Beside this, there is also another Iland north northwest of Port Ile, which is now so worne and washed awaie with the working of the sea, that at the spring tides it is wholie couered with water, and thereby made vnprofitable.
These men therefore after their comming hither, consulted with the other, and foorthwith wholie consented to make a diuision of [Sidenote: 3.
Iland, vntill they were sent for by Vortiger to serue him in his warres against the Picts and Scots, after that the Romans had giuen vs ouer, and left vs wholie to our owne defense and regiment.
Howbeit, as this order is not wholie reteined with vs, so the vse of the same is not yet altogither abolished, as may appeere by our sunday, mondaie, and saturdaie.
Howbeit, I refer not this successe wholie vnto my purpose about this Description, but rather giue notice thereof to come to passe in the penning of my Chronologie, whose crums as it were fell out verie well in the framing of this Pamphlet.
Sidenote: The harts of the commons wholie bent to the duke of Lancaster.
Your owne selfe hath giuen ouer your selfe to be a spoile and praye to a simple woman: that youwholie depend vpon her flatteries and allurementes: reason or counsaile can take no place in your passionate and afflicted hart.
In the first day of Iune, the moone immediatlie vpon the setting of the sunne, was almost wholie eclipsed, so that little of hir might appeare.
In the end, winning all the nobilitie wholie vnto hir will, and seeing the coast to be cleare on euerie side, without any doubt of tempestuous weather likelie to arise, she signified the whole matter vnto K.
Therefore they required him to end the matter, by his authoritie, sith they had wholie put it to his iudgement.
Wherevnto the French king answered, that he would not giue ouer to make warre till he had Berrie, and the countrie of Veuxin or Veulgesine wholie in his possession.
This yeare the twentie of October, the citie of Chichester was almost wholie consumed to ashes by mischance of fire.
The towne of Beuerley, with the church of saint John the archbishop, was in maner wholie consumed with fire, on the 20.
Welshmen both by water & land) they sought to him for peace, andwholie submitted themselues vnto his grace and mercie.
The two brethren hauing thus obteined this victorie, went on further into the countrie of Northumberland, and brought the same wholie to their subiection, insomuch that all the north parts were at their cōmandement.
Religion, and honestie of liuing: and hath bene wholie within the compasse of learning and good maners, the speciall pointes belonging in the right bringyng vp of youth.
Egbert: and therefore vpon good aduisement taken in the matter, they resolued to submit themselues, and therevpon sent ambassadors to him to offer their submission, committing themselues wholie vnto his protection.
For the citizens had laid such peeces of ordinance directlie in their waie, that although the passage had beene wholie open, they should haue had hard entering that waie foorth.
Thus hauing taken aduise togither, and wholie misliking their present state, they determined to take weapon in hand, and so by force to seeke for reformation.
It conteined all that region which (as it should séeme) was in time past either wholie apperteining to the Brigants, or whereof the said Brigants did possesse the greater part.
Penda hauing no other shift to escape, submitted himselfe wholie vnto Cadwallo, promising to become his liegeman, to fight against the Saxons in his quarrell.
How and by what parts of this Iland these waies were conueied at the first, it is not so wholie left in memorie: but that some question is mooued among the learned, concerning their ancient courses.
Thus was the victorie in maner wholie atchiued, and all those places recouered, which the enimies had fortified.
But the empresse and hir brother would not hearken to any agréement, except that the realme might wholieremaine to the said empresse.
Cypres heard of his approch, he came foorth and submitted himselfe wholie into his hands.
But the chancellour deteining the same wholie in his hands, ordered all things at his pleasure, without making the archbish.
But enough of Kepler let me once againe intreate your counsel how to read him with best profit, for I am wholie possessed with Astronomical speculations and desires.
If you in the meane time can further it, tell wher in I may doe you seruice, and see how wholie you shall dispose of me.
It was also agreed, that Calis and Guines with the appurtenances, the lands of Montreuill on the sea with the countie of Ponthieu, wholie and entirelie should remaine vnto the king of England.
Then the English archers stept foorth one pase, and let flie their arrowes so wholie and so thicke togither, that it seemed to snowe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wholie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.