One or more abscesses may form along the course of the vessels, or a spreading cellulitis may supervene.
The amount injected varies with the size of the abscess and the age of the patient; it may be said to range from two or three drams in the case of children to several ounces in large abscesses in adults.
Similar abscesses are met with on the scalp in association with eczema, impetigo, and pediculosis.
Secondary abscesses are thus formed in those parts, and these in turn may be the starting-point of new emboli which give rise to fresh areas of pus formation.
The abscesses should be opened, and the further spread of infection prevented by cleansing of the skin and by the use of clean under-linen.
This is observed chiefly in chronic disease of pyogenic or tuberculous origin, and is usually attended with the formation of abscesses outside the joint.
Secondary abscesses must be aspirated or opened and drained whenever possible.
Cystic tumours and abscesses in the neck are sometimes more difficult to differentiate on account of the apparently expansile character of the pulsation transmitted to them.
When secondaryabscesses form in accessible situations, they must be incised, disinfected, and drained.
The articular cartilages are destroyed, the ends of the bones are covered with granulations, extra-articular abscesses form, and complete osseous ankylosis results.
Abscesses in internal organs, such as the kidney, liver, or brain, usually result from organisms carried in the blood-stream from some focus of infection elsewhere in the body.
There are cases on record where rapidly growing sarcomatous and angiomatous tumours, aneurysms, and the bruises that occur in hæmophylics, have been mistaken for acute abscesses and incised, with disastrous results.
Cold abscesses should, if possible, be dealt with before operating on the joint.
Other areas which appeared to be the seat of hemorrhage are shown by the microscope to be small abscesses or new connective tissue often loaded with pigment and detritus, apparently representing the final stage of these lesions.
Polynuclear cells appear in great numbers, abscesses and ulcers are formed, which with proper staining can be shown to harbor the various types of mouth bacteria, cocci, spirillae, etc.
Recalling the use he had seen made of the bandage, while abroad, in the treatment of ulcers of the leg, Dudley applied this device to the burrowingabscesses he saw so frequently in the subjects of the fever.
Abscesses formed among the muscles of the body, legs, and arms, and were so intractable that limbs were sometimes amputated to get rid of the evil.
None of them melted down entirely into Pus, or came fully to Suppuration, and healed kindly as Abscesses which succeed acute Inflammations.
The patient was a girl of eighteen, who had previously had perityphlitis, followed by abscesses about the navel and lumbar region.
It is hardly necessary to mention the instances in which pus or blood from ruptured abscesses entered the trachea and caused subsequent asphyxiation.
He also adds that probably mammary abscesses in the new-born could be avoided if the milk were squeezed out of the breasts in the first days.
Hevin mentions several cases of grains of wheat abstracted from abscesses of the thoracic parietes, from thirteen to fifteen days after ingestion.
Pyogenic infection of such abscesses after they have burst externally constitutes one of the chief risks to life in Pott's disease.
Spinal abscesses occur with greater frequency and at an earlier stage in adults than in children, because in adults the disease usually begins on the surface of the vertebræ.
The most common cause of abscess in the brain is chronic middle ear disease, and the majority of cerebral abscesses are therefore situated in the temporal lobe.
When left to themselves, such abscesses tend to spread up the thigh, or down the back of the leg between the superficial and deep layers of calf muscles, and numerous sinuses may result from their rupture through the skin.
Abscesses which form within the pelvis originate either in connection with the acetabulum or in relation to the psoas muscle where it passes in front of the joint.
Perichondritis may occur and be followed by necrosis of cartilage and the formation of abscesses in the submucous tissue of the larynx or in the cellular tissue of the neck.
The accumulation of tuberculous pus under the periosteum and anterior longitudinal ligament is the first stage in the formation of the large abscesses with which this form of spinal tuberculosis is so commonly associated.
Abscesses of pyæmic origin are usually multiple, and may occur both in the cerebrum and in the cerebellum; they are not amenable to surgical treatment.
Outlying abscesses and sinuses are usually the result of infection of the tendon sheaths in the neighbourhood.
Both hip-joints may become affected with tuberculous disease, either simultaneously or successively, and abscesses may form on both sides.
A chain of small local abscesseswas found surrounding the ascending colon, and a larger one over the front of the cæcum.
The main feature in the symptoms whenabscesses developed was the insidious mode of their appearance, usually at the end of fourteen to twenty-one days, and their comparative mildness.
No trouble with the musculo-spiral nerve was noted, but residual abscesses occurred from time to time in connection with the fracture.
Again, that suppuration when it did occur tended to be local in character; none the less, if it was at all extensive, it often proved very prolonged and difficult of treatment, while residual abscesses after apparent healing were not uncommon.
Local abscesses formed in a considerable proportion of the cases where serious damage to the brain had occurred, in whatever region this happened to be.
The kidneys were large, but no abscesses or pyelitis were present.
When abscesses take place in the axilla, beneath the fascia, it is this structure which will prevent the matter from pointing; and it is required, therefore, to lay this fascia freely open by a timely incision.
The following claims for the use of Toxicide appear on the label: “Acne, boils, carbuncles, furuncles and abscesses of the most virulent types usually begin to show improvement within 4 to 12 hours after beginning administration.
In two of them abscesses have burst outwardly, one of which is still discharging necrotic débris, ten weeks after the injection, and will take many more weeks to close.
For abscesses existing or threatened in any obscure location, the middle ear, the mastoid, the frontal or any accessory sinuses, Toxicide is of inestimable value.
The trade package recommends the use of Formosol “for cuts, wounds, ulcers, abscesses .
Some animals keep up in good condition and look perfectly healthy while some get emaciated, have constipation, variable appetite, and sometimes growths or abscesses can be felt or seen in the udder or glands of the body and neck.
Eventually the throat becomes greatly swollen and abscesses may form and discharge.
Abscesses are also seen in complications with various diseases, perhaps the most common being distemper, laryngitis, etc.
When an animal has abscesses it is well to give the following blood purifiers or internal antiseptics: Hyposulphite of Soda, eight ounces; Potassi Iodide, one ounce.
When soft spots or abscesses develop, lance them with a clean, sharp knife.
Carbuncles or Abscesses are seen on the surface of the body in nearly all cases, also a bloody discharge from the mouth and nose.
Abscesses may form in various parts of the body, the membranes of the eyes and mouth will be injected with blood, giving them a dark-red appearance, although in the latter stages of Blood Poison this may change to a yellowish tinge.
After abscesses and bruises are opened, treat them antiseptically by washing with a solution of Carbolic Acid, one teaspoonful to a pint of water.
Abscesses may form and the udder break and a thick yellowish pus oozes out or the milk glands may solidify and cause hard, lumpy growths in the udder.
When abscesses form, lance them with a clean, sharp knife.
Abscesses between or on the Toes= are a form of eczema, and should be treated constitutionally, as suggested under the heading of Anaemia, eczema's usual cause.
He insists that abscesses of the gums shall be treated as other abscesses by being encouraged to come to maturity and then being opened.
The surface was also studded with numerous minute dark bile-pigment points, and it is possible that the abscesseswere the result of the blocking up of the capillary vessels by the pigment deposit, as previously alluded to, page 57.
Small abscesses scattered throughout the tissue of the kidney.
Butchers will testify that a large portion of all cattle slaughtered have abscesses and other diseases of the lungs.
The next ailment which presented numerous cases were abscesses and ulcers, and the deaths from this cause amounted only to one in Singapore.
This mostly happens with large dogs, and the abscessesare hot and soft, being excessively tender.
Sometimes, in consequence of the violent shaking of the head, serous abscesses of considerable size form inside the flaps of the ears.
Convalescence had been more rapid, and there had been fewer and less serious complications from abscesses and inflammatory boils.
Here are drawings of minute abscesses that have formed in the wall of the heart.
Abscesses and sinuses resulting from troublesome ligatures may escape in many directions; the most common spot is at the lower angle of the abdominal incision; the rectum is another channel of escape, and also the bladder.
Posterior colpotomy has been used for many years for the opening of abscesses and hæmatoceles in Douglas’s pouch.
With this, localized areas of necrosis or abscessesmay occur, giving rise to painful swellings on the head, and usually are accompanied by cellulitis of the scalp, pyrexia, and intense headaches.
Multiple abscesses may be met with, usually the result of pyæmia.
Abscesses arise by infection passing into the gland along the ducts, and are a very frequent accompaniment of gonorrhœa.
Patients often suffer great distress and annoyance on account of abscesses and sinuses due to septic ligatures, and a sinus will persist as long as the ligature remains.
Apart from intracranial and pyæmic complications, the progress of the case may be delayed owing to the enfeebled and septic condition of the patient, and also from the occurrence of abscesses in the neck, or region of the mastoid itself.
When this method is adopted the skin should be rendered antiseptic, otherwise troublesome abscesses and cellulitis will arise in the subcutaneous tissue at the situation where the saline solution has been injected.
These abscesses are the result of septic thrombosis occurring in some tiny vessel.
Occasionally a hæmatoma forms in the wound; and in patients in whom the operation has been performed for septic conditions, stitch abscesses will occur.
There are others who are sitting up with picture-books, or waiting to have their abscesses dressed, and arms bandaged, or eyes laved with cooling lotion.
In some few the parotids, or abscesses formed about the groin, carried off the disease.
The parotid abscesses burst, and discharged a copious acrid, corrosive pus by the nostrils, ears and throat, for the space of thirty days, during which the patients gradually got well.
In 1739 there had been deaths from continued fever at the Hotel Dieu, after an illness of six or seven days, marked by frequent faintings, small abscesses being found after death in the substance of the heart near the auricles.
The matter in the abscesses may be felt to move backwards and forwards, when pressure is made from one side of the swelling to the other with the first and second fingers (the middle and that next the thumb) of each hand.
Styes are little abscesses which form between the roots of the eyelashes, and are rarely larger than a small pea.
Much inconvenience was caused to various persons at that period of time by swelling of the fauces, by inflammation of the tongue, by abscesses of the gums.
He (Hémard) says that he has seen many abscesses in the interior of teeth, which were not externally decayed, and that after having broken off the crown he found within the cavity a corrupt matter of an insupportable smell.
The seed of the same plant cures inflammations and abscesses of the gums.
It is somewhat difficult to say what is meant by bennut blisters; but perhaps it means small, gingival abscesses of dental origin.
Of the opening of Abscessesor Impostumes 271 A Treatise of the Operations of Fractures.
In general pyaemia multiple small abscesses may occur in the liver.
The appendix has been found to be the seat of tubercular processes; in the rectum they form the general cause of the fistulae and abscesses so commonly met with here.
In some rare cases the large number of bites on a limited area of skin may be followed by infection with pus-producing organisms, giving rise to small abscesses which may terminate in ulcers.
Abscesses should be opened as soon as they form, because there is a possibility of the pus getting into the circulation.
For pyemia, where the abscesses are near the skin, they should be opened and treated antiseptically by injecting any of the previously mentioned germicides.
The microbes from the unhealthy and infected wound in the navel pass into the system through the veins, or lymphatics, and form colonies and local inflammations and abscesses in and around the joints.
Abscesses of the liver, gangrenous processes of the lips and nose, and gangrenous affections of the hoof have all been caused in sheep by this organism.
If the poison is not powerful or plentiful enough to produce death, it is, at any rate, likely to cause severe local abscesses or sloughs.
Abscesses of the lung sometimes form during the course of or subsequent to tuberculosis or other diseases.
In pyemia, in addition to these lesions, abscesses are formed in the various organs throughout the body.
It may also occur in the course of an infectious disease, when small abscesses are formed under the periosteum (subperiosteal abscess).
One is erysipelatoid; another purulent infection with the tendency to secondary abscesses in the joints, liver, lungs, etc.
The tumors and abscesses wherever they may be are all found to be the same in origin by the presence of the actinomyces fungus.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abscesses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.