On the other side silver is applyed to the old Testament, gold to the New.
Nor it is no newes the selfe same thynges to be applyed to diuerse vses.
Of the whych, that on is committed, when anye worde is fautely spoken or writen: that other, when in many wordes ioyned together, the worde that foloweth is not wel applyed to that that goeth before.
From the reasonable to the vnresonable, as Vyrgyll in hys Georgexe applyed the counselles and fashion of warres belongynge to men; to bees.
I Saw a man who had his knee Contracted who had previously applyed to me for Some Medisene, that if he would fournish another Canoe I would give him Some Medisene.
I rubed a little Camphere on her temples and back, and applyed worm flannel to her back which She thought had nearly restored her to her former feelings.
I had last eveningapplyed a poltice of peruvian barks at 1 P.
Indian man who had applyed for medical assistance while we lay at the broken arms village.
Several applyed to me to day for medical aides, one a broken arm another inward fever and Several with pains across their loins, and Sore eyes.
Men applyed for Eye water and the Women had a Variety of Complaints tho the most general Complaint was the Rhumitism, pains in the back and the Sore eyes, they also brought fowd.
Fleabane "bound to the forehead is a great helpe to cure one of the frensie," while "the distilled water of thyme applyed with vinegar of Roses to the forehead easeth the rage of Frensye.
Together with the manner how they are to bee used and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men.
Away: Though parting be a fretfull corosiue, It is applyed to a deathfull wound.
Though I could wish, You were conducted to a gentle Bath, And Balmes applyed to you, yet dare I neuer Deny your asking, take your choice of those That best can ayde your action Mar.
When the people are bitten by any of these, they are cured by Charms and Medicines, if taken and applyed in time.
Where I firstapplyed my self to my said old Neighbour, Oua Motteral, who was the occasion of sending for me.
By which trim comparison, applyed to ciuile warre was deflected and mollified the stout corage and attempts of the multitude.
And albeit that she would not suffre anye other but great lords to haue possession of hir body, yet she applyed hir selfe to the spoile of those that were in place, and to the praye of those that came from the warres.
Chick-weed is cold and moist without any binding, aswages swelling and comforts the sinews much, and therfore is good for such as are shrunk up, it helps mangy hands and legs, outwardly applyed in a pultis.
Burdoc or Clot-bur, helps such as spit blood and matter, bruised and mixed with salt and applyed to the place, helps the biting of mad dogs.
For the Public Good, aquaeducts made & sold by Rowland Houghton which Instrument being properly applyed to the outside of a Pump Tree, prevents said Pump from freezing tho' scituate in the most bleak Place & sharpest Season.
Stupifies the senses and therefore not to be taken inwardly; outwardlyapplyed to the temple it provokes sleep.
He applyedhimselfe to those who were most trusted by the kinge with a marvellous importunity, and especially to the Chancellour, with whome as often as they had ever bene togither, he had a perpetuall warr.
Wherein the doctrine of Possession and Dispossession of Demoniakes out of the word of God, is particularlyapplyed unto Somers and the rest of the persons controuerted: together with the use we are to make of these workes of God.
Therefore it is profitably applyedin filthy vlcers, being boyled and annoynted vpon.
Further honny profiteth weake persons, being applyed as the Mulse water, of which shal after be taught in the next chapter.
I should have made it, Sir, my suit to see him, Here is a warrant Father, I conceiv'd That he had solely applyed himself to Magick.
Applyed for certain To some strange melancholy she is loaden with.
The King told some eminent citizens, who applyed to him against it, that they must address themselves to the Houses, that he must not disoblige his friends; and if it had been in the power of their friends, he had gone without money.
Coming home, I applyed my self to the business of the Shop as before, enjoyning my eyes a severe pennance, not so much as to look towards that Object they so dearly loved.
Sixthly, This instrument being accommodated with a light Wheele and an Index (such as have been applyed by the excellent Dr.
The Historical Theology of the Gentiles for the most part is unduly applyed or accommodated to the Holy Scriptures.
Sir Kenelme Digby related that the calcined powder of toades reverberated, applyed in bagges upon the stomach of a pestiferate body, cures it by several applications.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "applyed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.