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Example sentences for "seemed very"

  • I had often remarked that he seemed very uncomfortable, as if there was something he wanted very much.

  • In a short time the snout of a huge fish appeared above the water, struggling violently, and it seemed very likely he would break away.

  • The four wives had very little to say, but were smiling and pleasant and seemed very anxious to please the King.

  • Mother told me many times afterward it seemed very strange to her seeing the Mormon women dressed in short dresses with hair cut short and keeping Saturday for their Sunday.

  • He seemed very fond of the child, and it was plain to be seen that this was his favorite wife.

  • He seemed very sensitive, always on the watch for surprises.

  • Uncle Mo seemed very reluctant to allow the bird to go back into the bush.

  • We had a long, cold spring, and not being used to the heat, it seemed very hard to bear.

  • It seemed very strange to have them pat me, and call me "good dog.

  • He seemed very fond of his mother and of Miss Laura, and however grave his face might be when he was looking at Mr. Maxwell, it always lighted up when he turned to them.

  • Now that he had made a beginning, it seemed very easy to say his say and to speak out all that lay on his mind.

  • They would conquer, but he would have been shot through the arm, and his arm would have to be cut off, and he would go with an empty sleeve—it seemed very pathetic as he thought of it.

  • It seemed very strange to Jack that they should appear to think so little of their approaching trial and the inevitable result that must follow.

  • He seemed very angry, and said, "I am told that you are going to speak to the people to-night.

  • The Indian said it seemed very hard to have come such a long distance and then to have to go all the way back again.

  • It seemed very much as if Roddy knew my mysterious friend.

  • It seemed very much as if he were, for I could not fail to notice his paleness and agitation when I had pronounced her name.

  • It seemed very pleasant to Allison to sit there in the warm, sunny room, with Rose opposite him, pouring his coffee.

  • He seemed very young as he looked down at her.

  • I told the negro to unsaddle and tie up the two horses and go into the galpon to get some breakfast, which he seemed very pleased to do.

  • Don Frederico Dampier, who rode up from La Concordia nearly every day, seemed very pleased to see how things were going; indeed, the second week of December found us finishing up the last of the sheep.

  • For some reason or other he took a fancy to me, and I saw he was well fed, for which he seemed very grateful.

  • This high peak, covered with snow, glistened to the morning sun, and as the air was clear from clouds or fog, and no dust or haze to obscure the view, it seemed very near.

  • It seemed very likely to take us twenty four or thirty days at best, and while they probably had oxen enough to provide them food for so long a time they might take a notion to move on, which would be fatal.

  • He seemed very sad, but quite calm and cool.

  • The foreign landlord said he did not know who had taken the opposite house--nobody was to be seen there; and as to the music, he thought it seemed very tedious, to him most uncommonly so.

  • But to little Ida, all these stories which the student told her about the flowers, seemed very droll, and she thought over them a great deal.

  • And they spoke of the way in which the sand-dunes had come inland, and it seemed very easy to understand.

  • The success of mine was marked and complete, and I confess it seemed very sweet to me to revenge myself in this way on the manner in which my former colleague had endeavoured to abuse what he considered the favours of fortune.

  • He seemed very impatient at not hearing from you.

  • I wonder he does not write, for I have always understood him to be a very regular correspondent, and he seemed very proud of your letter.

  • He seemed very willing to live, and to the last acted on his favorite principle of the power of the will to overcome disease.

  • Portia, hearing this, seemed very angry, and reproached Bassanio for giving away her ring; and she said Nerissa had taught her what to believe, and that she knew some woman had the ring.

  • Now the Man, to look on, seemed very sad; he sat with his eyes looking down to the ground, his hands folded together; and he sighed as if he would break his heart.

  • I kept there with him all that night; but as soon as it was day, I beckoned to him to come with me, and let him know I would give him some clothes; at which he seemed very glad, for he was stark naked.

  • They said he seemed very tame, and looked as if he expected some one to come and pick him up.

  • He seemed very happy, even if he could only fly a very little, and spent most of his time hopping about on the floor.

  • He seemed very proud of his accomplishments, and was always more than willing to show off for visitors,--take a bath as well as sing for them.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seemed very" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    astronomical observation; but just; casus foederis; confused mass; going concern; human responsibility; material nature; mental deficiency; neither will; ninth year; offshore anchorage; second edition; seemed about; seemed best; seemed incredible; seemed like; seemed likely; seemed much; seemed natural; seemed quite; seemed strange; seemed that; seemed very; soup stock; successful issue; urban areas