So I drudge away with the assisting of Pelet, who has a real French head, believing all he desires should be true, and affirming all he wishes should be believed.
We have found Harvey discussing "the element of the stars" and reverently affirming the dependence of all life upon the sun as well as upon its Creator.
He moved his pinions afterwards and fanned us, Affirming those 'qui lugent' to be blessed, For they shall have their souls with comfort filled.
This one, being banished, every doubt submerged In Caesar byaffirming the forearmed Always with detriment allowed delay.
Tis the habit of our countrymen to sneer at the Americans as sailors, affirming that if ever they win a battle at sea it is by the help of British renegades.
It is eminently desirable that definite legislative action should be taken, either affirming the awards to be final or providing some method for reexamination of the claims.
And on this occasion he distinguished the feelings of the King from those which influenced the minister, affirming his confidence "that the King's heart had no share in the present business.
Mr. Douglas quotes Rossetti asaffirming of Watts-Dunton that he was the one man of his time who with immense literary equipment was without literary ambition.
She justified their acts by affirming that the king had broken his covenant oath, and it was lawful to disown him.
Callicles endeavours now to avert the inevitable absurdity by affirming that he and all mankind admitted some pleasures to be good and others bad.
Nothing, after all, can justify one in affirming scientifically that such a problem is forever insoluble.
To maintain that religion is founded on a radical pessimism is like affirming that medicine is based not on a theory of the curability, but of the incurability of disease.
If there is no definitive reason foraffirming it, there is still less any categorical reason for denying it.
We shall admit that One and Many are predicates which do not necessarily exclude each other; but we shall refrain from affirming or denying either of them respecting the Real, the Absolute, the Unconditioned.
Here is a real distinction: and Plato's argument amounts only to affirming that it is an incorrect use of words to call the compound known, when the component elements are not known.
Man is good" was an inadmissible proposition: affirming different things to be the same, or one thing to be many.
Perizonius was in error (as Mr. Clinton points out) in affirming that the passage in Plutarch determined the foundation to the first Ptolemy: Mr. Clinton is in error by affirming that the passage in Athenaeus determines it to the second.
Most persons indeed never make any such trial, but go on affirming confidently as if they knew, without trial.
And the rumor went forth among very many, affirming this to have been the same cow revived by Saint Patrick.
He has only to understand them as affirming what they deny, and as denying what they affirm.
Davout and Murat, always at the head of the army, and perpetually at strife in their military operations, agreed, however, in affirming that the Russians certainly showed a real intention of fighting.
The most daring had ventured to anticipate the possibility of a fatal accident in the chances of war, some affirming that Murat aimed at the crown.
It rests upon the testimony of two persons, one eighty-six and the other eighty-eight years of age, by whom the author was told the tale in 1498, both affirming that they had been in the church when Joan of Arc spoke of her betrayal.
So much the more, we often say that an object is not one; evidently we then are not deriving the notion of unity from the object, because we are affirming that there is no unity in it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affirming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.