He has had his part, say the records, notinfrequently with the plans of men, virtuous and otherwise.
It was true indeed that the Executive had maintained his customs with no little pain against the divers protests of gods and men, ofttimes wrought in silence, but not infrequently urged fiercely in the open.
This exercise is designed to cover the well-known difficulty of those who speak infrequently and which is familiarly known as "heavy jaw.
Silence is not infrequently an indication of poise.
The Exilarchate continued to become more and more dependent on the Gaonate, which often deposed obnoxious princes, and not infrequently banished them.
Instead of bearing the yoke, the Jews were not infrequently the leaders of the Arabian tribes.
Sometimes an unusual amount of rain in the autumn will wash a house down, and not infrequently an earthquake will shake one to pieces.
They have very rough forceps for the latter operation, and when, as not infrequently happened, they snapped the crown of a tooth off instead of extracting it, they passed the patient on to me.
Conifers are notinfrequently seen in which a lateral branch has bent sharply upwards to take the place of the injured main trunk.
Sharp-tailed Sparrows sang infrequently when they first arrived, and singing did not reach its peak until late May.
The indistinct, quiet song, sung infrequently and often from unexposed places belongs to the Sharp-tailed Sparrow, a non-territorial species.
It becomes more and more liable to irregularity, confusion and weakness; the will loses its power of control in a large degree over mental operations, and insanity in some of its forms not infrequently ensues.
It so happened that not infrequently a clerk would be employed in a temporary capacity for some years, and finally be rejected by the Civil Service Commissioners on educational or medical grounds.
Delay in delivery of articles sent by post, however, not infrequently takes place in consequence of misdirection.
Not infrequently the Post Office has to contend with difficulties arising from want of thought on the part of the trading community.
Not infrequently they get bitten, and more frequently get soundly abused if, for their own protection, they belabour a dog occasionally, or give it a taste of their belt for want of a better weapon of defence or offence.
He was quite susceptible to the stimulant of the audience or the occasion, which not infrequently excited him to the very loftiest and most effective eloquence.
In their combats with the Sultan, the Zouaves not infrequently found that a sharp resistance or a masterly retreat on the part of the enemy was executed under the direction of one of their former comrades in arms.
Vague reports, assertions without proof, have been not infrequently made, to the effect that the Zouaves are in character cruel, dissolute, and excessively given to hard drinking.
As we shall see, both men became very active in the affairs of the plantations, and it is more than likely that the opinions of the King in Council were not infrequently shaped by their suggestions and advice.
But while Bedaresi never failed to preserve the sternness and dignity peculiar to a moralizing philosopher, Kalonymos not infrequently relieved the seriousness of his narrative by flashes of humour and irony.
The Aristophanic punning on proper names is paralleled not infrequently in the Bible.
When he starts in he not infrequently begins by entrusting his magazine to some young man with real editorial ability and ambition to make a really good thing.
The trappers dropped in day after day, in small bands, packing their loads of beaver-skins, not infrequently to the value of a thousand dollars each, the result of one hunt.
Sometimes the affair ended in a more tragical way than a mere beating, not infrequently the gallant paying the penalty of his interference with his life.
It not infrequentlyhappened that five or six of the teams would dash off and never could be found.
Certain hoards, like jewels of tragic history, in time assumed a sort of evil personality, not infrequently exercising a dire influence over the lives of those who chanced to fall under their spells.
They were infrequentlyinspected by the alcaldes mayores and corregidores in whose districts they were situated.
These novenos were not infrequently farmed out in New Spain, and at the auctions thereof frauds were as repeatedly committed as at the sales of other royalties.
These procuradores were usually lawyers, notinfrequently men who had been in the islands.
The mistakes, not merely in punctuation, but in spelling, are too gross and scandalous for mention; entire lines are not infrequently missing, and whole sentences often perverted.
Amongst the Crustacea it appears (for the earlier phases of segmentation at any rate) not infrequently amongst the lower forms, and even occurs amongst the Amphipoda (Phronima).
Not infrequently comedy sets before us a character who lays a trap in which he is the first to be caught.
Then it not infrequently happens that the first group consists of masters and the second of servants.
The ignorance and stupidity of the ryot (villager) is so great that he will not very infrequently try one eye in an English hospital, and one in a Vaithyan's hands.
Moreover, not infrequently volcanoes pour forth streaming lava, smoke and fire accompanying the eruption.
Some extended acquaintance with pictures would put an end to comments made not infrequently by critics that the spectacle of groups of people today in attendance upon an art exhibit supplies an astonishing sight.
Hymns of victory were inscribed in the temples; songs of praise and fulsome flattery not infrequently were composed by the priests.
They were often adopted into families, and since those of noble birth were not infrequently taken captives in war, the slave might be superior to the owner.
Often the king's sons planned temples for the king's construction, and not infrequently gave personal supervision to their erection.
Its shores are comparatively low, not infrequently sandy, except for several miles from the entrance, where the mountains are higher and more rocky and precipitous.
They not infrequently play themselves out of everything they possess, leaving the game nearly, or quite, naked.
It not infrequently reaches down to the coast, but then generally disappears in a short time.