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Example sentences for "abscissa"

Lexicographically close words:
abrupt; abruptly; abruptness; abscess; abscesses; abscissae; abscond; absconded; absconding; absence
  1. The curve then crosses the abscissa upwards, and the positive curvature reaches a maximum.

  2. Abscissa represents duration of exposure and quantity of incident light.

  3. The curve thus crosses the zero line of the abscissa twice; the first crossing takes places upwards at the critical point of stimulation which demarcates the sub-minimal from the minimal.

  4. In Galileo's investigation of the motion of falling bodies (1638) the abscissa OA represents the time during which a body has been falling, and the ordinate AB represents the velocity acquired during that time (see fig.

  5. Newton denoted the moment of the abscissa by o, that of the area z by ov.

  6. Oresme's longitude and latitude were what we should now call the abscissa and ordinate.

  7. In connexion with the problem of tangents the differentials are said to be proportional to the momentary increments of the abscissa and ordinate.

  8. OX or PY is the abscissa of the point P of the curve, OY or PX its ordinate, the intersecting lines OX and OY being the axes of abscissas and ordinates respectively, and the point O their origin.

  9. When a point in space is referred to three axes having a common intersection, the abscissa may be the distance measured parallel to either of them, from the point to the plane of the other two axes.

  10. Abscissa Surd was as perfectly symmetrical as Giotto's circle, and as pure, withal, as the mathematics her father taught.

  11. I have made inquiries, and see no reason why you should not make Abscissa a good husband.

  12. Therefore, you reach Abscissa when the engine does, or in ten minutes--ten minutes sooner than if you had lazily sat down upon the rear car and talked politics with the brakeman.

  13. Abscissa had gone to Wheelborough to visit a school-friend.

  14. Thus we find the curve at first slightly convex, then straight and ascending, and lastly, concave to the abscissa (fig.

  15. We may express the relation between cause and effect by a curve in which the abscissa represents the magnetising current, and the ordinate the magnetisation produced (fig.

  16. The ordinate of the curve represents the intensity of response, and the abscissa the time (fig.

  17. We have first to determine, by inspection, a curve which bears a general similarity to the unknown curve of frequency, and whose area and abscissa are so related that either can be readily calculated when the other is known.

  18. Denoting by [xi] the abscissa of this curve which corresponds to area u, we find the value of [xi] corresponding to each of the given values of u.

  19. The relation between x and t in any particular case may be illustrated by means of a curve constructed with t as abscissa and x as ordinate.

  20. A, curve with t as abscissa and u as ordinate is called the curve of velocities or velocity-time curve.

  21. If we construct a curve with x as abscissa and X as ordinate, this work is represented, as in J.

  22. The corresponding value of y determines a point P in accordance with the rule that x is the abscissa and y the ordinate of P.

  23. To any value of x there corresponds a point N on the axis of x, in accordance with the rule that x is the abscissa of N.

  24. The abscissa and the ordinate do not measure commensurable units.

  25. The units on the abscissa are units of frequency, while those on the ordinate are units of amplitude; and the greater or less segment of line allowed per unit on either axis is a matter of independently arbitrary choice.

  26. As the temperature is made to rise one degree per minute, the abscissa also represents rise of temperature (Fig.

  27. A curve is thus obtained, the ordinate representing growth elongation and the abscissa the time.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abscissa" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    altitude; azimuth; coordinates; declination; latitude; longitude