon they both attended and listened, but that good man was in failing health, and his wise discourses were less frequent.
He had been catechisedin his youth in the orthodox manner of his country, and he acquitted himself well.
Bush having read the lessons, came out of the prayer-desk, and to my amazement and great interest catechised the children and others.
On Saturdays we were catechised by a priest, being assembled in a community-room.
Some of the priests of the Seminary often visited the Congregation Nunnery, and both catechised and talked with us on religion.
The two fathers who were at Buquil, assembled some Indians into a place which they called Nuestra Senora de Atocha, where they baptized some and catechised others.
The latter immediately departed for Balacbac and having assembled some Indians there, baptized nine, and returned to Abucay, bringing five Zambals with him whom he afterward catechised and baptized.
Catechised the Children, and dismiss'd them about ten.
They may then read it by sentences in turn, be catechised upon it, have the moral circumstances separated, and the lessons drawn and applied.
On this they ought to be catechised in school, before reading it there, to see whether it has been previously read and understood or not.
After having read and catechised the children on this passage, as he had done on the former, he proceeded at once to call for lessons.
The whole school, with the exception perhaps of the very young classes, may be taken together, and catechised on some section of one of the Steps, or on a passage of Scripture previously prescribed.
Every day for about an hour he catechised me closely on the manner of life in my own country--the old world, as he called it.
When Dean Colet preached or catechised in St. Paul's in the afternoon they both attended and listened, but that good man was in failing health, and his wise discourses were less frequent.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catechised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.