It was by these two gentlemen that the steam-boats were put on the lakes, and the rail made across the island.
The Deerhound and the French pilot-boats were also at a considerable distance.
The gun-boats were to sweep the beach, if there was any resistance.
Every now and then gun-boats were sent on excursions, and marines landed to damage naval stores and arsenals.
The firing ceased immediately, the American's boats were launched, and every effort praiseworthily made to save the sinking crew.
Two gun-boats were placed in readiness, as a landing escort, The boats were under the direction of Captain Mulcaster, of the Royal Navy, and the landing under the immediate supervision of Sir George Prevost and Sir James L.
Eleven cannons, several hundred stands of arms, and a considerable quantity of stores fell into the hands of the victors, while two small schooners and two gun-boats were destroyed in winter quarters.
The Phlegethon had been sent in an opposite direction; but on that side no fire-boats were discovered, notwithstanding the active exertions of Lieutenant M'Cleverty.
Altogether not less than one hundred fire-boats were destroyed on these different occasions, besides those which had been previously destroyed by the Nemesis, and the boat of the Clio.
Sir William Parker's arrangements for the merchant transports were perfect; their orders were definite, and were generally obeyed with alacrity; boats were always in readiness, and signals carefully watched.
The wheel-boats were, as a matter of curiosity, the first boarded, and it was afterwards ascertained that they were each commanded by a mandarin of high rank: which marks the importance they gave to them.
The carrier waves of the snapper-boats were on the same frequency, and they would smother the faint signal from his bubble.
The remaining snapper-boats were going to make it.
If only the radios in the snapper-boats were on a Federation frequency .
Boats were secured, and the irresistible mob set out in mad pursuit.
Boats were lowered; but the angry white-capped waves tossed them madly aloft, and, turning them over and over, sent the poor fellows that manned them to their long account.
After the "Essex" had been formally surrendered, boats were sent to convey the prisoners to the British ships.
It was not until the spring of 1917 that suitable flying-boats were in being.
Our surface ships could not of course go in for the information, the submarines had done all that they could, airships were out of the question because of Hun seaplanes, so the flying-boats were told to do the job.
Warned our man to clear out as four more U-boats were working in immediate area.
The flying-boats were painted a light grey, and the enemy pilot was spreading the pleasing report that it was no use attacking them, as they were made of armoured steel.
If only the radios in the snapper-boats were on a Federation frequency.
The ship was stopped, boats were lowered, and the master proceeded to the submarine, where he was questioned by the commander.
Shells began to fly over the ship, the engines were stopped, and both life-boats were lowered.
We were in the middle of the smoke and din when a signal was made high above the vapour that the Chinese torpedo-boats were escaping by the western passage in the direction of Chefoo.
Yet, terribly destructive as these U-boats were, the number which were operating simultaneously in this and in other fields was never very large.
The German U-boats were making a particularly successful drive at tankers with the result that England had the utmost difficulty in supplying her fleet with this kind of fuel.
When the Germans captured the city of Bruges in Belgium they transformed it into a headquarters for submarines; here many of the U-boats were assembled, and here facilities were provided for docking, repairing, and supplying them.
The crews of Adair's and Murray's boats were, however, in so great a hurry that they fired before Mr Cherry could countermand his order, and then on they dashed.
They looked behind the points of rock on either side, but no boats were visible.
One of the largest fired away until the boats were close up to her; she then cut her cable and made for the shore, still blazing away with her heavy guns, gingalls, and match-locks.
Still the battle continued; but three of our gun-boats were on shore and reduced to mere wrecks.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boats were" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.