Neither should we afflict them with any dismal account of our health, state of mind or outward circumstances.
Neither should there be provocation to little quarrels for the foolish delight of reconciliation.
An evening call should never be made later than nine o'clock, nor be prolonged after ten, neither should it exceed an hour in length.
Neither should assume a masterful or jealous altitude toward the other.
The intent was that, if Antony were defeated and the city taken by Cæsar, the conqueror should not take the Queen alive, neither should he have her treasure.
The messenger from Cæsar stood in the door aghast--orders had been given that Cleopatra should not be harmed, neither should she be allowed to harm herself.
For this reason, just as it is not given to the unbaptized, so neither should it be given to the adult sinners, except they be restored by Penance.
Just as the sacrament of Baptism is not to be conferred on a man who is unwilling to give up his other sins, so neither should it be given to one who is unwilling to renounce his unbelief.
As, therefore, He did not fast before the second temptation, so neither should He have fasted before the first.
For this we commanded you, that, if any would not work, neither should he eat.
Neither should he inform the second caller as to whether any one is or is not with his mistress, as ignorant servants are too apt to do.
Gentlemen should not offer fees to the men-servants, neither should ladies to the lady's-maid in attendance.
If the visitor calling bears the title of "Honourable" it should not be mentioned by him or her to the servant when giving the name, neither should it be mentioned by the servant when announcing the visitor.
No man should be compelled to adopt the theology of another; neither should a minority, however small, be forced to acquiesce in the opinions of a majority, however large.
The State should never seek revenge; neither should it put in peril the life or liberty of the accused for the sake of a hasty trial, or by the denial of appeal.
Neither should be neglected, least of all, the spiritual.
Neither should they be given to loud laughter, light and foolish speeches, worldly pride and lustful desires, for these are not only unbecoming, but grievous sins in the sight of the Lord.
Neither should insist, but both concede, in all things; each making, not demanding sacrifices.
Neither should strangers be allowed, under any circumstances, at home or abroad, to tease a child "just for fun.
Neither should they be permitted to handle the belongings, or finger the attire, of callers at the house.
Neither should two in a gathering converse together in a foreign language, not understood by the others present, or talk blindly in a manner unintelligible only to themselves.
Mosiah 29:8 8 Now I say unto you let us be wise and consider these things, for we have no right to destroy my son, neither should we have any right to destroy another if he should be appointed in his stead.
But we have Moses and the prophets--Christ and his apostles; if we shut our ears to them, neither should we listen to a messenger from the New Jerusalem.
But I had also such wickedness as those in my heart at my first awakening, and therefore, by your argument, neither should that be but from the devil.
My father was no expert in Mares' paces, yet he lived in peace and happiness; neither should I have been one--it has served me right.
My father was no Swine musician, but he lived well for all that; neither should I have been one--it has served me right.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neither should" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.