Passe-time that pleaseth you is the use of time: Had I the ordering of his winged wheele It onely should serve your desires and mine.
Now, whereas some deepe wells have wheeles for men or doggs to go within them, here is a wheele of .
But I remember the sea-men would laugh, that in stead of crying Tack about, he would say Wheele to the right (or left).
This coate of Moreton is in the west chamber of the Katherine-wheele Inne at Great Wiccomb in Bucks, with (as I remember) the cardinall's cappe.
But it may be replied, if there were any such remarkeable hils, why does not the limbe of the moone appeare like a wheele with teeth to those who looke upon it through the great perspective on whose witnesse you so much depend?
But it may be againe objected, if there be such rugged parts, and so high mountaines, why then cannot wee discerne them at this distance, why doth the moone appeare unto us so exactly round, and not rather as a wheele with teeth?
Turne, then, thiswheele of Fate from shedding blood, Till with her owne hand Iustice weyes all.
Shall I a second wheele adde to this mischiefe To set it faster going?
Were my bones threatned to the wheele of torture, Ile doo't.
He is a wheele Of swift and turbulent motion; I have trusted him, Yet will not hang on him to many plummets Lest with a headlong Cyre (Gyre?
Th'hast spoken right, 'tis true, The Wheele is come full circle, I am heere Alb.
Spies of the Volces Held me in chace, that I was forc'd to wheele Three or foure miles about, else had I sir Halfe an houre since brought my report.
It is a massie wheele Fixt on the Somnet of the highest Mount.
Would not this Naue of a Wheele haue his Eares cut off?
The bodye of one Fynerye wheeleall newe, made within 2 yeares last past by the Farmers.
The chaffery wheele in the west side, old and decayed, 3lb to repaire it.
Sixthly, This instrument being accommodated with a light Wheele and an Index (such as have been applyed by the excellent Dr.
There the seruaunt began to play the Vpholster, and to make 2 little beds of mosse, whose spindle and wheele were of wood, so well pollished and trimmed, as if he had bin a carpenter wel expert in that Science.
Notwithstanding it had bene better that the same Coniunction had ben made, before Fortune had turned the Wheele of hir vnstablenes.
The wheele vnder our Citie bridge, carries not so much water ouer the city, as my braine hath welled forth gushing streames of sorow.
It is not so naturall for me to epitomize his impietie, as to heare him in his owne person speake vppon the wheele where he was to suffer.
In this horror left they him on the wheele as in hel: where yet liuing, hee might behold his flesh legacied amongst the foules of the aire.
Illustration] A wheele which being turned about, it casteth water out at the spindle.
Rarifie the ayre then by laying a red-hot iron upon the top of the brasse or tin vessell, and it will turn the wheele about, so that you would think the images to bee living creatures.
Note then, that so long as these holes are equall together, the water will run out at the spindle of the tub, but if you turne the wheele to another side, it will not run.
Thus, All things wheele about; and, each Beginning, Made entrance to it owne Destruction, hath.
I have seene in Italye an other use after the outelandishe fashion, and this is, to make the carriage of the artillery with the spokes of the wheele crooked towardes the Axeltree.
But when Th’unconstant wheele shall turne agen To th’ parting Goddesse, wee shall see Those friends the selfe-same words deny.
And, had I time to stand upon 't, I'de wheele my wings into the front.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wheele" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.