The various bromides are the only medical drugs that have produced any beneficial results.
The administration of the bromides should be maintained until three years after the cessation of the fits.
He sometimes felt sick, and although there was no medical treatment, from time to time he took bromides upon his own authority, saying he had been ordered to do so by his father.
Sargent and Holmes remark, however, that the practice of giving bromidesregularly to all serious cranial injuries until the wound is healed, and for some months afterwards, seems advisable.
Rest andbromides caused the fits to cease, and there had been none for six weeks at the time of his discharge.
The nocturnal attacks persisted; bromidesand even luminal failed of effect.
Bromides used in France did not help the epilepsy at all.
He was treated with bromides and the faradic current by Miraillé, applied to the right arm, which had become paretic.
Bromides diminished the crises a little in number.
The treatment was rest in bed withbromides early and strychnine later.
Hare, of Philadelphia, says: "The bromides should be used in the dose of five to ten grains three times a day for several days before the patient sails to quiet the vomiting center.
Give the bromides for the restlessness and sleeplessness.
Internally the bromides to quiet the nerves and arsenic to build up the system should be given.
The bromides are the best, and should always be given under proper supervision of a physician or nurse.
The bromides are a useful adjunct for body and mind.
The bromides have done good in the treatment of epilepsy, but they are the only drugs that maintain the reputation they first had.
Bromides taken to the extent of a dram or more a day are almost a specific for superirritability of the nervous system, and if taken for two or three weeks the patient will usually have little or no difficulty in overcoming the habit.
Paraldehyde may be used, or the bromides in connection with opium if the latter alone is not well borne.
Potassium, sodium and magnesium bromides are found in mineral waters, in river and sea-water, and occasionally in marine plants and animals.
As a class, the metallic bromides are solids at ordinary temperatures, which fuse readily and volatilize on heating.
Silver nitrate in the presence of nitric acid gives with bromides a pale yellow precipitate of silver bromide, AgBr, which is sparingly soluble in ammonia.
In medicine it is largely employed in the form of bromides of potassium, sodium and ammonium, as well as in combination with alkaloids and other substances.
The non-metallic bromides are usually liquids, which are readily decomposed by water.
Decomposed by alkalies; should not be dispensed in liquids containing both bromides and alcohol.
Incompatible with alkalies, with oxidizing acids like nitric acid, and with soluble bromides and iodides.
Decomposed by oxidizing agents, alkalies and the haloid salts of the alkali metals (chlorides, bromides or iodides).
To discriminate between bromides and chlorides more clearly, the substance is mixed with anhydrous potassium bisulphate and fused in an ignition tube.
Bromides treated with microcosmic salt and oxide of copper on platinum wire impart to the flame a greenish-blue color, the edges being decidedly green.
Iodides are treated, as the bromides and chlorides, in a bead of microcosmic salt with oxide of copper.
Unfortunately, the influence of bromidesis variable, uncertain, and markedly good in only a small proportion of cases.
Before bromideswere introduced by Locock in 1857, very strict hygienic, dietic and personal disciplinary treatment combined with the use of drugs often effected improvement.
After the stomach has been empty ten minutes, the patient should take a double dose of bromides (Chapter XIX) and go to bed.
Bromides in solution are unpalatable, patients grow careless of regularity and dosage.
Bromides are unsatisfactory drugs in the treatment of epilepsy, but they are the best we have at present.
Bromides are valuable in recent and mild cases, but no medicine exerts much effect on severe cases of long standing, which usually end in an institution.
Bromides are said to give better results if salt is not taken.
Only one victim in every thirty recovers from true epilepsy; and these are very mild cases, in which the fits are infrequent, there is no mental impairment, and bromides are well borne.
In quite 50 per cent of cases, the effect of bromides diminishes as they are continued, and they finally exert no influence at all.
In the end, this plan will be very much cheaper, and incomparably better, than buying crude bromides from quacks.
All bromides are quickly absorbed from the stomach and bowels, and enter the blood as sodium bromide, which lowers the activity of both motor and sensory centres, and renders the brain less sensitive to disturbing influences.
In about 25 per cent of cases, in which mild seizures occur at long periods, without mental impairment, the bromides arrest the seizures, either temporarily or permanently, after a short course.
If there are long intervals between attacks, cease taking bromides after one fit and recommence three weeks before the next seizure is apprehended.
In another 25 per cent the bromides lessen the frequency and severity of the fits, this being the common temporary result of their use in all cases in the first stages.
Müntz has shown that soil is capable of oxidising iodides to hypo-iodides and iodates, and bromides to hypo-bromides and bromates.
The bromideshave a distinct effect in lessening the number and frequency of seizures, but if taken to excess they have a serious depressing effect upon the patient.
If a solution with a ‹limited concentration of ammonia› is used, the method may be extended also to the separation of chlorides from bromides (see Chap.
Two tubes containing equivalent quantities of the two bromides are placed side by side in warm water.
Acne artificialis is a term applied to an acne or acne-like eruption produced by the ingestion of certain drugs, as the bromides and iodides, and by the external use of tar; this is also called tar acne.
Give frequency and types of cutaneous disturbance following the administration of the bromides (bromine).
Analogous bromine and iodine compounds are unknown, since bromides and iodides on heating with potassium bichromate and concentrated sulphuric acid give free bromine or free iodine.
It can be given in cases where the bromides have always been considered appropriate, and it can be given where the bromides would be very inappropriate and there is no reflex effect on the brain or nervous system.
Later on bromides were added to the collodion, an iron developer employed, and cyanide of potassium as a fixing agent; but the principle remained the same from first to last.
Cutting's American patent for use of bromidesin collodion obtained June 11th, and his Ambrotype process introduced in America.
Silver chloride prepared by methods similar to those used in making the two forms of bromides was also found to exist in two modifications.
Finally he precipitated pure silver bromide, in the absence of all colloids, by means of pure aqueous or alcoholic solutions of bromides and attempted to bring this upon plates, using gelatin or collodion as a cement.
This is especially the case with the chlorides of potassium or barium, the bromides of strontium or calcium, and the iodides of aluminum or magnesium.
The cyanides ought perhaps to be considered along with chlorides, bromides and iodides in Chapter XV.
The addition of bromidesis superfluous, sometimes injurious.
Alcohol should then be administered with a sparing hand, and it will probably be necessary to resort to the bromides or other cerebral sedatives.
As a clinical fact the bromides of sodium and potassium are most frequently employed for the relief of insomnia.
For the reasons above stated the bromides find their greatest opportunity for usefulness in cases of over-excitement and exhaustion of the brain.
Lithium and calcium bromides may be given in scruple doses every hour or two till sleep is produced.
The bromides act upon the protoplasmic constituents of the body, directly inhibiting their functional energy.
When in doubt regarding the proper hypnotic the bromides alone should be used.
Sodium and potassium bromides should be given in doses of thirty or forty grains every two hours.
It is sometimes remarked that instead of favoring sleep the bromides only increase wakefulness.
Chloral and the bromides are of comparatively little value in all cases where there is considerable depression of the vital forces.
The bromides were then ordered, and taken without intermission for periods which will subsequently be detailed.
G] The usual prescription contained the bromides of potassium and ammonium, fifteen grains of each for a dose.
For example, in persons who have been under the influence of the bromides for many years, the skin and tendon reflex action remain intact, and I have never seen a case in which the knee-jerk or plantar phenomena were absent.
Finally, the important question arises, Does a prolonged use of the bromides tend towards the eradication of the disease itself and the ultimate cure of the epileptic state?
D] The present inquiry is the result of an experience of 300 cases of epilepsy treated by myself with the bromides of potassium and ammonium.
A further study of the tables would also seem to show that while the beneficial action of the bromides remains permanent, the deleterious effects diminish the longer the drug has been taken.
Showing effects of Treatment by the Bromides in Epilepsy complicated with--1.
Showing Effects of Treatment by the Bromidesin Epilepsy at Different Ages.
The minimum time I have fixed as a test for judging the influence of the bromides on epileptic seizures is six months, and the maximum in my own experience extends to four years.
Thirty-two Cases of Epilepsy, showing Results of Treatment by the Bromides during a period of from 1 to 2 Years.
When he came to me, a number of physical cures, especially bromides and electricity, had been tried in vain by the physician.
Suggestions and bromides together may secure an effect which neither of them alone will bring about.
Under certain conditions, chemical substances may well prepare for the hypnotic treatment, for instance bromides or alcohol.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bromides" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.