It is in winter the only mode Leukerbad has of communicating with the world; and in summer it is the only way of reaching Albinen, except by a long journey down the Dala and up another valley and height.
Here are the tickers communicating with the Chamber, tended by lads, who transfer the figures to big blackboards on the wall.
There was none of that tedious process of communicating my wishes to the nerves, and from them to the muscles.
He has only packed away in his mind the wisdom of the ages, and he does not intend to be stingy about communicating it to the world which is awaiting his graduation.
He is not only one of the best means of communicatingwith the outer world, but he furnishes half the entertainment and takes two thirds of the scolding of the family circle.
He established a method of communicating his wants, and even some of his sentiments; and he could help himself in many things.
The following was his answer:-- I have received your letter, my dear minister, and thank you for your attention in communicating to me the information it contains.
The troublesome scene of life, my dear Julia, is nearly closed, and the hand that now traces these lines will in a day or two be no longer capable of communicating to a beloved and affectionate family the sentiments of his heart.
While in Washington I was very busy for a time in preparing the necessary orders for the new state of affairs; communicating with my different commanders of separate departments, bodies of troops, etc.
They, however, finally consented to a suspension of hostilities for two hours to give an opportunity of communicating with me in that time, if possible.
In respect to the Soul, Intelligence plays the part that the First plays in respect to Intelligence; Intelligence sheds its light on the Soul, and, to determine her, rationalizes her by communicating that of which itself is the trace.
One of them swore that Miss Elliott and I had communicating cabins on the ship coming back, alsocommunicating rooms at Honolulu.
She refused to act upon my advice and insisted upon communicating with me once or twice a week.
The shock, indeed, depends upon the will of the animal, and in this respect differs from a Leyden jar, which is discharged by communicating with two opposite poles.
They are usually found along the edges of lakes, rivers and streams, where they either dig out a burrow communicating with the water, or make their home in some natural crevice near the bank of the stream.
To begin with its digestive system--this consists of a tube having no communication with the general body-cavity, but remaining quite distinct throughout its length, with both ends communicatingdirectly with the exterior.
The body-cavity is divided into a number of communicating compartments by means of vertical partitions running from the body-wall and converging towards the centre of the cavity.
It consists of a series of tubes, arranged in pairs in the successive segments, communicating with the body-cavity internally, and opening at the exterior by means of pores in the cuticle.
They have also a stomach separate from the general body-cavity, but communicating with the latter below; and the body-cavity is divided into compartments by a number of radiating partitions.
Their bodies are elongated and eel-like, with a single medial fin, supported by fine cartilaginous rays, and with seven little slits on each side of the neck, communicating with as many gills in the form of little pouches.
This is the rectum--the last part of the digestive tube, that commences at the mouth, and terminates in a cavity at the posterior end communicating with the exhalent siphon.
And near the door of the tiny sacristy dangled the rope communicating with the bell that hung, as yet uninjured, in the little wooden cupola upon the roof.
Communicating with persons outside the defences by flashlight signals.
He had a way of communicating with Xantra, of course!
In a few days Dad and the Martians were communicating by a sort of television process.
On August 8, Russell sent formal instructions of protest, a copy of which was to be handed to Seward, but the next day authorized Lyons to exercise discretion as to communicating the despatch[517].
He recalled his instructions to Lyons about communicating with the Confederacy, stating that in any case he had never intended that Lyons should act without first officially notifying Seward.
In the power of communicating with each other, which these dogs evidently possess, and which, in some instances, has been displayed by other species of animals, a faculty seems to be developed of which we know very little.
Not a little dubious of the event, the voices of the poor boys came up hollow and anxious from below, communicating this intelligence.
The two doors were still closed, the door communicating with the servant's room still locked.
The girls did speak French with considerable fluency, and they had the advantage of not being shy, and of never allowing want of knowledge to keep them back from communicating with their fellow-beings.
And he saw no pressing reason for communicating that.
There were therefore no "business" reasons for communicating with her; and when it came to reasons of another order the mere thought of them benumbed him.
She had miscalculated the strength of the wind on the north side of the house, and the glass door communicatingwith the library had slipped from her hand.
From its communicating with the two others, it was called Transitorium.
I glanced up at the rope, ran my eye along the wire communicating with it, and saw that it was broken sheer off before it even entered into the wall.
The morbid virus, when administered internally, appears to be incapable of communicating this disease; inasmuch as of twenty dogs to whom was given a certain quantity, not one exhibited the least symptom of rabies.
The power of communicating infection is found to exist in all stages of the confirmed disease, even twenty-four hours after the decease of the rabid animal.
It has also been established that although every animal labouring under this disease is capable of communicating it, yet, with very few exceptions, it can be traced to the bite of the dog.
Will the gentleman to whom Mr Melvill Arnold has entrusted a certain ancient object in bronze kindly deliver it according to promise, first communicating with Messrs.
I noted that the communicatingdoor between her room and her father's was still secured by the small brass bolt.
So I crept out of bed and examined the communicating door.
Shaw's room was, I found, next to mine, but the communicating door was shut and bolted, while Asta was at the farther end of the corridor.
Farther on, this communicating passage, which was more corridor than trench, reached higher ground and descended into the earth.
Then the men follow the enemy communicating trenches, penetrate three hundred metres to the east edge of Richecourt, and return.
If anything comes over, you are to jump into the communicating trenches on the right side of the road.
Second operator replied, 'It killed two men in a ration party in a communicating trench and spilt all the soup.
The intense heat of the fire is prevented from communicating itself to the deck, by means of a shallow reservoir extending under the entire inclosed surface of the works.
That is to say, they take their meals in the captain's cabin, and sleep in a place indirectly communicating with it.
Whilst I was thus communicating what I had done, Madam.
The moment my resolution was confirmed, I wrote a note to M, de Francueil, communicating to him my intentions, thanking him and Madam Dupin for all goodness, and offering them my services in the way of my new profession.
I had thought this indirect manner of communicatingthese to my fellow-citizens would be least mortifying to their pride, and might obtain me forgiveness for having seen a little further than themselves.
From the rooms just mentioned we descended into a subterraneous chamber, communicatingwith a bathing apartment.
The plan of most of the houses at Pompeii is a square court, with a fountain in the middle, and small rooms round, communicating with that court.
With me in their power they figured on communicating with you and Mukoki and sending you back to the Post with their terms.
He could hear Mukoki chuckling and grunting, as though communicating with himself, and at last, his curiosity getting the better of him, he wrapped his blanket about him and joined the Indian at the door.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "communicating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.