It empties itself into the sea of Okotsk, at the distance of twenty-two miles; where, according to Krascheninikoff, it is capable of admitting vessels of a considerable size.
We saw many lofty pagodas, scattered over the country, and several towns at a distance, some of which appeared to be of a considerable size.
The Tigil is likewise a river of considerable size, rising amidst some very high mountains, which lie under the same parallel with Kamtschatkoi Noss, and running in an even course from S.
There were two vessels of considerable size (that is, as large as small schooners) lying at the bridge.
After breakfast at Dumbarton, I went out to look at the town, which is of considerable size, and possesses both commerce and manufactures.
Not being very heavy, though of considerable size, it was easily hauled up on the raft.
To his great delight, he found one of considerable size, almost circular, and with the edges washed smooth by the action of the waves.
Many of them were of considerable size, really deserving the name of trees, though some could only be called large bushes.
The Rio Grande, which we cross at this point, is not a navigable stream; in fact, river navigation is practically unknown in Mexico, though some of the watercourses are of considerable size.
The island itself [Samar] is of considerable size, consisting of high land in the middle, and depressed in its east and west extremities; the latter of which runs a great way out to sea.
The continuation of these lines suggests a rectangular court of considerable size, bounded symmetrically by groups of compartments averaging three rooms deep.
The entire surface of the hill is covered with scattered débris of fallen walls, which must at one time have formed a village of considerable size.
As a rule they are of considerable size, and made of the same material as the rougher mealing stones.
It is of the genus cynocephalus, and some of its species attain to considerable size; the head and face of one species resembling those of a dog, it is sometimes called the dog-faced baboon.
Smith was informed by the natives that there is now no village farther west than Herschel Island, where there is one of considerable size.
They therefore form districts of considerable size, fertility, and individuality, and play distinct historical rôles in the history of their respective highlands.
The Tekkes had depopulated whole districts, invaded Persian towns of considerable size, and carried off countless families into slavery.
The larger kinds, when undisturbed in their native haunts, attain to considerable size.
The ants which burrow in the ground in Ceylon are generally, but not invariably, black, and some of them are of considerable size.
It is only when they attain to considerable size, a foot or more in length, that the operation of extracting them is resorted to, when exercise may have given rise to inconvenience and inflammation.
In this they were not disappointed, for after much delay and trouble, from the difficulty of passing over the rocks, they returned with two baricas full of fresh water, which they found in holes of considerable size.
In the north an irregular cluster of considerable size, separated from the remainder of the range, is called the Carrizo; and the range proper has no less than three names applied to different parts of it.
Often whole villages of considerable size, sometimes many miles from the home pueblo, were nothing more than farming shelters.
Practically all the available space on the ledge was occupied by rooms, and 10, all of considerable size, can now be traced.
Still, in spite of previous disappointments, I confess I clung to the idea that I should find a town of considerable size at Attegrat.
Another agreeable change is that the thorny bushes have disappeared, and a tree without prickles, and which attains a considerable size, has taken their place.
The fructification consists of a globular sporocarp of considerable size, which is spirally enwrapped by tubular cells twisted around it: by the side of this is a smaller and globular antheridium.
There are other Algae of the grass-green series which consist of single cells, but which by continued growth form plants of considerable size.
These are aquatic herbs, of considerable size, abounding in ponds.
It was evident that the path had been traversed by a party of considerable size, whose tracks, the marks of a horse's hoofs among them, were still fresh in the ground, soft as it was with the winter rains.
As much of this as was possible was put together out of sight of the villa, and on the morning of the fourth day an erection of considerable sizecould be seen about fifty yards from the palisade.
Outside the camp had grown up a village of considerable size, though it consisted for the most part of humble dwellings.
Old Mishoñinovi was a pueblo of considerable size, and was probably inhabited up to the close of the seventeenth century.
Judging by their ruins these towns were of considerable size.
This pueblo was rectangular in form, of considerable size, built of stones, and although at present almost demolished, shows perfectly the walls of former rooms.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "considerable size" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.