Il n'a ete parle que du navire pour simplifier; mais ce qui a ete dit s'applique naturellement a la cargaison saisie, puis relachee.
Premier Plenipotentiaire de France, il demeure entendu que la premiere s'applique a la Bulgarie, et l'autre a la Bulgarie et a la Roumelie Orientale ensemble.
Another and simpler form of applied work is to cut out the desired forms in one material and lay upon another, securing the applique with stitches round the outline, which are hidden by an edging cord.
These methods of applique and patchwork are peculiarly adapted to ornamental needlework which is to lie, or hang, stretched out flatly, and are not suited therefore to work in which is involved a calculated beauty of effect from folds.
Of Greek short and long stitch, and chain stitch and applique embroidery, there are specimens of the third or fourth century B.
Applied or appliquework is generally used in connection with ornament of bold forms.
A belt of leather of applique underlaid] The best kind of paste is one that has been recommended by a successful leather teacher and proves satisfactory to all who have tried it.
Hedebo embroidery is in no way connected with applique work, but like the latter it is a branch of needlework that few people in America understand.
Use one of the school or fraternity colours for the applique and the other for the background.
When a complicated piece ofapplique is to be worked, stamp your design on the background.
Leather applique bag] A card punch will be needed to make a hole through the four pieces for the ribbon or cord which holds them together.
Applique underlaid is accomplished by stamping the design on the wrong side of the material and then cutting it out.
Applique on Linen and Other Materials--Hedebo Embroidery 198 XIX.
The centre of a flower in Honiton applique may be in worked various ways.
A pillow in Hedebo embroidery] For applique work the design is cut out and the wrong side covered almost to the edge with a paste made of starch and water.
Daubenton a le premier detruit toutes ces idees; il a le premier applique l'anatomie comparee a la determination de ces os.
We give an original applique design for a portière in Fig.
Another type of embroidery popular at the same time, both in Italy and Spain, is known as applique (or applied) work.
A very interesting and striking development of Carrickmacross lace is found in a combination of applique and guipure, the main design being applique, while the panels of guipure are introduced into it.
In applique the pattern is traced out on fine muslin and sewed down round the edges to the net.