Therefore I made it my business wholy to follow this Enterprise, referring the care of our House & of the Traffick unto my brother-in-Law.
They must also bee made believe that one is wholy for their Intrest & have a great complesance for them, espetially in making them presents.
I told my Brother-in-Law what the Captain said, & that hee refer'd himself wholy unto our discretion.
Then he wholy discouered what he was, wherefore he was come, and the cause that moued hym.
These hils seeme wholy to be the mountaines of Apalatci, whereof the Sauages aduertised Laudonniere; and it may bee they are the hils of Chaunis Temoatam, which Master Lane had aduertisement of.
Hee hath engag'd her; his, she wholy bides; Who not her owne, none others secrets hides.
Whose heat doth force us thither to intend, But soule we finde too earthly to ascend, 'Till slow accesse hath made itwholy pure, 105 Able immortall clearnesse to endure.
Why, now thou dost content thy father Kate, When wholy unto merryment inclined Thou answerst with like simpathy of mind.
So now for three moneths space all warres surcease: Our thoughts arewholy fixt on love and peace.
They pretended also they were abridged wholy from their Trade, and might not sell a penny-worth of Mithridate, &c.
But ye derly beloved, edify yourselves in your most wholy faith, praying in the wholy ghost, and keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our lord Iesus Christ, unto eternal life.
For the scripture came never by the will of man: butwholy men of God spake as they were moved by the wholy ghost.
Wherefore wholy brethren, partakers of the celestial callinge, consider the ambassador and high priest of our profession Christ Iesus, being faithful to him that made him, even as was Moses in all his house.
Therefore, good sir, be rulde by mee, stoupe your fortune so lowe, as to bequeath your selfewholy to this businesse.
Afterwardes he returned by sea into Spaine, and there about the riuer Iberus, gaue him selfe wholy to the studie of Astrologie, with one Hermannus a Dalmatian, who had accompanied him in his long voyage.
And the king for his part, being carefull and perplexed for the payment of the wages which he ought vnto his souldiers, harkened wholy vnto this offer of money.
Virginia, we be wholy discouraged, of which tidings I am now to speake.
Allerton discharged of his imploymente for them, their bussines began againe to rune in one chanell, and them selves better able to guide the same, Penobscote being wholy now at their disposing.
Allerton to have any more to doe in her, yet he y^e last year let her wholyunto him, and injoyned them to send all their supplye in her to their prejudice, as is before noted.
And wheras it is objected to us, that we refused to aide you against y^e French; we conceive y^e case was not alicke; yet we cannot wholy excuse our failing in that matter.
Allerton doth in a sorte wholy now deserte them; having brought them into y^e briers, he leaves them to gett out as they can.
Stock we have wholy to depend for the purchase of horses and Such portion of our Subsistence from the Indians as it will be in our power to obtain.
He is two much affection towardes Zanzaber, and wholy led away by hym.
By Eclipses; when the earth, stands iust betweene the Sunne and the Moone, then doth the shadow of the earth falling vpon the Moone darken it wholy or in part.
Maiestie, that the English shippe, and all the marchandize, and whatsoeuer else taken away bee wholy restored, and that the Englishmen be let goe free, and suffered to returne into their countrey.
Wherefore no body tooke heede thereto, vntil such time as the Moores perceiuing that many followed them in superstition, and that the Loutea fauoured them, they began to forbid wholy the eating of swines flesh.
The pacientes that be tainted with that amorous feuer, although continually they dye, yet they can not wholy see and perceiue the default and lacke of their life, albeit they do wyshe and desire it still.
Violenta all this time which fed her bloudie and cruell harte with none other repaste but with rage and disdaine, began to bee appeased, and founde the counsaile of Ianique so good, as she wholy purposed to follow the same.
My strength was wholy spent by this night's worke so that I was not able to goe any further before I had rested myselfe some two or three houres under a hedge.
But this day was diverted and wholy taken up by a speciall report orderd by the Committee for the Bill of Conventicles, that the House be informed of severall Conventicles in Westminster which might be of dangerous consequences.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wholy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.