I understand," he said, and the words searedhis throat.
Now it seared his throat to speak aloud his decision that Nancy must leave the British Band.
The truth was, however, that Harold was seared by inner and raging fires.
Yet leaping fast--red and deadly and terrible upon the heels of his remorse--there came an emotion that seared him like a wall of fire.
The smoke from the ghats behind him still seared in his lungs.
The blaze had become an inferno, fueled by casks of coconut oil stored below decks on the galleon, and Hawksworth involuntarily shielded his eyes and face from the heat that, even at their distance, seared the Discovery.
Hawksworth's eyes were seared now from the smoke and the smell of burning flesh.
An agony of pain shot through his shoulder, seared for half a foot by the blazing branch.
Once or twice before he had known prisoners like this, quiet, silent men who were never insolent, but whose eyes told him that the iron had seared their souls.
If I am named to thee, thou needst not blush, for now I have searedaway that eve above the river, that morn at Penshurst.
I thought, 'I have sorely wounded her whom I love, and with my own words I have seared that wound as with white heat of iron.
And she knew that if he saw her, it was because her face lived in his inner vision, and that if he felt her hand it was because the memory of her touch was seared into his very flesh.
Her intuition flashed down into the depths of the man's patient soul, more seared and scarred even than those dreadful features, and the compassion which she poured out to him was other than her pity for her husband.
But the old General had never spoken of the one irretrievable mistake of his life--a mistake which had left his heart seared and made his life desolate in the summer of his days.
He was no coward in some directions, but the look on his sister's face was awful to see and her words seared themselves upon his brain.
However, it may be seared to some extent by placing it in a very hot oven and turning it over so that all the surface is exposed.
When seared all over, place strips of bacon over the fish and continue to broil until it is done.
Put the steak into the hot pan and turn it as soon as it is seared on the side that touches the pan.
If the meat is to be roasted in the oven, it may be seared first in a pan on top of the stove.
The same principles employed in sautéing any food are applied in the cooking of poultry by this method; that is, the surface is seared as quickly as possible and the cooking is finished at a lower temperature.
After it is seared on the other side, turn it again and continue to turn it frequently until it has broiled for about 15 minutes.
The process of roasting, either in the oven or in a pot on top of the stove, to be properly done, requires that the piece of meat to be roasted must first be seared over the entire surface by the application of severe heat.
Those within the Cavern crouched behind their frail protection, half blinded by the light from the seared grass, coughing from the chemical-ridden fumes which curled about the cracks of the rock.
Then the boat crossed to the other side and he lay there with eyes seared and staring.
One seared his consciousness; Gus: Don't bother to look for me.
They cooked a bountiful dinner, and sat down to it, the Prophet asking a blessing that seared the hearts of the two because of its fervour.
Why, you sent him away quite seared by your cruelty; and if he is not playing at roulette, or at billiards, I dare say he is thinking what a little termagant you are, and that he had beat pause while it is yet time.
The seared functionary paused in the midst of her harangue; that article was not inserted in the catalogue which she daily utters to visitors for their half-crown.
It is the outpouring of a soul as deeplyseared by Fate's unkindness as the pretty on the dog-leg hole of the second nine was ever seared by my iron.
There is a beauty of sorrow in these poems in which "life with the sad, seared face" mirrors itself without disguise.
Saved once more by the virtue of her who calls thee father, go hence, and may the pardon and benefits I confer on thee prove literal coals of fire, till thy brain is seared and scorched like mine!
Her back was burning; her tongue was parched; her eyes were seared as they half opened upon the crowd.
Had he not been her friend from the first, taking her in perfect trust, and in the hour that had branded her and in her dreams seared her yet?