Not the most dexterous keeping of the peace, your Lordship, unless it be more difficult to do than appears!
All "revenge" being out of the question, it seems to me the caitiff is unanswerable; and he and the philanthropic platforms have the logic all on their side.
No-whither: that was his goal, if you will think well of it; that was a second fundamental falsity in his problem.
Then said he: "After all it is a pity- he is a handsome man.
Then said he: "If thou wilt not tell me anything, tell thy sorrows to the iron stove there," and he went away.
Then said I, 'What of thy foul suspicions, master?
I said soThen said he, 'Bon Bec, that square was a warning.
Then said Vanucci, "Friends, methinks this has nought to do with him we seek.
He then said with an obsequious air, "If that your lordship grudges Heaven full weight, you might set the hawk on your lacquey, and so save a pound.
At whom Mr Flintwinch had been looking, and to whom he then said: 'Oh!
Then said he, "I ask, first of Allah and then of thee, that thou write me a patent of Syndicate over all the Firemen of the baths in the Holy City, Jerusalem.
Then said she to me, "Go now to her whom thou hast married and who grudged me a single night, and the mercy of Allah be on thy cousin Azizah, who saved thy life and never told her secret love!
Then said she, "Know that I mean to pass this night with thee, that I may tell thee what talk I have heard and console thee with stories of many passion distraughts whom love hath made sick.
The miner investigated me with a calm eye for a while; then said he, "Ah!
Then said Olaf, laughing, "Not ten yoke of oxen Have the power to draw us Like a woman's hair!
Then said Zebul, "Didst not thou reproach Abimelech for cowardice?
He then said that he returned them thanks for coming to him, and still greater thanks to him that sent them; and, above all, to that God whose laws they appeared to be.
Then said they: 'There is nothing to be done here,' and they went home and told the cook that they had seen nothing in the forest but a little rose-bush with one rose on it.
Then said a straw, 'I will lay myself across, and you may pass over upon me.
Then said Lina: 'Do you become a rose-tree, and I the rose upon it.
Then said Lina: 'Fundevogel, never leave me, and I will never leave you.
Then said Moore: "Give us your own views of slavery as you see it here and throughout the South.
Then said Wool: "Let them remain; we may have use for them.
I then saidwe would drop in, and if we liked his house as well as any other, we would give him our custom.
I then said that I was sorry he had seen fit to change the subject so abruptly, because such conduct was very offensive to me; but under the circumstances I would overlook the matter and come to the point.
I then said, I believed I would go out and take a walk, as this was a private matter, and I had a delicacy about participating in it further.
He lay silent a few minutes, then said in a hesitating, ashamed tone, "My troubles have made me a boor.
Lord Ragnall watched him go, then said with a laugh: "I apologize to you, Mr. Quatermain.
The man cantered for a time in silence, then said, "I have a brother, a sereno in your service in the San Tome valley.
He simply nodded several times regretfully, then said-- "I think we shall be able to mount you in the morning, doctor.
Here she paused a while, then said, "I want you to marry me, if you will, before I go.
Once he sat looking at her for some time--then said, "I hope I did not hurt you much.
Davie thought a little, then said: "I should like to write a book.
I reflected a little, then said, "Satan, you have given him a hard life, I think.
He took out his watch and sat looking at it a few moments, then said: "Nikolaus has risen to close the window.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "then said" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.