They know them well as accidents in the phantasmagoria of New York but they do not comprehend them in the least.
He turned, striving to recognize her through the blurred phantasmagoria of the week.
A wild phantasmagoriaof pictures passes through my mind.
What he saw with his mental vision was as the wild phantasmagoria of a dream .
Should I find myself suddenly among the innumerable hosts of the dead, and know the world about me for the phantasmagoria it had always seemed?
Thoughts of Whitaker, Brian, his farcical penance and Joan, became a brilliant phantasmagoria from which for an interval nothing emerged separate or distinct.
Doria excused herself from attendance, but sent the bride a travelling-case fitted with a myriad dazzling gold-stoppered bottles and a phantasmagoria of gold-mounted toilette implements.
We should thus pass before us, in artistic expression, and therefore in universal appeal, the historic drama of the great civic past, the mingled present, the phantasmagoria and the tragi comedy of both of these.
If nature had been merely a phantasmagoriathere would have been no science of nature.
A breath of nature annihilates us, but we surpass nature in penetrating far beyond her vast phantasmagoria to the changeless and the eternal.
According to him the ego alone exists, and the universe is but a projection of the ego, a phantasmagoria which we ourselves create without suspecting it, believing all the time that we are lookers-on.
The individual who dreams is on the way to become dissolved in the universal phantasmagoria of Maïa.
Breathe upon the passion and the phantasmagoria will vanish.
Groups of sensations rushed with lightning rapidity across his mental field of vision, like the phantasmagoria of a magic lantern, startling and alarming him.
He found attraction in the Gnostic mysteries, and still more in the phantasmagoria of Judicial Astrology.
We have given a description of the simpler forms of the magic-lantern burning sperm or colza oil with a solid wick, and now we will explain the construction of that known as the phantasmagoria lantern.
In the phantasmagorialantern the condenser consists of two lenses (usually a meniscus convex and a double convex) fitted into a brass cell and placed in the lantern with the concave side towards the lamp.
Any two lanterns of equal size and power may be employed to produce dissolving views; but the phantasmagoria lantern is the smallest that can be advantageously used.
The phantasmagoria lantern continued for some years to maintain its character as the best lamp-lit lantern ever made.
The lamp employed for illuminating thephantasmagoria lantern is the Argand fountain lamp, with hollow cylindrical wick (Fig.
The Euphaneron (that which shows well) differs in several important particulars from the phantasmagoria lantern.
I know no less than three men, eminent in the scientific world, who have these phantasmagoria in one form or another.
I suspect that the phantasmagoria may be in some part due to blended memories; the number of possible combinations would be practically endless, and each combination would give a new face.
So that the political history of humanity has, "for sixty centuries," had no other motive power than a phantasmagoria of our brain!
This was perhaps the greatest of the mysteries known to the ancient Gael, and in the bright phantasmagoria conjured up there is a wild beauty which belongs to all their tales.
In some way or other they have come upon a secret and have lifted their feet from their native land to tread the air and pursue illusions and phantasmagoria and discover new secrets in the trackless salt waste.
The trotter went off at a swift gait, and again the wild, noisy phantasmagoria of the streets of the new Babylon went flashing by Frederick's eyes.
Nearly the whole of this volume is a reprint of the serious portion of Phantasmagoria and other Poems, which was first published in 1869 and has long been out of print.
It is impossible to convey, in words, any idea of the hideous phantasmagoria of shifting limbs and faces which moved through the evil-smelling twilight of this terrible prison-house.
It was like a terrifyingphantasmagoria where human souls floated, vacillating dully between misery and happiness.
All that had passed before she fell asleep seemed now a grotesque phantasmagoria devoid of reality.