These animals, to which a portable stronghold is thus given in compensation for inferior powers of locomotion and defence, are recognisable at a glance from the singular armour with which Nature has provided them.
If we would find an armour which should cover us at every point from this subtle enemy, it would be an armour that would close up the pores of the skin, and stop our breath; our fancied security would kill us.
In so far as evidence can be found in Acts of either Parliament or Privy Council, this was one of the last occasions on which specific mention was made of the armour and weapons to be borne by the respective classes of fighting men.
A complete suit of armour for a footman was to be charged L18, and was to be of one quality only--lance and sword proof.
In 1546, a special wapenshaw was ordered to be held on Low Sunday, and the reason given for this step was, that the lieges were out of use of armour and weapons because such inspections had been neglected.
This Scottish adaptation of the English system required every man between sixteen and sixty years of age to be provided with defensive and offensive armourin proportion to the quantity of lands and chattels which he possessed.
What magnificent colour in the strong yet delicate armour of their shells!
The biggest limned picture that was made of Prince Henry, being limned in a set laced ruff and gilded armour and a landskip, wherein are some soldiers and tents, in a square frame with a shutting glass over it.
It represents him in armour when he was probably Duke of York, and may have been painted after his return from fighting the Dutch off the Texel.
Ah," said the lovers to one another, "saw you that silvern armour and that flaming crest?
He knew these greaves; he knew that they belonged to a full suit of armour of the same make; he knew also, by an instinctive connection of ideas, that the wearer of this armour was hateful and dangerous to him.
Neither Vulcan’s fabulous shield nor such armour as that of which poets sing the forging assisted thine efforts.
With his right hand he hurls his spear, with his left he holds his cloak before him; no other armour has the horseman.
How fair art thou in shield and goldenarmour girt, with waving plumes and taller by the altitude of a helmet!
Now the Irish use armour which is light and easy to procure.
Who would not reckon swimming away in his armourmore to his glory than to his shame?
No kind of armour withstood his onset, no man could receive his stroke and live.
The offence moved his anger; then he asked his father for a horse, a dog, and such armour as could be got, and cursed his youth, which was suffering the right season for valour to slip sluggishly away.
The evangelical princes were confident; on their armour was the motto, Verbum Dei manet in æternum.
Scotu, but even archbishop Wessilo of Sens and the deacon Florus of Lyons, who had hitherto supported him, now put on their armour against him.
But his heart was cased in sevenfold armour against all her flatteries, as afterwards against her threats; even her tears found him as stern and cold as her wrath.
Illustration: Knights in armour tumbled over their own steeds, donkeys ran snorting about, ladies shrieked.
The Iroquois were greatly astonished that two men had been so quickly killed, although they were equipped with armour woven from cotton thread and with wood which was proof against their arrows.
The spoils of victory included a large quantity of Indian corn, together with a certain amount of meal, and also some of the native armour which the Iroquois had thrown away in order to effect their escape.
At daylight each put on light armour and, armed with an arquebus, went ashore.
From many thousand hams those intended for the Star brand are chosen; the process of curing is a specialty of Armour and Company, and careful smoking over green hickory logs gives the final necessary touch.
Armour's Monthly Cook Book Copyright, 1913, by Armour and Company A Magazine Devoted to the Interests of Women Vol.
Just now the Armour factories, in the heart of the grape-growing sections of New York and Michigan, have their presses at work extracting the pure juice from the season's luscious Concords.
Presently Kaid came, accompanied by his faithful Nubians, their armour glowing in the first warm light of the rising sun, and crowds of people, who had suddenly emerged, ran shrilling to the waterside behind him.
Meanwhile the Nubians in their glittering armour waited without in the blistering square.
It was as though one in armour awaited the impact of a heavy, cruel, overwhelming foe, who suddenly disappeared, and the armour fell from the shoulders, and breath came easily once again.
Here again in the Palace square were Kaid's Nubians in their glittering armour as of silver and gold, drawn up as she had seen them drawn then, to be reviewed by their overlord.
I've got a suit of fine chain-armour which I bought of an Arab down by Darfur.
There, drawn up, were a thousand mounted men as black as ebony, wearing shining white metal helmets and fine chain-armour and swords and lances like medieval crusaders.
It was as though, fully armed for his battle of life, he had suddenly been stripped of armour and every weapon, and left naked on the field.
There Sir Launcelot unarmed him, set his armour beside him, and went to bed, and anon fell asleep.
Then they fought two hours and more on foot, until their armour was all hewn to pieces, and in many places they were wounded.
Therewith he took his armour and let himself down from the window by a sheet to the four knights.
Thereupon Sir Launcelot gat all his armour as well as he might, and put it on for fear of further attack, since the knight's castle was so near.
There was weeping and wailing and wringing of hands of many lords and ladies, and few in comparison there present would bear any armour for to keep order.
He missed Sir Launcelot, and then he espied that his armour and his horse had been taken.
And because I have his armour and shield I am sure I shall ride in peace.
He put on Sir Kay's armour and took his shield, and so went to the stable.
Then men brought Sir Melias his armour and his spear and his horse; and so Sir Galahad and he rode forth all that week ere they found any adventure.
The next morning ere day the King ordered his best horse, and in full armour rode out alone to encounter the knight of the fountain.
Thereupon there came one to Fair-hands, and told him that his horse and armour was come for him, with all things that he needed in the richest manner.
So he took his armour and departed, and said that he would go back to the realm of Logris.
Then soon after arose Sir Kay and missed Sir Launcelot: and then he espied that he had his armour and his horse.
Also this twelvemonth and a day that ye bear none armour nor none harness of war.
Then Sir Gringamore gave Sir Gareth a bay courser that was a passing good horse: also he gave him good armour and sure, and a noble sword that some time Sir Gringamore's father won upon an heathen tyrant.
And then for despite Sir Ector put off his armour from him, and went on foot, and would not ride.
Thereto, said La Beale Isoud, do your best, and as I can, said La Beale Isoud, I shall purvey horse and armour for you at my devise.
I will well, said the knight, that ye have mine armour and my shield, if they may do you any avail.
For, as the French book saith, Sir Pelleas gave such buffets there that none armour might hold him.
And at night, because he was wounded afore, he laid his armour and his sword nigh his bed side.
How Sir Palamides changed his shield and his armour for to hurt Sir Tristram, and how Sir Launcelot did to Sir Tristram.
I suppose well, said Sir Galahad: and took his armour and his horse and commended them unto God.
So when that day came, she shewed Alisander a postern where through he should flee into a garden, and there he should find his armour and his horse.
But there were but few in comparison that would bear any armour for to strength the death of the queen.
The man-at-arms from the castle smote his thigh till all the joints of his armour clashed and rattled: "And here I must back with this message without a halt, with music like that going on down below.
And for a like reason many a sword and suit of armour has been thought to be made by magic by men who did not know of nickel steel.
I found them packed away with myarmour by some mistake of a retainer, although I know more of sword-play than of music.
And every stroke slashed that armour in such great holes that I think the axe that did it must indeed have been of Star, or nickel steel, and of itself a gift for a King!
It represents a man on horseback in Roman armour slaying a crocodile with a spear; but for the fact that the rider has a hawk's head, the group might easily be mistaken for the traditional combat of St. George and the dragon.
In all essentials they are alike, and the actual figures are identical in gesture and pose, disregarding shield and armour in one case, scroll and drapery in the other.
The Medusa head occurs on the base of the Judith, on the Turin Sword hilt, and on the armour of General Gattamelata.
The ceiling was covered with coats-of-arms; the chief decorations were a panoply of armour and an old prie-dieu on which a missal of 1350 opened its illuminated pages.
These knights are all in armour, and are valuable as giving accurate representation of the armour and knightly gear of their time.
The door is of oak, plated with roughly wrought metal plates, of which tradition has it that they were made by the monks out of swords and armour found in and around the precincts after the battle of Tewkesbury in 1471.
Suffice it that the ceremony was over, and the young knight stood before his godfather in chivalry belted and spurred, and clothed in the full armour of a knight.
Gallon, as the lightning gleamed round about them, playing on the armour of De Coucy and his squire.
At the same time, neither by indiscreet word, or meaning glance, did De Coucy betray that he had any absolute knowledge of the quality of him whose limbs that plain armour covered.
The whole armour was one of those plain and unornamented suits much used in the first fervour of the crusades, when every other decoration than that of the cross was considered superfluous.
Leading his men down into the hollow, the young knight took advantage of the stream, and by making his soldiers advance through the water, covered the clank of their armour with the noise of the rivulet.
The floor was strewed thickly with green leaves; and on each space left vacant on the wall by the suits ofarmour was hung a large branch of oak, covered with its foliage.
Ducange implies, from a passage in Joinville, that this part of the ancient suits of armour was the privilege of a knight.
Here the knight doffed his armour and put on rich robes, which so well became him, that all declared that a more comely knight Christ had never made (ll.
By each cock that crows he knows the hour, and before day-break he calls for his chamberlain, who quickly brings him his armour (ll.
Early on the morrow Sir Gawayne, with great ceremony, is arrayed in his armour (ll.
The Armour of the latter was of a blue Colour mixt with Gold, and the Housings of his Saddle were of the same.
His Armour was made of pure Gold, enamell'd with Green.
He got up therefore in the Dead of the Night, stole imperceptibly into Zadig's Apartment, took his white Armour and Device away with him, and substituted his green One in its Place.
Cador prov'd, without any great Difficulty, that the White Armour was Zadig's Property.
Then did Cuchulain put on his battle armour that he used for the combat and fight.
And then, before Cuchulain could come, Ferdia put on the armour that he was to use for that battle in the conflict and fight.
Cuchulain, "strip for me the body of Ferdia, and take from him his armour and his garments, that I may see the brooch for the sake of which he undertook this combat and fight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.