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Example sentences for "necrotic"

Lexicographically close words:
necromantic; necropolis; necropsy; necrosed; necrosis; nectar; nectare; nectared; nectareous; nectaries
  1. During the acute stage there may be a definite abscess of the soft parts, with an infiltration which simulates phlegmonous inflammation, or, by rupture of the abscess, various sinuses may be formed leading down to the necrotic foreign body.

  2. If a piece of necrotic bone is present, it should be removed.

  3. It is frequently employed for sterilizing abscess cavities, and for hastening the separation of necrotic tissue.

  4. In a cicatrix, the diffusibility of the solution is impeded, and in an inflammatory or necrotic tissue, the changes in the quantity and quality of the fluids present, alter the action of the anesthetic.

  5. The destructive process may cause the death of large areas of the affected bone at once, and in that case, a large fragment of necrotic bone may remain in situ and still maintain its contour.

  6. In the chronic stage there is usually an old necrotic shaft perforated by sinuses, and often freely movable, inclosed by a shell of dense periosteal bone.

  7. The presence of necrotic bone connected with the surface of sinuses, from which comes a discharge of pus, should always lead to the consideration of tuberculosis, actinomycosis, and syphilis.

  8. Transformation of necrotic tissue into a mass resembling cheese.

  9. Necrotic stomatitis may be differentiated from foot-and-mouth disease by the fact that in the latter there is a rapid infection of the entire herd, including the adult cattle, as well as the infection of hogs and sheep.

  10. The principal lesions in necrotic stomatitis occur in the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx.

  11. The importance of this bacillus is far beyond even its relation to necrotic stomatitis.

  12. In the advanced forms, caseous foci may be seen in the lung and in the liver and necrotic patches observed on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

  13. In necrotic stomatitis vesicles are never formed, necrosis occurring from the beginning and followed by the formation of yellowish, cheesy patches, principally found in the mouth.

  14. In necrotic stomatitis (calf diphtheria) there is a formation of yellowish cheesy patches in the mouth without any lesions of the feet or udder.

  15. The latter gradually extends in size and depth, forming a sharply circumscribed area of necrotic inflammation.

  16. As exposure to oxygen kills the bacilli, one need have no fear about disturbing or tearing off the caseous patches or necrotic tissue during irrigation.

  17. Among horses it is the agent in the production of necrotic malanders, quittor, and diphtheritic inflammation of the large intestine.

  18. The necrotic tissue is very adherent and can be only partially peeled off.

  19. The bone should be opened for the purpose of curetting out the diseased portion of the marrow cavity and removing all the necrotic pieces of bone.

  20. In hogs it has caused necrotic or diphtheritic processes in the mucous membrane of the mouth, necrosis of the anterior wall of the nasal septum, and pulmonary and intestinal necrosis, accompanying hog cholera.

  21. The cause of necrotic stomatitis, as demonstrated by Löffler and since confirmed by other investigators, is Bacillus necrophorus, often spoken of as the bacillus of necrosis.

  22. The swelling is at first hot and painful, but afterwards it becomes necrotic and sensation is lost.

  23. The pulmonary complications of infectious pneumonia are secondary inflammatory or necrotic changes in the lungs themselves.

  24. The necrotic portion has, however, an acid reaction, which causes a deposition, from the soluble neutral salt, of an acid urate in a crystalline form.

  25. Necrotic ulcers, probably mycotic in origin, may be found in the stomach in cases of splenic fever, erysipelas, pyaemia, etc.

  26. As in cartilage, he regards this necrotic state as typical of gouty deposits.

  27. Blood-vessels may be opened by the necrotic process, and copious, even fatal, hemorrhage may ensue.

  28. About the necrotic area in which the deposit has occurred a secondary inflammation takes place, leading ultimately to contraction of the new fibrous tissue formed.

  29. Ebstein claims that this necrotic area, in which there is deposited a crystalline urate of soda, and around which there is a secondary inflammatory zone, is characteristic solely of gout.

  30. Necrotic foci have been described by Bizzozero.

  31. The carious or necrotic process may extend to the mastoid cells.

  32. Such glands rarely suppurate or undergo a necrotic degeneration; sometimes they become permanently indurated.

  33. According to Ebstein,[38] the earthy salts in gout are deposited in necrotic patches of previously diseased tissue.

  34. All necrotic patches should be touched with hydrochloric acid, with a 10 per cent.

  35. In diphtheritic endometritis the gangrenous process may attack the muscular tissue, and give rise to losses of muscular substance--a condition known as necrotic endometritis or putrescence of the uterus.

  36. This object is to be accomplished by the removal of all necrotic tissues, the avoidance of putrescent fluids by cleanliness, and the proper use of antiseptic agents.

  37. Their presence in the exposed dead tissue is no evidence, for the membrane represents but the necrotic mucous lining.

  38. There was little pleural effusion present; the spleen always showed typical changes of necrotic foci varying in size and number.

  39. No localized necrotic foci could be found in sections through the spleen.

  40. The centre of the larger foci was formed by degenerated and necrotic liver tissue, surrounded by round-cell infiltration.

  41. Throughout the parenchyma irregular multiple necrotic foci were found, leaving but little of spleen tissue intact.

  42. The small necrotic foci were found to consist of few necrotic liver cells.

  43. Necrosis started by frost, and many small necrotic patches would eventually become Cankers if not healed up by the callus.

  44. The killed cambium and cortex then dry up in black necrotic patches, which may eventually heal up by intrusion of callus from the uninjured parts.

  45. A strip of human skin was placed in one section over the frog skin, but became necrotic in four days, not being attached to the granulating surface.

  46. Tousey reports a case of foreign body in the axilla that was taken for a necrotic fragment of the clavicle.

  47. If there be intracranial pressure from encephalitis, the brain tissue usually protrudes as a dark, hæmorrhagic friable mass, in which shreds of necrotic brain tissue will be seen.

  48. A Contribution to the Study of one of the Varieties of Necrotic Changes in Fibro-myomata of the Uterus.

  49. Occasionally in the mid-period of pregnancy this necrotic change may be so extreme that the central part (sometimes the whole) of the tumour is reduced to a red pulp.

  50. At this time it was found in certain treatments that the trees that had not shown any appreciable amount of scorch heretofore had some severely necrotic leaves on them.

  51. Careful examination revealed many fruiting bodies of one or more fungi in these necrotic areas.

  52. The third stage may vary from a very mild grade, with only small necrotic areas at the tips of the fingers, to extensive multiple gangrene.

  53. In tissue thus become necrotic the bacillus finds such unfavorable conditions of nourishment that it can grow no more and sometimes dies.

  54. This, however, is not sufficiently characteristic to enable us to determine the precise seat of the necrotic changes.

  55. An equal difficulty, therefore, exists in being certain that we have placed the caustic in the position in which it is most wanted--namely, at the furthermost end of the fistula where the necrotic tissue is to be found.

  56. In milder cases, affected and necrotic tissue is removed by a process of phagocytosis, and new tissue (this time osseous) formed in its place.

  57. The opening made is not nearly so likely to close prematurely--that is, before a proper course of treatment of the wound has been carried out--and so leave necrotic tissue at its bottom.

  58. Largely of the same empirical nature, yet doing something a little more calculated to destroy necrotic tissue and bring about its sloughing is the use of the cautery, both actual and potential.

  59. It goes without saying that, in addition to the necrosed cartilage, all other diseased and necrotic tissues should also be removed.

  60. The articular cartilages also suffer, become necrotic in patches, and frequently wholly destroyed.

  61. Commonly, however, on account of the non-vascularity of the structure of the tendon, the necrotic spot in it tends to spread.

  62. The extensor pedis is usually attacked by extension of the disease from a necrotic cartilage, or results from the infliction of a severe tread in a hind-foot.

  63. As a consequence, the necrotic piece of bone persists, and acts as a permanent source of irritation.

  64. The whole lining of the fistula, and with it, we hope, all necrotic tissue, is cast as a slough, leaving nothing but healthy tissue behind.

  65. In size the necrotic portion thus recognisable varies from the tiniest speck to a portion the size of a horse-bean.

  66. In like manner the necrotic changes occurring under these circumstances may invade the deeper structures in the region of quarter-crack.

  67. The subsequent degeneration and death of the granulation tissue under the necrotic influence of bacterial toxins results in disintegration and crumbling away of the trabecular framework of the portion of bone affected.

  68. It may be necessary to remove large pieces of bone when the necrotic process has implicated the jaws.

  69. Living bacilli can still linger in such dead masses of tissue, which are either cast out with the necrotic tissue, or may possibly migrate under special conditions into the adjoining living tissue.

  70. Bürlin having removed the necrotic portion, regeneration of the bone took place.

  71. The dyestuff was invariably sharply localized in the necrotic portions of the tumor.

  72. These areas, both to the naked eye and under the microscope, are the necrotic parts of the tumor.

  73. Whichever of these explanations is accepted, it is quite reasonable to believe that necrotic areas might well undergo liquefaction under the influence of the various substances which have been used for therapeutic injection.

  74. The conclusion seemed obvious that, owing to circulatory conditions or possibly even to chemical conditions, the dye was retained longest in the necrotic parts of the tumor.

  75. In two of them abscesses have burst outwardly, one of which is still discharging necrotic débris, ten weeks after the injection, and will take many more weeks to close.

  76. Autopsy: Lungs badly congested; heart and blood vessels injected; blood vessels of kidney and of small intestines injected; liver engorged with blood; a few necrotic spots in stomach.

  77. Autopsy: Lungs congested; blood vessels of heart and of intestines injected; numerous necrotic spots in stomach; other organs apparently normal.

  78. Whether or not this calcification is an intentional provision of nature to protect the body, to petrify the necrotic material and make it harmless, is not the question here, though the calcification has this effect.

  79. I often compared these deposits of urates in the joints with the deposits of lime salts so often found at autopsies in caseous glands or small necrotic areas.

  80. The point here is that calcification of caseous glands or necrotic areas does not presuppose an excess of lime salts in the blood.

  81. Abdominal fermentation is putrefactive fermentation as it effects the tissues and necrotic substances of the abdominal cavity itself (excepting the digestive organs), caused by the action of zymogenic bacteria.

  82. Many putrefactive bacteria thrive in the necrotic soil, but whether they are the cause or the result is not known.

  83. Suppurating corns require surgical attention in the way of removal of the purulent necrotic mass and making provision for drainage.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "necrotic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bad; corrupt; decomposed; festering; foul; gangrened; mortified; peccant; putrefied; putrid; rotten; rotting; spoiled; ulcerated