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Example sentences for "armourer"

Lexicographically close words:
armorum; armory; armour; armourbearer; armoured; armourers; armouries; armouring; armours; armoury
  1. In Ghent, then, there lived an old armourer to whom this man did some great service in protecting his goods and very possibly his life from robbers.

  2. The armourer bowed to the wealthy Fleming, who was well known to everyone in the city.

  3. He is accounted the best armourer in the county, and provides no small share of the armour for our knights and nobles.

  4. Petrajolo da Missaglia, the founder of the family, settled in Milan as an armourer towards the middle of the fourteenth century, and built the house in the Via degli Spadari where his sculptured poincon or armourer's mark is still to be seen.

  5. But the ever-growing appreciation of the intrinsic beauty of the steel panoply and its fine military qualities is now distinctly felt, and the armourer sought more and more to invest his work with beauty of form.

  6. Georg, the father of Lorenz, was well established as an armourer when he was joined in 1467 by his famous son.

  7. Hans was employed by Maximilian when King of the Romans, and no armourer in Germany was more sought after.

  8. The graceful and doubly articulated and engrailed breast and back-plates are beautifully designed, and finished in the manner of the great master armourer Lorenz Colman of Augsburg.

  9. An armourer of Touraine, whom she did not know (afterwards she maintained that she had never seen him), was appointed to carry the letter to Fierbois.

  10. The two suits of mail, made at the same time by the same armourer for Jean de Metz and his comrade, were together worth one hundred and twenty-five livres tournois.

  11. Here it was that, by the King's command, the master armourer made Jeanne a suit of mail.

  12. The priests were careful to offer it to the Maid with great ceremony[824] before giving it to the armourer who had come for it.

  13. The armourer was at once taken out of the boat and carried by Lance's directions up to the building in which he slept.

  14. The stretcher was soon ready, and the armourer having been placed upon it, was carried as carefully as possible down to the boat.

  15. This also was swallowed with avidity; and then the armourer lay quiet for a few minutes.

  16. Lance's long and fatiguing watch beside the death-bed of the unfortunate armourer of course delayed to some extent Captain Staunton's reply to the suggestion which Dickinson had made on behalf of himself and certain of his comrades.

  17. The armourer told the boatman to row closer in, and presently called the boy's name.

  18. The king would have loaded Ulred with presents, but the sturdy armourer refused to receive anything save a small gold cup in remembrance.

  19. The Thane of Fareham," the armourer said sharply.

  20. I am glad to hear that the boy lives," the armourer said; "for indeed when I saw you alone my first thoughts were that he had fought his last battle.

  21. That would hardly do, my lord," the armourer said gravely.

  22. The armourer had been ill the first night, but he came on deck soon after breakfast, and when once the vessel was past the mouth of Harwich Bay and was close inland, he soon recovered.

  23. It is a Saxon cloak," the armourer said to himself, "but those are Norman leggings.

  24. Come on board here, Ernulf," the armourer said, "your message has saved us further journey.

  25. To the armourer it was a very serious undertaking upon which he was embarking.

  26. The armourer saw that his apprentice wished to speak to him in private.

  27. Landing at once the armourer found a small vessel on the point of starting for York, and in half an hour from the time of weighing anchor the tide turned, and they ran rapidly along, helped by the flood.

  28. It is Ulf's story," the armourer said when they reached the shadow of the cathedral.

  29. As to that we have no clue," the armourer said.

  30. That he has not done, sir; but I pray you to hear me," he added urgently as the armourer was turning to leave the room.

  31. During the war of 1812, Mr. Columbus was employed as armourer to the Militia, and had a forge near the garrison.

  32. One of them contained a forge in charge of Mr. Higgins, armourer to the Department.

  33. Hence the smith was a man of indispensable importance among the Highlanders, and the possession of a skilful armourer was greatly valued by the chiefs.

  34. At length a great armourer arose in the Highlands, who was able to forge armour that would resist the best Sheffield arrow-heads, and to make swords that would vie with the best weapons of Toledo and Milan.

  35. Of these, Rochester was the greatest; and he and Armourer were arrested at Aylesbury.

  36. He and Major Armourer did not, after the Marston Moor failure, fly to the coast, or seek separate hiding-places.

  37. Armourer was imprisoned in the Castle, and O'Neale in the Sergeant's house.

  38. The ingenuity of the armourer showed itself in various ways of quilting, and various methods of applying the external defence of metal.

  39. The armourer speedily arrived, and the knights and followers of the earl being called in and the case stated, there was soon found a coat of fine linked mail, which fitted Cuthbert well.

  40. If you want blacksmithing done you must betake yourself to armourer Arras in the valley, who will put either horse or armour right for you.

  41. I thought you had bought it from some armourer and intended me to wear it as a badge of my office.

  42. The armourer raised his cap at the mention of the august name, and invoked a blessing upon the head of that renowned and warlike prelate.

  43. I would be glad to know who your armourer is, for I should dearly love to provide my men with weapons of such temper.

  44. I ask you to have your armourer immediately attend to it.

  45. And the men should have arms from the armourer of the monastery and from the men-at-arms there until they came to arms of their own.

  46. Then came the armourer called Armstrong to the Young Lovell and begged him to be his good lord and pardon him.

  47. So they sold it for forty shillings to a Morpeth armourer called Simon Armstrong, who thought he had a bargain.

  48. So that armourer revealed to the Young Lovell that he had that lord's armour of state which he had bought for forty shillings, but no knight of that part would buy it of him.

  49. The Second-in-Command of the Reedshires had just given them a ballad, and sung it jolly well too; and the armourer sergeant and one of their own lieutenants were fooling about as they waited to appear in a comic turn.

  50. The lieutenant was dressed as a French peasant girl, and really looked quite pretty; and the armourer sergeant was supposed to resemble George Robey!

  51. For proofe whereof a daie was giuen them to fight in Smithfield, insomuch that in conflict the said armourer was ouercome and slaine; but yet by misgouerning of himselfe.

  52. In the same yeare also, a certeine armourer was appeached of treason by a seruant of his owne.

  53. The armourer was called and, after many attempts, in which he used in turn both gentle and coercive measures, oil and lime, he got the wretched vizor to consent to be lowered.

  54. As each man came opposite to the one set aside for him he was thrown into it by the brawny mate, and fastened down with anklets of iron by the seaman armourer in attendance.

  55. He is an armourer of Bristol,' whispered one of my neighbours.

  56. It bears the name of the Spanish armourer Juan Deneinas.

  57. Andres Ferrara was a well-known armourer of Zaragoza.

  58. In one of my books I have described the workshop of an armourer of Toledo in the sixteenth century.

  59. That dagger armourer Troels of Melfert sold to Duke Waldemar," shouted another: "I can swear to it.

  60. On the road from Gremermarsh quay to the town, they had met with the armourer Troels, the ferrymen, and a band of burghers, in search of Henner Friser and the robbers.

  61. Send off old Smid, and let him beat the armourer if he can.

  62. Good sporting there, at all events, among these dragons,' quoth Smid the son of Troll, armourer to the party.

  63. Doubtless one of its advantages was the facility with which it could be made, a skilled armourer not being necessary.

  64. He was patronised by Maximilian, King of the Romans, a few years later, and appointed Court Armourer in 1490.

  65. He told us he was not allowed to fight himself, his services as armourer being so exceedingly important.

  66. As we discussed warmly the armourer came in, and said, "The minister of war wishes to see you as soon as you can give him an hour.

  67. The armourer acted as interpreter, translating the general's words into German, which language both Jones and Robinson understood well.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armourer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.