In the aloofness of his meditation he escapes the cloud of opinion and prejudice that obscures the vision of the common man.
But this sentiment of personal aloofness led at once to a division of experience.
To-night they were all sharing the aloofness from the time, an aloofness which she herself had known for years.
She had no sense of resentment against her mother; it was rather a feeling of regret that the curious aloofnessbetween them, which she had no possible way of understanding, had ever risen.
And hadn't he been a complaisantly self-satisfied numbskull to suppose that this was the reason for Louise's obvious aloofness on that day!
With equal self-consciousness I determined that O'Rane should never charge me with aloofnessor want of cordiality.
I submit there's still room for a long view, a patience, an aloofness from the heated quarrel of the moment.
But she took it all as a matter that concerned her not in the least, with that air of aloofness of spirit that showed him he was not touching more than the surface of her being.
She lay and regarded her and her tawdry display of finery with a quiet, disinterested aloofness that was beginning to get on Gila's nerves.
The atheism and the wealth, the luxury and the sensuality, the scholarship and aloofness of the Renaissance answered, over the heads of the Catholic populace, the call of barbarism.
Who shall explain the position of the Papacy, the question of Ireland, the aloofness of old Spain?
Can it be true that I am here and you are in the still aloofness of the Rockies?
With an extraordinary aloofness I watched myself moving like a puppet away from you whom I love most dearly in all the world--going away as if going were a thing so usual.
There was not much in common between the brother and the sister save perhaps their aloofness from strangers.
I think that the mysterious aloofness of our passengers served to keep the interest warm.
Except that, perhaps, between his brows was something of a doubt, and in his bearing an aloofness that made her dread he might go away and not come back.
She wanted to pierce this amiable aloofness of his.
The repressive policy, taken by itself, has been and will always be the first and main source of the clannishness of the Jews and their aloofness from Russian life.
Commonplace things are touched with the softening haze of romance, and in the crystal stillness, the happy aloofness of the place, the consciousness goes groping for the unseen.
There is nothing of this aloofness about the other pasture people.
Indeed, Lenore felt then a break in the strange aloofness of him--in his impersonal, gentle acceptance of her relation to him.
The instant he greeted her she saw the stiffness, the aloofness had gone from him.
His aloofness forbade her to do anything more, though she would have liked to go to him and tell him how sorry she was and to be sure and hurry and put on some dry clothes.
It was inevitable that Hawthorne should maintain an aloofness from all this, nevertheless, with the natural democratic questioning of the reality of the courtesy, the propriety of the system, the kind and quality of the social results.
And the soul that is seeking spiritual food and stimulation, will it not readily be wearied by the apparent pettiness of all that criticism, and by the seemingly cold aloofness of all that speculation?
Hence also springs Plato’s saddening aloofness from and contempt for all trades and handicrafts, for all the homely tastes, joys, and sorrows at all peculiar to the toiling majority.
Then his heavy lids drooped; once more he looked paternal, benevolent, only just with a soupcon of sternness in his impassive face, the aloofness of an austere man towards the weaknesses of more mundane creatures.
The Duke himself, in spite of his haughty aloofness from party politics, knew full well how great was the enmity which his personality aroused in the minds of all the strangers at Mary's court.
They are subjective only as they express thealoofness of the scientific observer.
So science, the looking of science, means real aloofness and real disfiguration.
Her grave air of aloofness might imply as much, or might mean only a natural disapproval of the scolding process carried on before her lover, a loyalty to Hilda that would ask no question and make no reproach.
He seemed to contemplate himself from an outside aloofness of observation.
Tranquillity, unconcern, a gentle and courteous aloofness surrounded and soothed the intrepid travellers.
There is no aloofnessso forlorn as our aloofness from an uncontagious enthusiasm, and there is no hostility so sharp as that aroused by a fervour which fails of response.
Jude from his shadow and aloofness was staring dumbly at the pair opposite while the low-spoken words sank into his drowsiness.
Even the stranger-lady with her wonderful aloofness could not daunt him, but Billy fiercely resented his attentions to the girl for whom he, Billy, had forsaken all else.