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Example sentences for "bronchial"

Lexicographically close words:
bromide; bromides; bromine; bronc; bronchi; bronchitic; bronchitis; broncho; bronchos; bronchus
  1. An hour after, and Roy was sitting up in bed speechless and panting, with the bronchitis kettle in full play, and nurse trying vainly to battle with one of his worst bronchial attacks.

  2. He had a bad bronchial attack, and was in the hands of his old nurse again.

  3. The disease lies chiefly in the larynx and bronchial tubes, and is easily recognisable by the sharp, barking sound of the cough.

  4. Expectorants Expectorants are medicines which increase expectoration, or the discharge from the bronchial tubes, such as ipecacuanha, squills, opium, ammoniacum.

  5. I opened the trachea, but not the bronchial tubes, so I could not tell whether there was water in them or not.

  6. The lining membrane of the trachea and bronchial tubes was covered with a layer of dark bloody mucus of a dark chocolate colour.

  7. Bronchial and mediastinal lymph glands contained numerous tuberculous foci, and the pericardium, peritoneum, spleen, and liver also were affected.

  8. The bronchial glands, which in the healthy state are not so large as horse-chestnuts, have been found to attain a weight of more than 10 pounds.

  9. The bronchial murmur when heard over other portions of the lungs generally signifies that the lung tissue has become more or less solidified or that fluid has collected in the chest cavity.

  10. It may also be caused by breathing irritating gases, or by the introduction of foreign bodies into the bronchial tubes, which sometimes results from injudicious and careless drenching when the larynx is temporarily relaxed.

  11. It is caused by a small worm, Strongylus micrurus, which lodges in large numbers in the trachea and bronchial tubes, giving rise to considerable irritation of the air passages and inflammation.

  12. The disease usually attacks the bronchial glands, which are situated on the trachea and bronchial tubes at the bifurcation.

  13. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes.

  14. The bronchial murmur is a harsh, blowing sound, heard in normal conditions by applying the ear over the lower part of the trachea, and may be heard to a limited extent in the anterior portions of the lungs after severe exercise.

  15. This should not be lost sight of by any who are attacked with colds or bronchial troubles, or even in the incipient stages of lung difficulties; as thereby they may lessen the inflammation, and defer the progress of the disease.

  16. The respiration becomes slower and slower, and, if the person dies, it is because liquid collects in the bronchial tubes, and stops the passage of the air.

  17. These subdivide in the small bronchial tubes, which ramify through the lungs like the branches of a tree, the tiny twigs of which at last end in clusters of cells so small that there are six hundred million in all.

  18. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal and bronchial passages.

  19. Thereupon, the elastic lungs expand to occupy the extra space, while the air, rushing in through the windpipe, pours along the bronchial tubes and crowds into every cell.

  20. The bronchial tubes contained a considerable quantity of stringy mucous pus.

  21. Before long, however, the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane becomes more abundant and less glutinous, and accumulates in the tubes till dislodged by coughing.

  22. The symptoms vary according to the severity of the attack, and more especially according to the extent to which the inflammatory action spreads in the bronchial tubes.

  23. If the patient lie on the affected side, he may be free from cough the whole night, but if he turn to the sound side, or if he rises and bends forward, he brings up large quantities of bronchial secretion.

  24. In practice, however, it is found that the strength cannot be sufficiently strong to destroy the bacteria in the bronchial tubes.

  25. One of the first effects of inflammation upon the bronchial mucous membrane is to cause some degree of swelling, which, together with the presence of a tough secretion closely adhering to it, tends to diminish the calibre of the tubes.

  26. Occasionally a branch of a bronchial tube becomes plugged up with secretion, so that the area of the lung to which this branch conducts ceases to be inflated on inspiration.

  27. In addition to the remedies already alluded to, stimulants are called for from the first; and should the cough be ineffectual in relieving the bronchial tubes, the administration of an emetic dose of sulphate of zinc may produce a good effect.

  28. In most instances both moist and dry sounds are heard abundantly in the same case, since different portions of the bronchial tubes are affected at different times in the course of the disease.

  29. She had bronchial catarrh: there were no morbid cardiac sounds; and she had Malarial fever.

  30. I put my ear on his back, and the bubbling and crackling of the air as it was sucked through the inflamed bronchial tubes was loud enough for even a Hakim to hear.

  31. The most frequent illnesses to which the Sakais are subject are rheumatic complaints and very heavy colds which not rarely turn into severe bronchial and pulmonary ailments.

  32. He called on Mrs. Higginbotham, whose bronchial tubes had by this time become less ostentatious in their behaviour.

  33. I hope she will be well enough to accompany me to Lord's for the Eton and Harrow match, if the state of her bronchial tubes, which are giving her a lot of trouble just now, permit of it.

  34. Lieutenant Davidson, who had bronchial trouble and a bad knee, Lieutenant Lawson had bronchial trouble and a bad throat.

  35. At the first halt a number lit up cigarettes, and as soon as they started a chorus of coughs showed where the seductive weed was getting in its deadly work on the lungs and bronchial tubes.

  36. You twist its neck and it protests like a bronchial calf.

  37. Vaseline, again, is an excellent thing for bronchial wheezing, such as pugs are especially subject to, and will always be taken if put on the nose.

  38. The worst-sounding coughs are often the least important, and may pass off in a few days without treatment, but a bronchial rattling in the throat calls for care.

  39. It arrests many forms of uterine hemorrhage with great promptness, is a valuable agent in the treatment of piles, and is useful in many forms of chronic throat and bronchial affections.

  40. Gentlemen--For some time I have been troubled with a severe lung and bronchial disease, following a severe attack of pneumonia.

  41. To overcome the modified form of inflammation in the bronchial tubes, all sources of irritation should be avoided, as the inhalation of dust, or excessively cold air.

  42. This is a subacute or chronic form of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes, of a very persistent character and variable intensity.

  43. Expectorants are medicines which modify the character of the secretions of the bronchial tubes, and promote their discharge.

  44. Gentlemen--I was troubled for several years with bronchial disease, having a severe cough a good share of the time.

  45. The lungs are held in position by the root, which is formed by the pulmonary arteries, veins, nerves, and the bronchial tubes.

  46. In the more severe attacks, especially when complicated by laryngeal or bronchial symptoms, the most decisive measures should be employed.

  47. The bronchial tubes are merely continuations and subdivisions of the windpipe, and serve to convey the external air to the air-cells of the lungs.

  48. The air-cells constitute the chief part of the lungs, and are the termination of the smaller branches of the bronchial tubes.

  49. The inhaler of tobacco gets his effect in precisely the same way that the opium-smoker gets his--the rapid absorption by the tissues of the bronchial tubes.

  50. The cigarette-smoker almost invariably inhales, and he gets the most harm merely because the bronchial mucous membrane absorbs the poison most rapidly.

  51. You will note that in the second case there is hardly any stain on the handkerchief: the stain is on your windpipe and bronchial tubes.

  52. In some of the cases no demonstrable changes were observed in the bronchial arteries or in the pulmonary veins.

  53. In all high pulse pressure cases one will find on careful auscultation over the manubrium, particularly its lower half, breath sounds which vary from bronchial to intensely tubular.

  54. Mrs. Ward should, by all the rules, have returned straight home from Paris, for she had already begun to suffer from bronchial catarrh and the weather had turned colder.

  55. But it was many weeks before the bronchial catarrh left her, nor did she ever, during this last year of her life, regain the level of health at which she had started for France in the first week of the year.

  56. It is known now that the beginning of the affection is always as Strumpell said, "an extensive and quite rapid contraction of the smaller and smallest bronchial branches, that is the terminal twigs of the bronchial tubes.

  57. Cold food and drinks increase the tendency to cough, by causing, reflexly, a congestion of the bronchial vessels.

  58. Hence persons with bronchial disease ought not to indulge in cold drinks.

  59. For bronchial trouble or bleeding at the lungs, gargle the throat often; but for general cleanliness, gargle a little every morning; for catarrh, not only gargle but snuff some up the nose.

  60. Consumptive and bronchial troubles in women are often due to irregularity of dress about the throat and lungs.

  61. The lungs and bronchial tubes are organs of speech only in so far as they supply and conduct the current of outgoing air without which audible articulation is impossible.

  62. Taylor, as occurring in the practice of Mr. Hilton, where liquor ammoniae, given by mistake, caused corrosion of the throat and gullet and obstruction of the bronchial tubes by false membrane.

  63. When death has resulted from ammonia, signs of inflammation are usually found in the larynx and bronchial tubes.

  64. The trachea extends, as a separate and distinct structure, through about one hundred and fifteen sections, and then, at a point four or five sections caudad to the present section, it divides suddenly into the two bronchial tubes.

  65. In the region shown in figure 5E the three tubes, oe and lu, lie at the angles of an imaginary equilateral triangle, while in the region of the liver, where the bronchial rudiments end, the tubes lie in the same horizontal plane.

  66. Followed caudad the lower of these tubes divides into the two bronchial rudiments, figure 5E, lu, which, in the embryo here figured, extend through nearly one hundred sections.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bronchial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.