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Example sentences for "battleaxe"

Lexicographically close words:
batters; battery; batterys; batting; battle; battled; battledoor; battledore; battledores; battlefield
  1. Or a bottle of Battleaxe between the three of us!

  2. Mick;--Battleaxe being the name for a certain brand of brandy.

  3. Astounded at the buffet from the rear, Guilbert hastily turned and rode at Edgar, leaning over in his saddle and swinging his great battleaxe in readiness for a telling blow.

  4. He had already his father's sword, and needed only a light battleaxe and a dagger to complete his offensive equipment.

  5. In a few vigorous strokes Wallace was across, hauled himself up to the sill of the door, and with his heavy battleaxe smote on the chains which held up the drawbridge.

  6. With lance and battleaxe the chivalry of England strove to break the ranks of the Scotch, while with serried lines of spears, four deep, the Scotch held their own.

  7. On horseback with mace or battleaxe it is mainly a question of sheer strength, and though you are very strong there are others who are as strong as you.

  8. Umslopogaas leant himself upon the head of his long battleaxe (which was nothing else but a pole-axe, with a beautiful handle of rhinoceros horn), and his grim face grew sad.

  9. The people spoke among themselves of Olaf's beautiful fair hair, of his crested helmet of burnished brass, of his red silk cloak that fluttered in the breeze, and his glittering battleaxe that hung pendant from his saddle.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "battleaxe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.