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Example sentences for "waxe"

Lexicographically close words:
wavy; wawes; wawn; wax; waxberry; waxed; waxen; waxes; waxeth; waxing
  1. And he made to it a crown of gold round about, 37:3.

  2. He made also the court, in the south side whereof were hangings of fine twisted linen of a hundred cubits.

  3. And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.

  4. The whyche bees draweth the thynnest parte of the floures and partelye of the thickest and moost grosse and thereof maketh hony and waxe and also they make a substaunce that is called the honycombe.

  5. To some others at these times he teacheth how to make pictures of waxe or clay, that by the roasting thereof, the persons that they beare the name of may be continually melted or dried away by continuall sicknesse.

  6. The Clercke of our Companye shall have for waxe pennes and ynke and for trymynge of the gardeyn yerelye vj{s} viij{d.

  7. The manner of drawing and making Waxe of the Honny combes.

  8. Some in stéede of the salte seawater, take strong Brine water, in whiche they boyle the waxe in the same manner twice or thrice, as aboue was taughte.

  9. And if anye desireth to haue waxe whiter than this, then let him do the like, as abouesaide, but boyle the waxe oftner.

  10. Yet the forme of their waxe is such, as the condition of their cottages is.

  11. Another way of drawing the oyle of waxe most cap.

  12. Another waye of drawing the Oyle of Waxe moste noble, and doth maruelously help the cold Goute, the Sciaticke, the swelling of the legs, and al other griefes proceeding of a colde cause.

  13. Get thee home my yong lad, lay thy bones peaceably in the sepulcher of thy fathers, waxe old in ouerlooking thy grounds, bee at hand to close the eyes of thy kinred.

  14. But theise men couet to waxe old in their supersticions / and haue no lawfull causes to do so / except thow wilt call that lawfull which cõmith of the affectiõs of the fleshe.

  15. Els if they be left in this point neglected / they do waxe dayly wors and wors / and lytill yea no hope at all is ther to be hadd of their conuercion.

  16. For there they say (as we saw by experience) that the corals doe grow in the maner of stalks vpon the rocks in the bottome, and waxe hard and red.

  17. Waxechandlers, to prepare waxe in like sorte.

  18. Sea, and from thence vpward it beginneth to waxe narrower and narrower.

  19. Didge, who with certain Ave Marias upon her ebene beades, and a waxe candle, used this charme for S.

  20. Sum sweitly hes the hony socht, Quhil[1366] they war cloggit soir: Sum willingly the waxe hes wrocht, To heip it vp in stoir.

  21. Haue I not hideous death within my view, Retaining but a quantity of life, Which bleeds away, euen as a forme of waxe Resolueth from his figure 'gainst the fire?

  22. I seeke not to waxe great by others warning, Or gather wealth I care not with what enuy: Sufficeth, that I haue maintaines my state, And sends the poore well pleased from my gate Cade.

  23. These Eyes like Lampes, whose wasting Oyle is spent, Waxe dimme, as drawing to their Exigent.

  24. Doth it the purer waxe the more tis tride?

  25. Yeild to my trubles mercifull releife, My eares waxe deafe, my heart doth melt with greife.

  26. But when they thus heare tell how that our ships be lost, And that we know not very well, when ships will come to coast: They then waxe wearie streight, and they which did before At sundry times giue vs to eate, did giue vs now no more.

  27. Then to cõclude it is too late to waxe wise And that saiyng appereth now || too bee very true.

  28. I reast, I waxe ill of taste, as bacon.

  29. I spyer as corne dothe whan it begynneth to waxe rype, je espie.

  30. Let no fire come neere your hony, for fire softeneth the waxe and drosse, and makes them runne with the hony.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "waxe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    waxed paper; waxen poor